Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:9 – 11
Jesus told his disciples that in this life there will be trials and tribulations but advised them to be joyful because they shall overcome. When trouble comes, it comes big time, that is why there is a saying that trouble doesn’t drop like rain, it pours like a flood; Job was one man who experienced this phenomenon. He lost his children, his worldly possession, his health and things got so bad that his wife asked him to curse God and die. But Job knew better than to curse God.
So many people do what job’s wife asked him to do when they grumble and question God in times of trouble. It is this attitude that led to the destruction of the children of Israel in the wilderness; unbelief is the reason why you murmur, complain and insult God with your questions.
The psalmist says he rejoices because God will not leave his soul among the dead or allow his holy one in the grave. What makes you think that sickness is forever? Why do you fear and worry that you will be poor for the rest of your life? What makes you think you will never get married? God will not leave you in that affliction forever. Weeping endures through the night but joy comes in the morning. I say it is a new day for you in the mighty name of Jesus! Good Morning.
Liberation thought: God is good and his mercies endure forever!
Further reading: Psalm 2
I command every situation to become a lie and the promise of God be true in my life, in the name of Jesus!
Father, thank you because I receive the grace to trade my sorrows for joy, in the name of Jesus
I declare that every bad situation in my life is turning around for my good, in the mighty name of Jesus!