0 thoughts on “FREEZE BLEACH, DON’T MOVE

  1. Early mawning juggling don’t…btw mi like di purse, it almost blem perfect wid him hand.. :cool

  2. I know dis fellow did not pay fi not one ah dem apprentice-lookin tattoo, nor dat 2-minute bleach :hoax2 My yute lowe di weed and stout an guh hold ah bag a corneal…..

  3. :amazed: :amazed: :amazed: :gila: I really and truly hope somebody take all bleach cream off the market wtf :nerd there is no God blesset way u can think u look good when u light all over your face but lips ears nose around eyes is black or your hands all white but knuckles black as hell smh but always thanking God what so yall thankful for everything but your skin complexion ijs

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