Hi Met! Can you please post this message.
Breed Easy (circled in photo) of Houston, Texas, the lady want her money for the years you lived in her house for free. She was nice enough to let you live there and the agreement was that you were to pay rent and you didn’t, instead you ran away. Each time she would go to the home to see and speak with you about her money, unauthorized persons that were living there, would say they didn’t know where you were. You were hiding from her. But that did not stop you from wearing designer clothes and buying buckets of liquor at parties. She had to go to court to get you evicted and the sheriff ended up serving the eviction notice. You were hiding from her because you didn’t want to pay her back. You turned the lady’s house into drug den, brothel and squatters dwelling. The grass in the back was over 10 feet tall and there were garbage piled up at the side of the house. She wants to take you to court for her money but you don’t have an address on record. She tried to locate you, but your last known address was in Florida and no one at that address knows you. Last she heard you were living at different places in Houston, but none permanent. Pay the lady back her money you’re wicked and evil. Where ever you’re seen you will be served. She will find you very soon. That’s him in the photo so if anyone knows his whereabouts or sees him, please pass on this message.
Take him to court and stop bother my peace with your foolishness in this early morning
Him again! The lady says she doesn’t have an address to take him to court, hence, why him reach over here for the public’s assistance . Suh whey him duh with all the ‘dealing’ money from AZ, FL, NY & Texas? All that money and he was living in a rent house. I remember how much runner him used to have a fly in and out daily and bottles up on bottles. Him look a way in this picture comparing to how him used to look. Save unuh money or invest it so people cannot shame yuh like this. Sender guh ask him friend dem Mikey Faith or Fatta Carey where him live
I thought he was a big time pharmaceutical sales person? Maybe he is no longer in that type of business.
Sender since him run whey from Atl back to Htown him find a big woman whey him live that’s supporting him suh it look like yuh SOL. Best place to find him is over the 5th Ward hanging out by Father Faith garage so yuh can serve him. I remember how him used to have a bag a man following him n him buying henny and champagne by the dozens, flossing, paying a few gal rent and car payment. All of that while he was paying rent himself real dumb. Perfect example not to badmind when dem a floss cause easy come easy go. Big dutty disgrace fi owe people rent money tpc and a hide
FYI – unless he’s got an address where is served legal papers in addition to having a regular job. The landlord will not collect. Getting him evicted is pretty much were it ends. This goes for commercial real estate as well.
His friend’s business where he hangs out on the 5th Ward is a legit business place and I would imagine the landlord has his legal name as well as his aliases. So He can be served there, but the person serving him has to do it in a very clever way. Recently one of the Spice Girls, Melanie Brown was served while she was leaving an establishment which was not her home. People can be served anywhere. Homes, place of business or work are the easiest places to be served. From what I heard, the lady been calling him about her money and even told him to pay her back likkle likkle, which he was doing and stopped. He changed his number a few times and didn’t give her, so is messages she had to send to him. Wickedness to stiff the lady of her rent monies after she looked out for him. Next thing also, him nuh ‘straight’ suh I don’t think him want the bag a court thing.
Gm JMG can you make a post for this or leave it here.
Big p*ssy fadda bloodclaat faith n lick out batty n p*ssy fi clothes food n place fi live breed easy stop talk outta unuh stinking cum mouth sey a mi family send in bout the rent whey yuh owe. If yuh neva owe the people rent no one wud know suh why yuh a blame mi family when e’rbody think is u did own the house, Guh suck yuh madda n lowe mi family name. Fadda faith yuh suck off all the young gal dem p*ssy a Htown wid yuh stinking mouth n dem piss n bleed inna yuh stinking mouth. P*ssyhole breed easy dont forget yuh run whey guh Atl n suck off the yankee gal dem n push yuh finger inna dem *sshole n lick dem out. Memba fadda Bonnie ex gal Sharon sit dung inna yuh face n yuh lick out her *sshole fi clothes shoes food n car fi drive. A she talk it outta her mouth sey a suh shi mind yuh. Yuh run back a Htown n now yuh a suck gal p*ssy fi place fi live move yuh bloodclaat. Yuh drop off n mash up nuh bloodclaat n a p*ssy yuh affi a suck fi survive. Mi si yuh n yuh gal whey day enuh ova fadda faith garage n yuh luk bruk n hungry n mi neva kow sey yuh a blame mi family or else mi wudda sey sumn. The gal dem a Htown know bout yuh suh dats why yuh end up with this one whey yuh a suck her dry fi bed fi sleep inna. Yuh is a p*ssy sucking oppurtunist n a gwan like it nuh known. Yuh n stinking mouth fadda faith guh lick out unuh parents n come offa mi family name n guh pay the woman her money. If mi did know the woman I would give her father faith address fi come serve yuh. Suck p*ssy breed easy guh get yuh papers n lowe mi family name outta yuh period mouth n stop suck p*ssy n lick out battam fi place fi live. Sorry JMG but mi affi address dem
Real p*ssy opportunist this enuh
1) engaged 2011 fi papers n call off wedding suh him never have to commit. But truth is that him friend sister (obeah worker) tell him sey the finance a f*ck the baller which the finance end up marrying n breed easy still f*cking the friend sister on the side
2) beg females in Htown to marry him mainly a Guyanese one that him n his friend was f*cking she turned him down
3) finally married one of Htown mattress n breed her but him enemy was f*cking her so the child was a raffle. Lef she when him ketch man inna her house n now shi engaged n want divorce but him nuh want give her caws him afraid of getting deported. This was posted on Instagram
4) run from Mexicans in Htown to Atl n suck him way to clothes shoes car n bed. Posted on here
5) run from Atl back to Htown after borrowing money n nuh pay back
6) lef girl wid cancer when she get really sick. Hear sey shi died (RIP)
7) currently leeching off female he lives with caws he has no where to live or a job
8) will do anything at this moment to live n get freeness
Know breed easy from Florida n all him do is beg n leech off man n woman. Hear brethren on phone nuff time wid him n him a beg. Miss Y was good and patient wiid him all when him live in her house n not paying rent. Turned house in a squatters den n whore house n drug den fi real. He would tell man in Florida to come stay with him in his new house, not knowing is rent. no disgrace to renters but he tld pple it was his house. Wicked act. Once a next gal show up who can put him up, him tek on she n lef current gal. no lies tld here none at all.
Yes you’re right! It’s his friend sister n her uncle who she used to live wid told him the fiancé was f*cking the baller which is one of the reasons he called off the wedding. But he continued f*cking her even after all of that for years. But that gal ‘A’ the friend sister, is a real obeah worker fr. Her friend M says all grave yard shi carry breed easy clothes n f*ck monkey so him affi lef every gal him have n guh back to her n she spend nuff $$ with her obeah person from Louisiana. Shi tie him dem sey. She tried it with the big don B when she was f*cking him, but it didn’t work n she antagonized him wife day n night. Ms obeah worker ‘And was also one of breed easy mule. Yuh tink shi easy wicked piece a gal dat looking like a witch
So is Ms Y. R own the house. Ruby n Marcia family. That lady is such a sweetheart n this dog shit breed easy run off n nuh pay rent n having the masses thinking it’s his house. Yes he’s really an opportunist fr. She ended up renting out the house I heard n it was for rent again recently. Breed easy all yuh do is beg n leech until yuh find yuh next unsuspecting victim. Him galang with a bag of tings in Atl mi bbc! Dat man suck from left to right to get clothes, food n car fi drive. Now him live wid the married girl suh him have place fi sleep n she taking care of him n him kids bcuz ‘pharmaceutical’ business slow now. Shi post him on her IG n FB saying love of her life. Poor thing don’t even know what awaits her. I went to check the tire pressure on my rental 2 weeks ago at Mikey Faith garage n is him mi see looking like a bruk black Santa wid the beard n big gut. Unbelievable to see him pop dung fr. Life funny bcuz he used to brag n show off n buy thousand $$ worth of liquor inna dance n have nuff female drug mules n him n dem used to engage inna sex orgies. And look how him owe Ms Y R her money. Argument is that he owes 2 plus years worth of rent n she was very lenient wid him that’s why it took her so long to evict him. She can find him at Mikey Faith garage. Nuff a dem a floss n have no where to live n dem get put out n affi a deh wid gal fi bed a nighttime n dem unhappy. Perfect example here