So we are hearing and also confirming that Leah Tavares-Finson , daughter of Lawyer Tom Tavares-Finson and Cindy Breaksphear is heavily pregnant for Dancehall artiste Jahvilani. Word on the street is that Leah left her husband abroad and went back home to Jamaica right into the clutches of Jahvillani for whom she is now pregnant. The heiress is no stranger to controversy as she has had a son for known gang leader Dog Paw.

Jahvillani who already has a long time girlfriend (Oshun) and has never been seen publicly with the heiress has not said anything about this bit of news. Stay tuned
Kakafart her mumma n puppa own special kid..nutten new..So a which madman did tek up him mad self go marry she..
Maybe the hubby couldnt get her pregnant???
Just saying
She did have a ghetto boy that she took up right after Dog paw went to jail. Was with him for a long time then she married him and they moved to Canada. The boy never really rate her that way and not long after they move to Canada the relationship mash up. She came back to Jamaica and had to find another man
:ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak
Cause Leah rass certified mad till if you turn har in is a barrel a Milo yah go get.
Talk about pass around donkey I can bet how embarrassed her parents are to know she has not once but TWICE failed them by sleepng with downtown common niggahs lol fukkah. She look like white trash still
How she a pass round donkey?
How much man you know Leah tek?
If a did Sean Paul or Romeich she wouldn’t be pass round donkey as yu call har or a failure? But cause a poor black people pickney she fuck and breed fah she a failure and disappointment?
Is who a de defense attorney pon Dog Paw docket?
At least Leah and her mumma no shame a poor people niggah pickney. Full or half breed.
I wasn’t even comparing when I made my comment but go ahead and satisfy your heart – she trash all the same.
TWICE failed them by sleepng with downtown common niggahs lol
Ok you weren’t
Yes WICE because she did NOT choose good. FOH here. She fucked DOWN nd not UP and she failed her parents with her loose crotches lol because you live downtown you take offense? FOH and digest the fact that this white trash is nothing but that garbage and the man dem she take is prooooooooof. There are good downtown men but we are not talking about them because is not them the loose pussy Leah take and have pickni for. Move.
Leah is not ashamed of poor people that is true, but her mom is a different story. People think just because Cindy took up bob that she love ghetto man. Cindy realized that bob was getting famous and had money and thats why she latch on to bob. Cindy never mess with a poor/ghetto man after that. When her sons were coming up, only a certain type of girl was allowed to look their way.
Yuh lost to wat a gawn . It obvious yuh nuh know Leah . Fucky fucky is not the word . Slut is a slut nuh matter color or residence .
She is white trash… the bottom of the rich barrel to be specific lol
Fi yuh have good fi seh fuck off and leave people business alone yuh dumb fucks!…
This is funny on many levels . Bad bwoy image she wa . Dat she get . “When gyal wa buddy” at its finest. I hope they can both be great parents to their child. And I hope the child has a bright future ahead. Shrugs ** nothing else to say here . Nuttin new . She nuh wa soft uptown buddy I guess??????? :request
Guh get a life sound like yuh a one a her whoring fren to . Bout soft uptown buddy yuh sound like yuh been through many many. How does one arrive at this conclusion of soft uptown buddy
Yes she supposed to have baby anytime now
Shame on you jahvi to breed a fuck box like Leah, Leah jahvi could be your son what a mess Lol
:cd :hoax2 You know it’s simply NOT kool when unno come on the wall with unno personal agenda fcukery to mislead the Metters!!!Leah is 34yrs n Jahvillani is 25yo …ur fuzzy Maths is thus saying leah fi shame cuz she could be a 9yo mumma to him!!??Yuh see how unno sick johncrow stomach wid unno fcukery!!?? :malu2
I get IT but 9yr olds get pregnant and deliver babies…
You get it and still persist to talk fuckery. She is 9 yrs older and that is that.
Yes, she coulda be his mother.
Dog Paw Princess, have dem a bringle till dem class and tell lie pon har. . If Dog Paw come back a road dem no have fi worry bout Leah and dem man. ngakak :ngakak
Hey Bro.
Sistagirl PP but you’re fair n know we don’t have any issue with ppl up inna dem feelings n grinding dem axes…but the main rule I love on here is “DON’T DELIBERATELY LIE on smaddie”…especially when unno claim to have a mountain of truthful dirt pon di smaddie n dem file well beknownst!
Same suh….and yet some of us have family members or friends who are worst than this .. So put them on blast nuh?….. oh just because her parents are public figures we are now security guards for her vagina ? You People are so unfair
Leah slap whey hood out a you hole?
She just a bad bitch and that’s all to it. Any uptowner who defy and upset the fucking norm of the.tier me will give a rass bly.
Dog Paw princess is who she is. See har and call har whey yu call har. Me no see Oshun a style har.
:ngakak :ngakak :
Yow avi ” A so we living…” ngakak :ngakak
Her husband is way younger than her too
so what….why hate on her ?
Leah is only 34
A caz a ghetto youth Uno a judge
exactly ,….if she was with a HIGH and MIGHTLY no one would care.
Leah is in Canada she went back right after the baby shower to have baby and yes Jahvillani was at the shower and yes she post pics on her Watsapp status I think she’s having a boy
where are the pics
EXACTLY!! All that talkin’…
Even doe Leah fada a QC him no ez..a bare high profile murdera pon both sides dem man deh defend..plus memba d mumma did run off wid d late great Bob..so no surprises bout d rebel in she..she a go a Tivoli n all bout a garrison from she a baby wid her pa..a jus fe har style a man dem dat..she claim say she passionate about the less fortunate. She a no d fuss n she na go b the last
She love the badman dem thou eeee. If indeed she was married and come breed fi jahvillani that’s foul. But a long time she love badman inna her hole. Look pon the first baby father now jahvi and not to mention she deh wid nuff ghetto youths in a her prime she belongs to the streets…. Mi nuh really know how the heiress part go thou that a some next level shit..
Tell me summen anony 5:57 pm..how u arrive at the conclusion of uptown man buddy being soft?? If a laff a dead…here goes anedda one wid d non-sense aka not even a ounce a common sense cuz dis a no rocket science..A wa? God ge out hard n soft buddy? A wa? Him say all soft buddy man must live uptown..smdh…me haffe aks but u born breech outa u ma battyhole. Nobody come pon ya an chat no shit inna dis serious corona time..a can bet u a one a dem wa a wear mask pon u headtop like sunglasses.. Sometime me inna d mood fe d dunceness n sometime me not..loll..poor u..how much uptown soft buddy n downtown hard buddy u try out aready caz it look like u is a buddy census collector..
Oh my gracious ! Lighten up nuh man!! Obviously I made the statement in jest . Larks.. lighten up man. Of course God nuh hi out hard and soft buddy. But what ah way yu skin soft ee?
U guys know if Tom Tavares Finson is a Good Lawyer ? How him win his cases ?
He win his cases by telling his murdering clients the name of witnesses in their cases. Before you know it, witnesses disappear or end up dead. Case close.
Even doe Leah fada a QC him no ez..a bare high profile murdera pon both sides dem man deh defend..plus memba d mumma did run off wid d late great Bob..so no surprises bout d rebel in she..she a go a Tivoli n all bout a garrison from she a baby wid her pa..a jus fe har style a man dem dat..she claim say she passionate about the less fortunate. She a no d fuss n she na go b the last
him ever win a case straight up without some technicality like witness go missing, evidence get tampered with ?
Suh, she’s a jamaican ‘ Heiress’? Does her parents have millions of British pounds or American dollars to leave to their heiress after they die?
If she is a jamaican heiress ( jamaican dollars) then there are thousands of heirs and heiresses born and living in jamaica, you will even find some in the garrisons.
You are now an heir or heiress to +Go suck yu madda.
Obviously, you know nothing about The family and the word use any damn how we feel like it.
Words have meaning dunce bat. Slavery mentality killing unno. A person colour does not defined them. It seems the uproar about this woman is based on her colour and the family financial position. It seems a big deal that she chose to date outside her race and with people who are not so called uptown, whatever that is. It is you people who are putting these white people on a pedestal.
I wish each and every one of you have the chance to travel abroad then you will see that noranda one is better than you. You will also meet white ( Caucasian ) that the poorest of poor would not want in their family.
Cho, unno get impress over nothing; money; colour, where a person live and what kinda hair dem have on their head, real or fake. Bout heiress. In saying so, low the woman let she live her life , it’s you lot that have the problem not her.
PS. I send the sum back to you, degenerate fcuk.
Jahvi happy. Unu can stay deh. Him a get him high colour pickney, plus his kid will be related to JR Gong, and somewhat associated with Bob Marley, music royalty right there. Leah not doing anything different from what she see those around her doing, her father specializes in “helping” dirty lowdown criminals get away with murder, her mother love Bob Marley until this day, Her brother love the ghetto gal dem too. Plus nuffffff uptown people love dem ghetto crotch.
If the man never want Leah him wouldn’t be with her, or breed her. From what I’ve seen, Leah seems like a cool fun girl who just artical and nice.
Leah is a gunman mattress first and foremost. Ask the Alpine, Tavern and August Town people dem bout her. She been a bitch before Dawg Paw and still a bitch after. She fuck most of Dawg Paw friend dem. She go August Town and fuck Show as who now married to and him deh a foreign. She fuck Showas friend dem like Denver and 6Head and Papa who her uptown friend breed for. She fuck Vietnam man dem. Then she bring her white trash pussy go pon di 19 and start fuck di dawg whe just drop from prison. All she do is fuck badman and buy gunshot give them. I read some comments where people a say others a bash her but nobody NAH bash her for being a ghetto mattress, we only a highlight facts. Run yuh survey in these areas if you think she’s lying. Right now I am shocked that is Javillani she put the belly pon cause she did in fact tell the dawg pon di 19 say she pregnant for him too. Yes di same dawg she just drop from prison. Run yuh survey if yuh think a lie. Her parents must be so proud of their little white ghetto mattress lol
Black people still not getting it. You think because she doing things they don’t like or may not agree with, her family is going to disown her or not deal with her? NOPE. Those people take care of their own. When dem say FAMILY, dem mean it.
I see it clear say Leah box out cocky from outta your mouth.
Give me your info mek me run the survey fi see what is the probability that leah bax out buddy from unda yu, out a yu hand and mouth.
You know every ends and man she tek…yah Fuck counter and detective? Fi starters, the man dem she tek aren’t ones yu bun wid ease and de one dem yu a call har name pon a no ones you bun wid ease either.
Is wha? She can give assistance to de man dem pon levels you can’t so you hate har? Har color a bother you so bad lolol. Mind har daddy sue yu fi de buy shot comment if yu have zero proof a dat.
A pure personal hate in a wha yu write because you shouldn’t know so much bout one person life and association so. Unless you is with them all the time. How much or which one a fuck or pillow talk wid you?
You can run survey and it ah go turn out good because LEah hop from ghetto to ghetto. Alot of the women dont like the idea of her coming into the community and deal with every man and theyjust worship her. She also lose some friends ships in the communities she hop from because she is sometime-ish. When she was dealing with dog paw she check her papine crew very regular. she call them family and everything. Once that done them barely hear from her again. Them no inna no malice but she move very different depending on which man she with.
You tone down pon the hostility and mek more sense now.
I already knew is the women who a keep up the foolishness and spread nuff lie about har and the man dem.
All who she no tek and tek and you right… she function differently base on the men she a par with. That is just the survival method when you from out a area and have no ties to who you go to in a garrison.
so what …she tek nuh man fi yuh ? nuh woman own nuh man ?….leave the girl alone HATER…..tell d worl how much man you tek !
And yah bedspring, head board and sheet. You chat too much.
This comment received alot of dislikes because it sounds so hateful, but there is actually some truth to it. Leah has had a reputation for sleeping around. The husband that she has was supposed to be her baby father friend (so everyone says). Every ghetto she hangs out in she collects a few bodies (both with who she sleeps with and who ends up dead). Alot of the man dem weh she call her best friend she slept with them. As far as for the papa (the friend man) I dont know if she sleep with him. I think she left that one alone but the two of them love badman. The story on her friend krissy is just as interesting. I heard bits and pieces of story that krissy and leah was involved in a man getting killed. Someone please release krissy file.
You know I feel sorry for Leah more than anything else. Even though her family supports her in what she does…she knows that she is the black sheep of her family. She’s in her mid 30s and still trying to figure it out. One brother is a Marley and one brother is a lawyer while her family keeps on having to take care of her. She hardly fits in uptown so she turns to downtown/ghetto to have a purpose. the downtown people worship her and she loves it. She so bad wants the notoriety like her mother. She think shes going to have the same legacy of an uptown girl somehow saving a ghetto downtown boy and it just hasnt worked out. Cindy use to call Bob dada and she call her man dem dada too. Only good thing is you can say is that the men she deal with she must really like them because they have nothing to offer her.
This sums it up perfectly. She has self-esteem/self-worth issues, but with her parents money and contacts I would think they would have gotten her therapy. She is still young enough to make a complete 360 in her life, but she has to want it first.
Well said Anon but to clarify…the proper term is 180 NOT 360..cuz to do a 360 is a full circle that will tek u back to the same original spot enuh!!Thus she needs to do a 180 in the opposite direction…Bless up the two of unno Anons and hopefully Leah like all of us,work through her issues.
Big time self esteem issues. She’s the only one in her family thats not successful and they constantly have to make excuses for her. People think just because you come from money everything is good. Leah was barely raised. She bounced back and forth after her parents divorced and none of them ever had time for her. From a young age she been doing what she want. Her mother put all her time and energy in Jr gong and she really ended up getting the short end of the stick. Uptown people talk about how leah head isn’t too right. While she never get mad mad, i think she struggles with mental illness.
Nice post.
Thats Cindy’s karma!!!! I feels no way about this
Oshun how u feel now? Just few days ago you a DM mi friend bout jahvi now to my surprise jahvi have a baby on the way,Yet you keep telling people how much years this n that. We in ochi know say you fuck left right and center before him buss still all him know too that’s why him nuh acknowledge you and breed gal and have many more relationships. Please find a man who want you and proud of you jahvi have a family now, Please stop msg females n stop embarrassing yourself
Mi seh!!! Jahvillani obviously don’t want to be with her she just love force herself on the man I couldn’t take that disrespect fi someone you claim yuh deh wid so long
Words have meaning dunce bat. Slavery mentality killing unno. A person colour does not defined them. It seems the uproar about this woman is based on her colour and the family financial position. It seems a big deal that she chose to date outside her race and with people who are not so called uptown, whatever that is. It is you people who are putting these white people on a pedestal.
I wish each and every one of you have the chance to travel abroad then you will see that noranda one is better than you. You will also meet white ( Caucasian ) that the poorest of poor would not want in their family.
Cho, unno get impress over nothing; money; colour, where a person live and what kinda hair dem have on their head, real or fake. Bout heiress. In saying so, low the woman let she live her life , it’s you lot that have the problem not her.
PS. I send the sum back to you, degenerate fcuk.
Jahvilani did not get her pregnant she is giving him the belly because him fool and just a buss and frighten fi white gal n swear she is somebody!!! If know what I know him do a DNA as she reach back jamaica with that baby!! It’s not Jahvillani baby
Cause a YOU breed har don’t it?
Any man who get it and nah no criminal record can bank on that baby bei g his ticket to Canada. Until then no DNA no need fi run.
We read it already say a which man jus land from prison. Who cares. A no your womb.
She is your classic crack-head, always on the prowl to get her next fix.
Dirty Leah give the right man him baby and cut out e fuckry bout ticket to Canada a that you use and trick idiot Jahvillani? You on here a comment like you have something bout you, you walk and fuck like Dog
Just like you mother. You hate the girl so much you want to assign other people to her existence. You should sell you a self as bittaz
Jahvillani you couldn’t find somebody better fi breed if a really you breed her? OMG you breed a gal who fuck as she drink n drunk??? As Leah drink she tun idiot and want a dick in her mouth ask all a di man dem in all the garrison she frequent no shame in her game. Jahvillani you want beating
Di Dj don’t have any clue what him pick up pon himself . Nuh upt man nuh want Leah . Just like how di dj class up some gal and sey dem a dis and dat! Leah a one big upt whore . She sleep wid at least 5 ghetto man from each community she par . She did wah tek up politics like her fada but how yuh ago try dat when so much a di man dem inna Di community yuh wah represent know how unda look ? Yuh feel dem ago rate yuh ? Mi can tell yuh dis dat Deh gal Deh sleep wid bout 100 man run thru her already. It’s a shame such a young intelligent amounts to nothing .
Yea i remember during the dudus days she claim that her mission was to united the ghetto. I guess she was going to unite the ghetto with her front. Poor ting every ting she try her hand at she salt. One of the time she claim she was going to law school to follow in her brother and father footsteps but nothing come of it. Leah constantly going to school (so her family support her) and nothing ever come of it. Her family did glad when she moved to Canada thinking she might start to live a normal life but she had to run back come a jamaica after the marriage mash up she cannot live a normal life. NUff of these uptown people can afford to leave overseas but they dont because they would be nobody. Same thing with leah she dont want a normal life she wouldnt know what to do with it
Jahvi yuh have to take a L on this one .
Why when man in the ghetto a do dem homework an can tell wi how a fuck who and how much man dis gal fuck dem won’t run a check pon every gal like dat ? If him did run a check before an find out how she stay mi bet him wouldn’t breed her. Come on man fair is fair . She has a bad reputation uptown and in the ghetto. Man dem need fi stop mek complexion and last name trick dem . Dem days Deh done . She a big fuck box dats no secret .
A 2020 now . Man fi stop mek complexion and last name trick dem. If yuh a ghetto fuck box or upt fuck box yuh still a fuck box. Di Dj shoulda check di facts before him breed her . She cah tame as she beat di rum a hood she start look .
OMG What A Embarrassment For Jahvillani, So Much Man Fuck Your Babymother My G??? DNA
Jahvi get him half white baby and unu hurt. Leah colour a bother unu. Keep calling her crackhead and whore, unu man still madding over her. Who really take a L right here? You miss bitter bitch.
Leah! Ah you dat goodie!?
Somebody HURRRRRRT say di DJ never breed them. Or you caan breed? Big up yourself Leah . Your baby a the new favourite.
Stop call up Leah name man. She deh a Canana a tend to her belly. Stay salty. I’m in Jamaica telling you this.
Mi hope him know him cah mek she walk ova him cah she luv try dis man wen shi nuh get har way. Wen she an spragga benz stop link an him stop tek har calls she walk an tell ppl sey him suck har pussy. She is a no good upt trash .
So Spragga better than fi suck pussy???????? Spragga a nasty dread move yuh raas.
Leah wah use har big pussy unite ghetto man . She nah guh nowhere in life. Ghetto man fuck box . As she drunk likkle rum she want a hood fi suck or ride . It matters not who it is .
She was fucking doza & his friend Busy from Miami and she got pregnant them raffle di pickny between dem & dwag paw… Upt slut
Dj yuh breed a big ole whore. Yuh swear a gold yuh strike but a wash ova . Her muma and pupa tired fi help har. Big 35 yr old gal still a live offa parents and have 2 pickney now. Leah are a big white slut . Pretty face can hide nasty reputation
Hopefully we have our lives figured out as we do Leah’s .
Hopefully you have yours figured out as well . The people are talking facts . Her history speaks for itself .