
Convert Your Sinking Sand to Solid Ground Under Your Feet!

Third Day is for the Dry Ground. I Command: Let that satanic flood overwhelming and drowning your finances and family dry up now by fire! Let that sinking sand firm up and be converted to solid ground under your feet! Let your feet be converted to hind’s feet and you climb to your high places in destiny now! all in Jesus name.

Genesis 1:9-13:“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. `And the evening and the morning were the third day.”

Every man or woman or angel ordained by God to bless my life, I decree by the decree of Heaven, that you separate from every distraction, overcome every barrier and obstacle and gather together, come now and bombard me with divine blessings in Jesus name.
You the waters of shame and embarrassment (leaking bladder and bed-wetting), hear the verdict of FIRE: Dry up by fire and disgrace me no more! in the name of Jesus.
Every stubborn adversary of my destiny, I attack you with the devastating flood of Jehovah, Perish and Rise No More! in the name of Jesus.
O God Arise and pluck me out of every miry clay of problems where I am stuck, and plant my feet upon solid rock in the name of Jesus.
You the floodwaters of life, threatening to overwhelm and swallow me, hear the word of the Lord: DRY UP BY FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus.
(Point your right finger prophetically to the ground and stamp your feet repeatedly on it saying): You the ground on which i stand: become fruitful and yield your corn, your wine and your oil unto my life in the name of Jesus.
Oh Ark of covenant, fight for me against every Dagon of my father’s house and let ancestral waters of impossibility recede and dry up in Jesus name.
Every slimy pit assigned to swallow my destiny: be filled and converted to solid ground in the name of Jesus.
Oh my Father, I cry unto you in my feeble moments, deliver me from overwhelming floods of wickedness and take me to the Rock that is Higher and I in the name of Jesus.
(Point your right finger to the ground and prophetically stamp your feet on the ground saying): O Earth! O Earth!! Oh Earth!!! Hear the word of the Lord, swallow every evil fashioned against me and vomit every of my blessings hidden and buried in you! in the name of Jesus
(Point your right finger to the ground and prophetically stamp your feet on the ground saying): O Ground of my destiny, yield your bounties to beautify my life now! Jesus name.
(Point your right finger to the ground and prophetically stamp your feet on the ground saying): Oh ground of my destiny, vomit and uproot every invisible prison gate hindering my destiny breakthroughs and release hidden treasures of darkness unto me in the name of Jesus.


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