1. Kmt! BOOooooooooooooooo yuh mek battyman bring yuh dung gal, not even real battyman tuh, di one whey a try be real man :hoax2 …. an now a come gwan like yuh a saint inna clean clothes???? dis ago tek nuff time my girl… mi naaa recover a swear! mi cyaah figet how yuh gwan all when di ppl dem a talk tuh yuh… yuh tek di ppl dem husband an did a expect lifetime. Mi just waah boooooooo yuh.

  2. That camera man is forever disrespecting woman. Why he never ask the youth in the pleather jacket if he not hot:)

  3. YES ANONY #2 low selfe steeem bitches is this a finneral procession with some pup eena clothes malnourished looking come falla back a mi ppl, over what man stink up u hole,, go get a life.. if yalll know lef dis alone for if marvin draw fi her… she gone again.. its like nexxxx…..him dis him wife though he sounded sincere or a 2 yrs him deh a ja with her

  4. Lovely mi rass. She looks tired and stressed. She need fi get her mind and soul together before she come a road. This is all a pretend thing. She really nuh look happy.

    Sidenote: Nikki Chromazz fava dead inna casket.

  5. I hope Nikkie don’t turn lesbo now….she need to stay far from the damn Chromaz and her crew. Find a man fast Nikkie…

  6. Don’t find a man Fast Nickie, take a moment to reflect on life and the choices you made that brought you where you are today. Thank the universe for showing you what is has. And watch those 2 chicks kee-keeing behind you, something tell me is them video you bout butt padding. I dont know you but everyone takes L’s, use this as an opportunity to grow.

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