Top of the morning Met n JMG fambily,
I’ve always heard about catch 22 situation meaning no matter how u cut it,the result is the same.Well ive found myself in a catch 11 n no matter how u twist it,upside down,backway,sideway it’s still 11! I am sharing this ongoing story n hopefully the feedback will help me come to a decision b4 thursday!
So my bestest fren in the world meet a yankee chick on a online dating site n b4 long the good Ole jamaican charm have her a jump to his tune. It seemed to be true love n b4 long they got engaged on one of her visit here. She came back recently to sort out arrangements for the wedding n my fren introduced me to her. From the moments her eyes n mine made four,i should’ve known there would be trouble cuz of the look she gave me!
My fren ask me to carry his fiance to a flower’s shop cuz he had an errand to run in portmore.PPL to show u how me professional,me put her in the back seat n start me chauffer duties! Likkle into di journey while driving at a moderate speed, me feel something wet n ticklish!Me so frighten me swerve n end up pon di sidewalk only to realize say di fiance a lick out mi ears like when u a twist up the qtip fi get out di cake up wax!So me tell her she can’t do that n we get out the car to see if di bumper damage n luckily it did only scrape up!
I entered the car only to see my lady cock up foot pon dashboard Inna front seat so me just smh n start drive.5minutes of ackward silence past so me never too fidget or say nothing when she reach over to turn the radio station knob,plus me eyes focused on di road. Only to realize that is my knob di catty a turn up,me draw such a sudden brake that every car that pull up side me fi overtake, di driver dem stop n a cuss me but me never pay dem no mind cuz to how me did ketch mi fraid n a wonder how n what to do wid this nympho!!
So that’s the background to the story but the real dilemma started when she said she’s a lady that goes after what she want n is me she wanteth! Di lady book a hotel wid secret names fi me n her mash a works this Thursday n fi who nuh believe a true just call the hotel n say u a confirm a reservation fi ms x and Mr y!! They will confirm it fi yuh!!
Met this yute a mi kill n die 4 fren from way back!The man a say how she make him happy n him a get file for n how it a go be a better life fi all a we cuz him will make sure when him work him send a thing!The boss say him trust her with him life n if she bruck him heart him no think him coulda live without her!!Do I tell my fren dat his fiancee is not real n a go cheat pon him?Remember is my word against hers enuh but if me go Thursday n link up wid her me will have me proof,plus me can link him n tell him meet me at the hotel.
Knowing that him claim say him will kill himself do I tell him and risk him actually doing it cuz I’m sure that’s a heavy burden fi know ur best fren a give ur fiance all she can eat at the sort out buffet? Anyway me turn macka joook me!!U see how some rass Jezebel can mash up life long frenship cuz I know this yute fi 26yrs enuh!!Deep down mi know if me tell him,he will resent me 4 it cuz rt now him clueless n in bliss n paradise!
Ppl im no closer to figuring out what I’m gonna do n Thursday is fast approaching n she Inna mi skin like tics!!HELPpppppppp!!!
i would have told my friend from day one even if he was going to say am lieing ,they said old habbits never dies of course she is going to do it to someone else….then he will know that you were telling the truth….
U shouldn’t even ask nuttn…from di gal did lick u ears if a u bro like dat u should have told you fren, instead u siddung till it stinking up di place. Bottomline u are not as good a friend as you think you are. as a matter of fact u is no fren at all. She du u fren di same ting, she going to do u di same thing unu deserve each odah, from u deh think bout it u is a dutty dawg.
I think u should tell ur friend, if he values ur friendship he will believe. Yes it will hurt him but if he marry’s her and she do it again it will hurt him more. Guess what, just record the conversation with her or mek she send u some text that u can use to incriminate her. But if u respect and care for ur friend u should not go meet that hoe on Thursday. Who knows maybe is set them setting u up.
Makka ago juk u any which way ur turn, so just try mek sure u cover ur ass.
Sender admit yuh waan smash, cuzen seh if she did ugly and u never attracted u wuda tell yuh self from di first lick. Redeem yuh self and tell yuh friend. Maybe he will still go along with the marriage cuzen seh, foreign.
Listen blood she a try style you and your friend, my suggestion go get your friend and take him for a drink and reason with him deep i think he will understand, him not gonna kill himself but let him know this both of you have to be in the know and she out, however it work out mek sure she married and file for one of you and then use the opportunity to help each other once ya’ll are true friends, try to be the ones after this to sit down and have the last laugh and remember if your she continue and your friend leave you can confront her then and he divorce her and he will be good same way because a she f**k it up.
WHAT LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT –u cant tell the man and go mashup the man filings, leave it alone and u cant f**k her either mek him fine that out fi himself
I agree with you on this one
Well, in dis age of technology you can always record her shenanigans and past it on to your fren. You can always meck up some strange story bout some fambly member need you a country and out of the vicinity fi a while. I fully understand your dilemma. The problem here is that, if she move like that to you who is a close fren she likely will not be faithful in any relationship with your fren. You can spare him lifelong humiliation by telling him, and if him still want to use her fi ketch a farrin den a fi him decision dat. Keep far far from her while she is around, cause Solomon warned him sons bout di woman waiting fi consume dem through sex and destroy dem in di end.
Mi loike di likkle neat idea fi drop off di fren up a di hotel and say wifey has a surprise for u. dweet!!
Hashtag queen…what a gwan? lol This suss yah nice. It can go couple ways
Me believe senda should surprise the gal and friend by going to the hotel wid him in tow and mek she explain herself. Dat de green card can stay cause a just misery him a head fah.
Keep yu cocky in ah yu pants!! Leave yu fren ooman alone mek she gwaan weave har own tangled web. Tell your friend with proof caws yu know how people get…especially when em in luv. That girl is no wife material fe wah f**k har fiance best fren. Har punny wah cool but pass up pon de offer while repecting your friend in the process. So far yu play de fool and gwan like yu nuh know what time it is…just lowe de gyal and leave har to har miserable life and…if yu fren have any respect for you fe ova 20+ years, mi nuh see why him wouldn’t believen yu OR ah nuh de fuss yu ah buss “him ooman dem bubble’
unda de quiet? No badda tun Joe Grind fe ooman with charater as hers!!! Run fass wid yu foot dem in ah yu hand. MEMBA CAPTAIN BARKEY OOOOOO!!!! Bless
Yo have all the proof you need to tell your friend what’s going on…..SHOW UP TO THE HOTEL WITH HIM……ASK her to get a particular color underwear and ask this of her on the phone in front of him, you don’t have to tell him who you are speaking with JUST MAKE SURE HE HEARS THESES WORDS “baby I am coming to meet you at the Hotel but make sure you get the red underwear, turns me on”.
He is sure to believe you after that!
He might just kill her down there…very easy. Leave them to time. Don’t tell your friend nothing, as he will find out for himself. Hopefully he will be in the states by then.
Him woulda kill di two a dem dead…not just she. Di friend sound unstable
:hoax2 Sender, a hope your friend a protect himself!!! What a baxide you go beat it to and the two a unu end up wid hiv? You seh a your “kill and die fa” friend but I doan tink unu wudda want it to end up like dat………..
Sender, you are a nasty stinking bitch. You have been communicating with the tramp after the ear incident, now y’all took the extra step to book room, it obvious that you want the girl and probably talked about your friend and turned her off. You are a no good piece of shit for not addressing the issue from the beginning, but because you bad mind your friend you are still considering sleeping with the girl. As a friend you shouldn’t consider what to do; the only consideration you should have is how you gonna admit to your friend that you want his girl and betrayed him. You are a wicked f**ker with no loyalty
The girl is a whore too because if it was me, sender, I would tell my fiancé and we would set you up for a nice beating
Sender, please stop tell lie on your friend bout he’s gonna kill himself. You are only saying that in an attempt to justify the STRONG feelings you possess for the girl, and you clearly want the girl bad. It’s all in your writing so get your garbage ass out of here
Sender…Get your friend to follow you to the hotel room on Thursday! No matter what he’s doing get him to follow you, but do NOT go there on Thursday alone; you don’t have to tell him everything else just tell him you got an invitation and he won’t believe who it’s from.
This common whore can’t be more valuable than a true friendship.
I have a question quys.What if your friend admits 2 yrs later that ur girl was looking him, is that a fren to wait almost 2yrs to confess that?
Yes, because 2 years ago you may not have believed it…just like how you have an issue with it now.
If you and the female living good now him shouldn’t bother to tell you…unless she up to no good still.
Mek yuh friend go in your place, tell him seh yuh set up a surprise wedding gift fe him and de girl or any good excuse yuh can mek fe mek him reach a de hotel Thursday. When de gal see him instead of yuh, she will konw yuh definitely not interested and try to avoid been alone wid har at all times. If friend beg yuh do anyting fe har, carry a next woman wid yuh when yuh a do any errands wid har. It betta him find out in him own time how gal stay because him so in love wid har yah now, him nah go wah believe anyting yuh say gainst har, him a go wah feel say a badmind and all dat an friendship a go mash up. So mi nuh care wah nobady wah say, mi feel seh yuh fe mek him find out fe himself.
Senda yuh full a dogshit enuh..d Yankee fly out fi mek wedding plan fi yuh bes bes life long fren n turn round fi lick out unoo ear like qtip ehh?..Yuh need more people..kmt bout wen eyes meet..unoo waan mashup yuh bredren wedding fi turn round mek funeral arrangements fi yuh tuh baxide :batabig :batabig :batabig
What a hell if the lady a read PinkWall (sigh) Yuh see how fast she rub out the evidence. The only reason why you are in a catch 22 is bc YOU WANT HER.IF U DIDN’T WANT HER NO ROOM WOULD BE BOOKED…YOU ARE FLATTERED and INTRIGUED. If you were concerned bout your friend…TRULY concerned you would whip out your smartphone and press record. Side note: I will never understand why a cheater seeks out a serious relationship..Just stay single and fqqq till u die…instead of lies, betrayal, deceit etc etc etc…stay single simple as that…kmt
U ain’t no friend! U 2 licky licky an are playing a dangerous game!if you didn’t entertain her nastiness from get go she wouldn’t take a step further by booking a tele,that is why there is solo much AIDS and disease out there cause most Jamaican men don’t use rubbers and the Yankee them go down for a freak, curiosity kills the cat, she just give you something deadly! The grass is not always greener on the other side. Think with your brain not your dick if you enter it just might rotten off, that’s why I don’t keep friends
mi wuda warn him pan a big man level.. and d two a unu gwaan beat it up…
Boss, listen to me, pull your friend aside and let him know everything, let him know that 2 can play the game, he has to go ahead and marry this woman and leave his feelings out of it, he has to work on her to get his papers and this should be his priority, he has to do everything he can in order to get her to file his paper work.
He has to play the game, each and everytime that sewer rat comes to jamaica treat it like a queen, he has to do this with a plan and not with his heart.