Consider Your Motives
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” Galatians 6:7.
The spirit that works against our deliverance can induce us with pride and self-conceit. Can you recall the episode when Uzzah put out his hand to stabilize the ark of God because the oxen stumbled? The anger of the Lord was aroused against him. God struck him right there for the “error” (2 Samuel 6:3-7). God sees and understands the intentions beyond every of our actions. It was possible that Uzzah was a self-conceited fellow that would begin to boast that if it were not for him the ark of God would have crashed. We must watch our character to guard against any negative and destructive spirit rearing its head to destroy us in anyway.
Some of us do things with ulterior motives in the church. We sow, give alms, and donate monies to the church for wrong motives. These are the category of people that often wonder why they sow seeds and give alms every time but never get any reward for it. It could remain a mystery to many but the simple truth lies in their intent for sowing or giving; some give because they want people to praise and recognise them. We need to check our reasons for doing whatever we do. We should do things for the reason to fulfill God’s will and purpose concerning our life, not for man to clap for us.
Sow seeds and give alms with a productive mentality otherwise you play into the trap of the deceptive spirit of destruction and lose the reward of your labour. “The hour is coming…” Jesus says, “…when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” (John 4:23). Only those who worship God in spirit and truth; that is, only those who demonstrate a characteristic mentality of contributing to the progress of the work of God because He deserves their best, rather than the sentiments and applauds of men, shall receive their spiritual rewards.
Liberation Thought: God deserves your best that is the mentality of a liberated life.
Further Reading: 2 Samuel 6:3-7
Lord Jesus, forgive me the sin of pride and self-conceit in my life and save me from their terrible destruction.
Every thought that does not bring glory to God that is rooted in me I curse you by FIRE, perish in Jesus name
O Lord give me a clean and pure heart in Jesus mighty name
I accept this prayer amen
Thank you ✨✨✨