“See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh…”

(Exodus 7:1)

Pharaoh was the title of Egyptian emperors. It was one Pharaoh who did not know Joseph that enslaved Israel and refused to let the children of Israel to go and worship their God. By implication, Pharaoh represents every challenge that hinders you from experiencing the glory of God in your life. It could be one form of sickness or the other. It could be barrenness or other problems associated with marriage. It could also be a psychological problems such as those associated with rejection and other kinds of social stigma, disappointment or loss of a loved one. Pharaoh could also manifest in the form of unemployment, financial indebtedness and attendant threats, or challenges in your career, trade, academics or whatever. It can also be a curse running in the bloodline. Insofar as any challenge shifts your focus from worshipping God and confirming the goodness of God, it takes the order of Pharaoh in your life.

Like His will for you, the will of God for the children of Israel was that they will be His own nation, separated unto Him; a holy and consecrated people devoted to worshipping Him. They were not to have any other God. But Pharaoh would rather enslave them labourers for his national projects and economy. It is the overriding will of God that you are liberated from every bondage so that you can freely worship Him and witness His glory. For this reason, He says He has made you “as a god” to your Pharaoh. In the same way as God prevailed over Pharaoh and delivered the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage through Moses, even so shall you prevail over your challenges and witness the gracious intentions and purposes of God for you live.

Liberation Thought: It is the overriding will of God that you are liberated from every bondage.

Further Reading; 3 John 2-4


Lord, let your overriding will override every scheme of bondage that the enemy has set against my life and destiny, in Jesus name I pray.
Today I become a God to every affliction in my life in Jesus name and I command an end to my affliction by FIRE
Whatever it is that I’ve been enslaved to today I receive my deliverance in Jesus name


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