
Raymond Pryce will not continue as a candidate in the selection process to represent the People’s National Party in the St Elizabeth North Eastern constituency in the next general elections.

In a statement issued by Team PNP on behalf of the first-time member of Parliament, Pryce said he took the decision to withdraw his name from the selection process.

This he said was because of “recent developments within the political organisation of the constituency of North Eastern St Elizabeth and the serious implications that have arisen”.

“I will therefore not be available to stand as a candidate for the People’s National Party when the next general elections are called,” Pryce said in the statement.

However, he also said that he remains loyal to the People’s National Party and subscribes to its principles and ideals.

“I thank the people of North East St Elizabeth for their support and will continue my strident representation on their behalf and in their interest until a new representative is elected,” the statement read.

The incumbent Pryce was facing a challenge for leadership of the constituency from Santa Cruz businessman Evon Redman.

Last week, an injunction was secured by former Mayor of Black River Daphne Holmes, a Pryce supporter, barring the party from holding a conference to select a candidate in the constituency.

Just yesterday, an OBSERVER ONLINE source disclosed that Mayor of Black River and chairman of the St Elizabeth Parish Council, Everton Fisher, has been tipped to become the PNP’s standard bearer in the constituency.

0 thoughts on “FISH IS OUT……AH MEAN PRYCE

  1. I think what happen was that the PNP took country ppl for fool cuz they release Raymond on the unsuspecting public wid him fishery!! All the turmoil that has gone done is strictly based on the fact that the ppl found out he was a fish n all hell bruck loose.Why didn’t they give him a pnp town seat or one in di ghetto??They knew only country ppl dem coulda try that with n pull the wool over dem eyes!!All im saying is how could ppl not know abt his fishery??the handmovements,the wining up n the Kimbo oh n most of all the constant tracing!!Till the end of time I swear ppl won’t soon forget the tracing him give di woman malahoo Foote on national tv!!!

  2. Clovis??? Cloooviiissss??? Cccllloooovisss?? yuh need fi galang better :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak a picho really seh more than a thousand words fi true :ngakak :ngakak watch d fish a trut him stuff nuh.

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