Daily Prayer Times: 5:30am, 12n00n, 6:00pm, 9:00pm
“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law, And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts, If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit, Let us not be desirous of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one another.” (Galatians 5:22-26)
The Fruit of the Spirit is produced by the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers who submit to his control. The first three fruit of the spirit are Love, Joy, and Peace. Selfless love is the supreme Christian virtue. Jesus said, Christians’ love for one another would convince everyone that the professed Christians’ indeed were his disciples. (John 13:34-35) Sadly, Christians too often have seen brethren whose actions toward one another fall into the works-of-the-flesh, not of the fruit of the spirit. Does the love for God and love for others characterize your life? Does your life reflect the teachings of your church?
Joy is a calm delight based on the unchanging promises of God. It is closely connected to hope. Joy is not altered by circumstances but you can have it by total submission to the Holy Spirit. Peace is a calmness of Spirit that results from a right relationship with God and with others. This peace produced by the Spirit is not shattered when difficult situations arise or when that promises of God has not manifested. A waiting time is not a wasting time. Long-suffering combines the ideas of forbearance and fortitude. In James 5:10, it means patience. This fruit of the spirit enables believers to endure slights and injuries from others without hating them or retaliating. Gentleness is kindness. (Col.3:12) This virtue is not seen in the lives of members who are bickering and fighting with one another instead of loving, praying for each other. Faith is faithfulness and is rooted in saving faith. It refers to being trustworthy or loyal. A person who has faith in the Lord is someone on whom you can depend. Meekness is not weakness. It is a submissive and teachable spirit. A meek person submits to God’s will, is teachable and is concerned for others. Temperance is self-control.
When we manifest the fruit of the spirit and walk in the spirit, no demon, altar, witchcraft shall conquer us. We have to place our faith in Christ, choosing to deny ourselves by taking up our cross daily and following him. By so doing, we would have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. It is a daily matter, so we must choose to crucify the flesh each and every day. We are not left to struggle against the flesh in our own strength, for we live in the Spirit. God has given us spiritual life in that we are born of the Spirit and the Spirit dwells in us.
I arrest every power, spirit on assignment from my father’s side, from my mother’s side or in-law-side to stop my deliverance, my miracle, by fire in Jesus name.
Every evil padlock that the enemies have used to lock up my destiny, glory and star and have made me to misbehave, God scatter that padlock, in Jesus name.
I wear the prophetic garment of my father Dr. Chris Okafor, and I wear the whole armor of God to equip myself to walk with the fruit of the spirit in Jesus name.
Liberation thought: Holy Spirit, empower us in our Christian living and service.
Further reading: Galatians 5. James 5:10, Col 3:12
Yearly Bible Reading Plan: Exodus 5-6