We have to be mindful of the things we say on social media as there are people who are constantly watching and waiting to report. In saying that now……….
Close source say that someone called ICE on Foota because they showed up for him at the cruise thing…….and remember Foota traveled to mussy Turks a few months before if not few weeks.. They say when Foota saw the judge, his paperwork was in order but ICE is claiming to have him on tape and did not present that evidence to the court when they came. The court dismissed the charges but told ICE to submit their evidence back to the court so that is why he is still being held. Someone called ICE and told on him , more than likely about what he was speaking on live and ICE wants him to be removed because of that
Wow! It’s a cold world! People heart are so cold
God will punish that person. The man have his family to take care of.
He reminds me of a big gal who never went to school a day in her life..dumb as a box of rocks..btw the gaybirds dem in Ja well want him come fe dun him career..
Nyam too much chicken batty dats y him chat so much..no.nope not sorry for it..u reap wa u sow
Sender! immigration court did not dismiss the charges if they told ICE to present the evidence at a later court date! also he would’ve been released immediately after the decision to dismiss!
Also! though its a “constitutional privilege” for non native born, if his paperwork was/is in order as mentioned, unless his social media posts/comments were threats or derogatory comments towards the US, specific people in the population, sect or govt, ICE would be facing an uphill battle to deport, anyone ever heard of “freedom of speech” as guaranteed under the bill of rights in the US constitution? it would have to be something else regarding his case that we don’t know about!
Foota makes too many unnecessary enemies like Willie did ..so when crosses reach them u cant tell a who
The mouth the mouth. For years upon years princess Foota a use him mouth to bring down people. He f*d with the wrong person(s). I don’t like him but I wish him the best. Idk why people are acting as if going back to Jamaica is a death sentence because I know that foota has a mansion built up and has a few businesses operating. I’m sure Foota DID NOT waste time since him mouth so strong. So going back to Jamaica shouldn’t be a big deal for him right????
This is interesting
Freedom of speech yes and no! And the fine print of the immigration law that can cause removal esp when you are not a citizen
you have to careful with your words bc defamation of character is real menacing harassment hate crime threat and a lot more are all crime and some people say and some cannot Don’t sometimes some people say something’s and it bring dem down they lose there jobs and all so be careful with your words
Woe be unto that person (s) who caused all this problem in his life when God done with them.
Bottom line he didn’t kill anyone…the children are the ones I’m concerned about most of all and I’m hoping he never had to revisit this situation …prayer going up!
Support you comment 100%!
Chances are the bitch that called ICE anonymously may have more worries than the man dem dig grave fah.
You niggers are a rare breed!
Unfair games play more than once in this life time and Karma set the rules…