Advice needed..HMID pls..known this guy(him ova ya suh him goodly see dis) frm me a pikney an we liked each other.i move away and we lost contact. About 3 yrs ago we re gained contact and all the emotions came rushing back from both sides bt both of us were in a rship at the time. Anyways he wanted me to come see him and i just didnt see it as appropriate not only because i had a man,but because i didnt want to be the cause of another womans pain in anyway so i wanted his thing to fizzle out on its own before anything took place.we still kept the link and somewhat became best frends. Earlier on this year his rship ended and so did mine so the flirts went thru the roof and we had conversations about a rship. He said being as we hadnt seen each other in so long he wants to see me in person to see how we vibe together before we made anything solid and talk to me about things face to face. When i asked what he was doing in terms of sex being as(him single) he said there was some1 he was
dealing with bt nutin serious and that she knew about me.he also mentioned another girl he was talking to abroad bt said that they werent dealing anymore. Months after he said he was going on vacay from work for a short time and was goin to travel to stay with his family to clear his head from stress.So i said ok thinking since he only has a friend with benifits im not intruding on anything etc so i agreed to go see hin!made plans to do & go a whole eep of places together..had all the build up conversations about what to expect etc.sex talks. He would say things like hes “single” but just doing what he needs to so as to deal with lifes stresses i.e the fwb. As time went by the feelings grew &soon enough were pouring the i love u’s & gained an emotional attachment.we av our little bickers,block 1 aneda and den unblock wen we cya manage to be apart!I was going to see him this month and this is also the month of his vacay bt i didnt know the exact date he was leaving etc and didnt
care to ask. Anyways We talk pretty often so a day passed when i didnt hear from him and i was baffled as to where he was. he later posted on his whatsap status a picture that implied he was abroad so i figured dat he was busy flying and settling in etc. Another day passed and still nothing so i then put 2 and 2 together and thought he must av gone to see the girl who he supposedly wasnt talking to anymore hence why he couldnt talk/msg me.So i sent him a msg asking whats goin on &he replied.i said the least he could have done was let me know he arrived safe and he agreed saying he feels bad and didnt want to msg me because he thinks i would have asked questions and he doesnt want to tell me any lies but how he missed me etc. So i said ok! So without him admitting to being at the girls house the flow of conversation implied that. None the less im still thinking hes not in anything serious based on how our conversations were! The usual i love u’s and heart to hearts.Talking about kids,
family life together-the works!.From then we went back to speaking regularly. Today i decided to ask him what exactly his plans are and if this trip was to work on things with the girl and what exactly shes being made to believe! He said he has 2 woman and he dnt kno wt hes doing! So i started laughing because at this point i couldnt take him serious.so i said how are u trying to add a whole other woman to that(me). He said its me and her that make upthe 2! And how she know seh him a dog shit.Now im not only hurt but pissed that he thought i would be ok with sharing a man nd hide and seek with him.Times hard but nuh suh! Pple man could never be nice and comfortable to me because im demanding & a hand full by myself! Also i can never see eye to eye with a girl who KNOWS a man is taken and still pursues bcz iv been on the receiving end of that.not my style! When u dnt kno it different!So we had an arguemnt on whatsap and i told him to leave me tf alone till him SINGLE SINGLE because
mi nah help him be dog shit.To know that hes clearly been been promising this girl a relationship(anuh jst s*x) but yet planning the most with me show me seh him a wicked! He said im stressing him tf out & if he can still see me even for 1 day(i guess because its been years). After tonight im ready to let it all go coz him clearly nuh mean me no good and im over the bs.My question is should i still see him for the day to fill my own childhood memories or just call it a loss!also should i block & delete him or try to keep a friendship?
Sender u should go n mek sure yuh run di pu$$y then RUN di Pusssyyy!!Get it all outta your system zeen,use a condom,dental dam too …Good luck!
What? You still asking after all this? No you shouldn’t see him!!! Yamhead!!! Go su*k yuh mumma!! dum ass!!! Educated fool!!! A joke this met? You going anyway. but know this. You his clown from this day on .
Call it a loss.