Cut off That Evil Tongue
23 july 2017
People can tame all kinds of animals and birds and reptiles and fish, but no one can tame the tongue. It is an uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison…. (James 3:7 – 8)
People take pride in having a sharp tongue that can curse and abuse others without limitation. They boast in the fact that they do not lack the courage to say whatever they feel like saying to whomever they feel like saying it, whenever and wherever they are provoked to do so. They care less about the consequences of their attitude because they somehow get away with talking carelessly and do not lack the courage to fight their way through the trouble caused by their tongue if need be. Such people will also not have anything good to say about themselves. They are their own worst critic and judge because the measure of foul talking they met out to others is the same measure they met out to themselves.
It is commonly said that the way we treat other people is a reflection of the way we feel about ourselves. If you feel blessed and loved by God you will treat others with love and recognize the blessings of God upon their lives. If you go about talking foul to yourself and others, you have an evil tongue and you need to cut it off! The only sure way to cut it off is to fill you heart and mind with the word of God because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Let the word of God take roots and grow mightily in your spirit, soul and body.
Liberation thought: We have the mind of Christ.
Further reading: Colossians 3:16 – 17
Pray with Psalm 23
Blood of Jesus, set me free from worry and stress, in Jesus name.