13 thoughts on “DRAMA FI DI 2019

  1. Word is that jesus is lord, seriously! How people find time on their hands to do all of this, but why getting the child involved this is so wrong. These are some trashy white people.

  2. I still don’t get why there is so much hate towards BN who is clearly minding her business. Always the weak ones they have strength for because they’ll take the bullshit that the strong ppl would never take!

  3. Keep us posted sender. You see what hearsay,mixup and lies cause. I want her to sue all of them who lied and provided info to those devils,me wah know if usher husband alone have that name.

  4. A waste of bandwidth to clawt. BN needs to press charges against the police officer and let him lose his damn job IF this is true because WORD IS, not everything that lands here is the truth LOLLL

  5. Sender sounds like is you and by the way in this message, you put ALL the parties Full Names in there…BN….DN…AM

    If you’re the affected lady….talk up cuz you know toooooo much

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