SENDER;- This is piss bed bubutch London’s number one hater all she does is make up stories about people doing better than her cause she is so sad and jealous bubutch aka nicketha You really need to get a life and stop stalk the hot girls it’s getting really worrying
Erica u born in riches but driving a Vauxhall Corsa. How do you work that out. U should be in the highest spec. U mad at the world coz u say u so pretty but yetto hold a man. U had to go back to your last resort, ur babydaddy lol. Ain’t u tired of fucking now. Go learn to love yourself boo and give that vagina a break.
Y is this girl such a worry to u
Dirty Erica you cheap whore run go turkey go do belly n batty and still nuh man nah stay all they do is fuck and ducked you, yuh Pussy mileage suppose to gone farrrrr hype Dutty gal that have nothing to show. Erica we all know yuh full a mouth and can’t fight nobody. Walking STD gal. Oh met mi have the naked picture of Erica that the man dem a broadcast round soon send it in. Dutty Erica stop send yuh naked pictures to people man phone mi waan them beat yuh rass
Is long time mi nuh hear this name ..a country u come from?
Bubuch u done your dna test yet Dwl kelita u stop lock out batty?
Cuh pon dem 2 cocky rejects bubuch an nuh yesterday Shaun did u for Erica n u ah have sleeplessness night n nuh stop beat the jacket dem n shit tongue kelita never ur bby fadda fuk ur friend in u bed n from day no man never claim I yet dem all deny u met please block Des two man clown off your site badmind ah bubble up in dem like soup
I’m sorry but bubuch wen last u c Shaun n pls stop Gwan u n u idiot fren ah goodas cause Shaun is not with u by choice member the obia man
Bubutch name ring a bell..but mi can’t put a face to it? Is she one of the hot pot sister’s daughter? Is she the same girl that got caught with a gun after a fight over man some years ago? If that’s her, they never learn I guess
OMG. I can’t belueve that you are still here writing. You say you are the wife, but yet you can’t reveal your identity. Me as the side chick for some reason is not hiding. As I said before, one thing about a man, he will always discuss number one, with number two that has been a proven factor.
You are ion pinkwall more than you are chatting with Al. I don’t get it! Why are so so concerned about BARB BARBIE SONIQUE?
Lady you never knew Al name… nor did he know yours!!!
By the way… you looked so professional in your karate pants at court. DWL.
My uncle said that he called the guy in the BMW and told him that him nor his friend is not hot like his woman. I’ve said that the person hung up in his face, bc they were mad.
My uncle also said that she is old fashioned , she don’t look good, I think he brought her some ugly sellatos , that I like ., lol. My uncle said that he went for dinner, bc he was upset when he woman stayed away for days.
My uncle said that she didn’t want to have sex he just chatted and ate some food. I told my uncle , no problem your woman won’t leave you for that.
By the way.. tell my BFF preaches up on the hill… that I said Hi. Don’t let coolie kno that mi deh a FARRIN. Mainly bc I don’t want her to believe, I will give her papers.
Now go and report this to AL SCREENSHOT IT! Barb never have to hide.
I kno this is you Mitzi, nobody calls me BARB OR BARBIE, as Al, but people on Fb… that’s the God heaven truth.. so I know it’s you Fb stalker, that’s why u blocked you.. you can only my life. GO KILL YOURSELF AND USE YIUR KNOWLEDGE TO WRITE A BOOK. You play some many different characters on the field.. lol. I feel sorry for you. If your the soon to be wide, why are you so worried about me?
That was a nice rebound,, play it back!!!! Lol
Why delete my comments. Let everyone know the truth. I don’t hide behind a fake page.
Everyone knows about BARB AND AL. Again nobody knows you.
You should think God for me, while your trying to sabotage my name.
Don’t worry about the police being called. The police should have arrested you for giving Mr creary a jacket for 25 years. Talk truth! Now fax this to Al. Yes it’s me Barb as you say!!!
Just sad
Bubutch is very very nasty gal, East London’s hood sucker she borrow ppl shoes and clothes and all now she can’t pay dem back dem money! Shaun nah worry bout you or ur kids dem cause one daughter he has and one son! Whoring bubutch da obia weh yuh granny use fi try hold Shaun why you never use it to get ur papers edat gal home office looking for you soon bitch your times up
Dutty Suck hood bubutch yuh nuh see Shaun don’t want you all now him nah find yuh dirty house bitch since him come up from yard him nah look pon yuh