All them gyal deh ah fight ova dexta an him have him Mrs daps already an don’t want them…tell them gyal deh fi tek dey f**k if dem ah tek it and low out the loudness..bare gyal ah cuss ova him am wifey just quite like that nah say ntn cause she ah wife and man will always be man yuh zeet! Right now the girl pregnant star wid them second pickney, suh jus incase them neva know him have him wife now them know them know!

A) Wifey send dis in
B) good pic wifey yuh eyebrows on fleek
f**king idiot,shoulda shame fi broadcast say u a wife
Lol…i know n his dick all over facebook with him in bed with another woman
Don’t forget the draws! :ngakak
You CARELESS women hugging up wife status with NO GOOD men fi husband need to run out in traffick since onu self worth is nonexistent:ngakak
Bitch tek the pictures from here and go file a divorce. Imagine the box and disgrace if a yu did put yu dutty draws pon him…then again a may regular ting a yard to. Worthless lot!
Morning MET.
morning ooo
I know….I’m feeling so embarrassed for this young lady. Ladies!!!!!! Please learn how to respect yourself so that others can respect you! What a shame n disgrace!!!!
when the wife is bothered and want to be seen being that she was 100% forgotten i can’t with dese ppl..did she say man ago be man because dexta nung have a steady change coming in?!?!?!?
Simply I kaint :hammer
Ain’t that a shame! Wifey I like the eyebrows but let me tell you bragging about your wifey make you look like extra fool especially since your pregnant and Dexter sleeping around with all color whores and I know he still water your Belly he can pass on germs to your baby.
Wife no dear u is just a another number in his book no respect him nuh have fi yu. The joke is on the so call wife
Not a good PR campaign. Girl, sometimes silence is golden.
I think he has other kids out there too because these dancehall artistes are notorious for impregnating multiple women.
Facts lool, trust mi is shame she shame but turn fool lool
*drops the mic * :travel
Hunty yyyyyyyyyyyyy o yyyyyyyyyy did u move the bushes u shudda stay where u were man kmft now u just lowered urself to the “empress” level u luuuuuuuuuuuuu my child fore u gwaan was out the baby clothes dem n ready up u self kmft jah know starrrrrrrrr kmft cho
Bcuz ah man will always be ah man??!!
Wow :nerd :nerd
It’s sad that some women settle for anything. Wife deserves a loyal faithful husband…you’re pregnant he can bring you back any disease that can also affect your unborn child…like really tho since when being a wife makes it ok for your husband to cheat. I would be totally embarrassed to admit I am married to a man like Dexta. His music is great but his respect for you and his family needs to be reevaluated.
Second baby??? Wid you dickstr daps be Wildin
Dutty shitty pusc osheen a brag pon man way u sen go jail cocky devil welfare bitch
Tasha HOpar please to tell the young miss how a lady should behave
Oh my. I can’t with this anymore.. My nerves can’t manageeeeeeeee :hammer :cd :mewek2 :berduka :bingung :ngacir2
Some woman trang because dem deh picture wid him hood inna har puss mi couldan lub him licckle more mi a left him!…Mi nah tek dem deh disrespectful deh from nuh man!…
Lol I can barley feel my jaws
Come off Met site, cause your shame tree dun, you trying to save face but let me tell you something, him do not respect you and like how you acting like this, it push him more to dis you, give him few more months boo boo and you shall be a brand-new step mother to your fabulous step child :babyboy
Nooo saahhh this is history girlllll :hammer
Good metty and ppls
a she a the perfect pretty dunce …..lol public property she a own up …..what she should have done was send in the pic with she and him middle foot in her to prove that she have shares also …..because the 2 same size sneakers nah cut it ….
Wow..she got tired of all the attention her hubby getting for his package so she wants some attention too..lol
Boo no one cares about you.You should have just remained silent.
I knew there was a reason behind those pics.Maybe Euro chick in this so called wife have a beef or she just wanted his main chick know of her.
Like your boo said if 10 man go deh him make 11 so ..next you nothing special.
When trying to defend your friend goes wrong…. DWL
But stop a where di ass shi come from bwoy is how ppl love f**kry so image it tek di Likkle white gyal fi u fi come claim wifey ur life sad hunny as fine as he is no gyal na post nu pic wid my man Mandingo out worse wid drawn by him knee but what I find TRULY interesting is that my friend Mr. god bleed daps is mighty quite ova der but then again dat is a piece hood to have to work every night so I guess shi need a break too
Maybe she need fi remind him cuz it’s clear sey him forget him married
I bet a lot of women wanna breed for him after seeing what he is working with you should see the thirsty comments on his Instagram and facebook
Breed…for an immature and irresponsible guy such as Dexta daps. Hell nah….I’m not impressed at all. Him want sum good prayer.
Sorry for these young girls that make man take them fi poppyshow.
wife till HIV tek up yu ass how woman settle for men that cheat that shit is not cute yu feel sey him lil $ weh him a mek can save yu unnuh need Jesus.
She looks dumb cuz he’s out f**king groupies without condoms, hiw frightened could he be ??? Mi couldnt sleep wid him agen a rass
he actually was wearing a condom this isn’t a debate or up for discussion your eyes need to be checked coz mi weh wear glasses see the condom clear as day
Low ambition whore shut yu f!#k! dat nu up fi debate…HPV and herpes don’t give a f&@k bout condom…run go tell yu pussC dat :d
Why are people mad with the wife? Her post was rather heartbreaking. Wifey look young, with one child and another on her way. This can’t be easy, with all the pic and then miss European inna the mix wid har two cents. Oh gosh man unno fee go likkle easier pan har man. I wouldn’t wish a morally and spiritually bankrupt individual on anyone. They come in your life to destroy you.
To de wife show them you cannot be destroyed by the likes of him, or anyone wishing your destruction. As my mom loves to say, “stand tall anno yur shame tree didda shake”. Plain talk – Nobady nuh post pic of yur front pan wwww, inna hi-def wid zoom in and out fer the whole wirl tuh see. Imagine, ah canada mi dey an I can pick dem outta lineup. So,young lady post his and her shoes if you have to post. How you choose to deal with the stress is your business. Just don’t let this man and whatever it name break you. So, nuh badda wid de revenge sex business,i felt i had to mention this since this seems to be a trend.
I pray you know you are worthy of all things good. That includes a loyal husband, don’t stand for nothing less.
Not one iota a sympathy fi drop pon ignorance.
If shi did want sympathy she should a blast him backside and post pictures of a moving truck, a locksmith and divorce papers.
Bout she a post crep and selfie. Guess a so him did catch har :hammer
Lololol…so true. Stupidity at its’s best!!! No morals, no standards….no sah.!!! I was surprised upon hearing that Dexta daps is in a relationship much less married….he’s a whore!! Betta watch out for all those STD’s
Gurlllll if I was u mi wldnt come ova yah a talk bout man go b man girl stop how u fi seh dat wen di buddy wah u seh a fi u slinging from pum to pum widout condom an u pregnant mi wlda shame fi come out defending him it mek u look desperate fi recognition cause nobdy ddnt even knew u exist girl please go get tested,olord gdnight met forget mi manners
After dat deh picture deh she still wah call ar self wife? She nuh see how hussy well comfortable ina matie bed a sleep ina matie draws. She Fi thank god Fi Di woman them backa him weh nah mek him look too fishy.until dexta confirm u publicly shut the f**k up cause nobody nuh care. The world know yuh man a sketel.
Why should ppl feel sad with her? dat is wat shi sign up for, ppl here is only giving their honest opinions from what I’m reading, her husband is the one that suppose to show her compassion he was the one that took vows and made promises not us!!
Lol she not even dexta wife dwl woiiii s guess the cocky a fool uno eeehhh
Next time add. “Mrs.clown” on the “Mrs.daps”.
De boot dem still have space fi all put “#1 Man Clown”
What a time to be alive eeeh.
. Likkle girl you use ur good Christmas money personalise shoes fi man? Things rough when all u can send in is ur two for one shoes wid the man name. This laughable and funny as a heart attack
:ngakak name pon shoes. Guess that’s why she getting walked on like ole unpaved road :travel
Mi naw lie him wife nuh look good… a come lean yuh head tuh di side like confused cat…. all when mi dun shame social media wouldn’t see me… beta yuh did come an say yuh pregnant suh sexing nuh suh often nuh more suh yuh might expect him fi cheat…. wife gwan tuh di dogs…An mi nuh like di type a underwear yuh man choose tuh wear but dat a nuh my business. Personally mi just a think it nuh have enough material fi hold wah him a carry das all
Yow, unnu tek time with the wife nuh, mi know seh secretly unnu jealoua a har caw she have the man and him full package, deading in the morning yah,lol.
PS: A lie , shi nuh look 3 bad.
good morningggggggggggggg
Don’t blanket dat argument bout jealous a baxside.
Not all bloggers in desperate wants or in need of dat de donkey hood whey a breeze out pon social media like piss out mattress to de sun!
Looking good and nah nu shame is nothing to compliment.
@ SAD the reason no one is sympathizing with her is because of the stupid statement she made publicly accepting the extramarital affairs if she is the one who made it. This was not a heartbreaking post this was a boasy and showoff post. She should not even make we know she is the wife or that he is married because this detail change the whole story.
Exactly. If she was heartbroken she would have been writing about her pain and sorrow and how hurt she is that he cheated. So if she’s the one that put it out there it wasn’t because she needed sympathy. It was to show the others that she is number one. Unless somebody else is trying to make her look stupid on purpose.
Cita peeping.
Lol I can barley feel my jaws yes but most a unu only jealous because unu nuh ave the man n she mek unu know weh she a wife cause some a unu only did wah di man fi unu self now unu know seh somebody else inna di picture unu a blast r ppl be fair nobody wants to be descriminated like this who without sin cast the first stone nuff a unu a hype n bash ppl not even know weh unu man or unu woman deh?????
she look so sad!!!!!!!!
Mi only have one question…..people really wear Mr. & Mrs. Sneakers :bingung
Wow, I met Dexta Daps here in the United States about a month a go. He was flirting hard with me. He said he was single. He has two kids from two different woman. And the woman in the pic is his baby mother/ ex who lives in England. When did she get pregnant? They haven’t seen each other in awhile. Check your sources. I got it straight from the horses mouth. He has never been married.. This girl is only trying to come back in the picture since he has become more popular over the last year. She dissed him like two years ago. “sips tea.”
Yuh nuh know nothing think he’s gonna tell you the truth fool…..she living in jamaica now and they together and she soon have baby! And yes it’s his..so shut da f**k up…
Yuh too lie she was pregnant but not anymore. Stop tell lie man
after reading all of these comments the gal a lie saying she is his wife and unu Fi say she is babymother.
Truesay most jamaican men love Fi have different women and different babymother and wholeheap of picknie. There is some good Jamaican men out there if you are looky to.find them
You females are so stupid lol. If you had your own money, you would t have to rely on a man. What kinda slow and stupid mentality to say you’re the wife? No. You both getting played and are both side chicks. It’s just he known you the longest and you have his yute so you’ll be around. But wait till he gets another woman pregnant and it will happen. And then what? I bet you sit at home worrying constantly right about what he’s out doing ? You’re probably reading this comment too right? Lol. Get your own so you can bounce when yuh feel like. I bet there’s arguments because of all this mess right? He’s probably not even using condoms with every women out there either. His dick which is big as f**k was out of him draws hard as f**k while someone took that photo. I’m sure he’d allow a nice pumpum to squat down on that raw and run it red. So who cares if you’re submitting shit in. You an average female and only got money cause of him.
Mi dead to raaaas the struggle real out yah now ♀️ :hoax2
He is out f**king all these bitches and you happy about that your going around from one place to another dropping his damn drawers for all these bitches the you is crazy Anonymous you are right he can feed her belly with this child inside just putting all types of diseases inside her and her baby this is ground you should have left his ass the first time this nigga done shit like or you should have been kicking that nigga ass one ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️This is poison sign for go get a divorce from is ass everyone that is posting in here is trying to give yo ass advice take the shit to the courts and get a f**kin divorce enough said I’m out
yes girl even though u were carrying his child he has no respect for you. if u were an independent woman you would of taken ur shit and leave him, he has to take care of his child and if doesn’t there is a place called the courthouse. don’t accept less than you deserve because we are girls and girls rule the world. men will always be men so lets be women and stay independent.
Everyone have dem own life to live and until you are in the position all these post are just inexperience, uneducated and selfish comments.
Yes, in this day and age the side chicks are brazen enough to say they are taking your man and the envious ones will style of the one in the wife position but guess what, when people in a dem good up relationship and communication is their foundation and they have an understanding of each other, any card can play. Yeah, she can be wife, and accepting her man sex appeal, she’s not going to have headache or heartache because she know she is wife and he is permitted to do him shit providing he returns home. Some relationship is not for the simple minded. If any of you were in her shoe What would your relationship be like with a sex god. Get real people, their lives, don’t judge, don’t be envious… Take di fuck and gwaan but he will always return to her. kmt
She need some prayer!