I deliberately waited till after the Kenyan President’s visit to avoid any distraction from the fallout of what I uncovered.The Soldiers were preparing for President Kenyatta’s visit to National Heroes’ circle where he was slated to lay flowers at Rt.Hon.Marcus Garvey’s monument the next day.During their practice drills ,they had to call workers to clean up the Monument area.We were all disgusted to see numerous used condoms,baby wipes and tissues at our first National Heroe’s grave!One of the worker remarked that is “regular thing this”!
Met the thing is that Soldiers are based 24/7 guarding the entire area where the Heroes are buried. Who therefore is it that coming onto the compound and having sex and leaving all the nastiness behind on the Hero’s grave?Even a prostitute should have enough respect and pride not to sell dem wares on the grave of someone who fought and died for their freedom!It is a National disgrace that this is happening because it wasn’t enough that they sold out Marcus Garvey for rice and peas,now they won’t even let him rest in peace!The breakdown in the security system should be investigated and persons should be held accountable for the continued desecration of a World Hero’s monument.

Heller, yuh didn’t uncover a god damn thing! Yuh think a now people a fun pon dem grave deh? Yuh think yuh going to get an OBE for this post? The government cannot protect the living much less the dead plus mi sure dem a pay smaddy fi clean heroes park periodically suh the people weh clean Must get award for their discoveries? Lol