Fifteen-year-old Devian always saw himself caring for his younger siblings in the future. “I remember how I would always talk about when I grow up, I’d be in the army and I’d always pick you up from school in my car and go with you to buy ice cream,” he said, as he stared on the casket bearing the five- and four-year-old girls.

“Now I can’t see that future anymore,” he continued, as the congregation moaned in agony.

The sisters were found motionless at their home in Washington Court Apartments in Kingston by their brother, who was tasked with caring for them while their mother, Rosden Hewit, was in Ocho Rios on business.

The police reported that five-year-old Rosrick King and four-year-old Rosricka King were pronounced dead at Bustamante Hospital for Children on May 6 after they were rushed there by an aunt.

The hospital summoned the police, who reported that “upon arrival the bodies of the deceased girls were seen with frothy mucus, with blood gushing from their nostrils and mouths; their lips, the palms of their hands and feet appeared to be blue in colour and what appeared to be urine [was] on their clothing.”

Based on preliminary examinations conducted by doctors, the cause of the deaths was suspected to be consistent with strangulation.

ving service was held, their brother, for the last time, told his sisters how much he loved them.
“Nowadays when I look at or try to say the word family it is hard for me, because the family is incomplete. I remember when I’d come home from school or after going to the supermarket, you always rushed to the door to greet me, sometimes making me fall to the floor,” he said. “Rosrick and Rosricka, don’t think it is over, we will meet again.”

RK and Ricka, as they were affectionately called, were the only females in the family’s second generation, and for this they were dearly cherished. Their aunts tearfully rehashed some memories of their only nieces.

“I look back from their birth and being there, and seeing how my sister almost died having them both and now they’re gone. I can’t see our family without them in it, but only God knows, only God knows why He had to take them from us at this time. I have so many questions but no answers,” Rosene Hewit said as tears flowed down her cheeks.

Rosannie Hewit, another aunt, could not come to terms with the many life hurdles she’d miss.

“I will never get to see you both change your teeth, or even grow up. I may never understand why you both left us at the same time, but I know you are both in a better place right now,” she stressed as she sobbed.

Just one year apart, like their mother and Rosene, the sisters were also remembered for their inseparability. They were believed to be twins because of how close they were.

“Rosrick had the personality of a little woman — intelligent and could hold a mature conversation with you at any time. A huge girly girl she loved to be and was always interested in everything I wore. I can remember her saying, ‘Aunty, I’m gonna be just like you and mommy when I grow up,’” Roshaine Hewit rehashed as her voice cracked and tears flowed down her face.

“Rosricka, on the other hand, lived in her own little world, always playful and loved tailing behind her big sister RK. Like every four-year-old, you could see that she had a million and one things going on in her head all at once,” she added.

The children attended United Early Childhood Development Centre. Class three teacher Miss White revealed that RK was being trained for the sign language piece to be presented at the Child Month concert and graduation. The students, in tribute, performed the piece yesterday.

“They were bright girls, eager and quick to learn, and their brains seemed to absorb information like a sponge. They were never afraid to express themselves or their true feelings,” their grandmother Rosemarie Hewit noted as she read the remembrance.

She also recalled her granddaughters’ special way of communicating, and the void the girls’ deaths now brings.

“Both girls had their unique ways of doing and saying things, which is etched in the minds of the family. RK would say ‘where is my pippas’ whenever she needs her slippers. Instead of saying suppose, she would say ‘repopse’, and she called Harry Potter in the Harry Potter movie, Harry Butter,” Rosemarie said to sparse chuckles.

“When Ricka was learning her colours, she would say ‘lellow’ instead of yellow. She would say butter, instead of peanut butter and would request peanut butter only, no jelly. One evening after work I visited their home and as soon as I sat in the chair Ricka bent to rub my stocking legs, then she looked up and asked ‘Womma (Mama), is this your legs fi true,’” she continued, bringing more laughter to the sombre church.

Going off script, Rosemarie highlighted her daughter’s remarkable strength and encouraged her to continue being strong.

“Yesterday when I was at the funeral parlour, and I admired my daughters [because] I don’t know if you have seen them in the casket, but their hair was combed by their mother and I know that God gave her that strength to do it. I know that God will take you through, Rosden, and I know without a shadow of a doubt, Rosden, that He’s here with you because very few people can do what you have done, hurting so much,” she said to thunderous applause.

The children were interred at Dovecot Memorial Park in the parish.


  1. Rest in peace lil angels.Now the quest for justice begins n we should not rest until justice is meted out Yardie style on whomever strangled these lil sweet innocent girls!

  2. Suh if it consistent with strangulation and they were there with the older brother, what happened? Dem wah seh thief just bruk in and strangle dem and leff?
    RIP babies 🙁

  3. This is a strange phenomenon, weird thing is the for the forth and discoloration, consistent with strangling, but did anyone thought about the supernatural happening here, if the brother, or any human played a role in the girls death, wouldn’t that be confirmed already, sometimes things happen did would shock us to know the root cause of the situation, and right now I am leaning towards the supernatural with this. RIP angels, only God knows what really happened to them.

    1. Supernatural ???? Are you really dumb as you sound? Are you saying the children succumbed to Obeah or some other nonsense like that? Sketelbam IS STUPID!!!

  4. Bwoy Tinan, mi tink a me alone have whole heap a questions to da situation ya. There are some missing pieces to dis puzzle. Mi caan believe say dat dem 2 likkle children here just dead by strangulation suh! It really sad, bad.

  5. I don’t believe is strangulation, that was just the initial diagnosis, wi not even sure if even is a pathologist seh dat or just a regular doctor. Nobody knows if a proper autopsy do, or toxicology report done. You got doctors in JA treating cancer patients and they nuh have no training in oncology. JA need more pathologists. Either the family already knows the cause of death or declined an autopsy fi nuh prolong dem grief due to the length of time they would have to wait. I feel is something toxic in the home they ingested.

    To this day I hate watching anybody’s child cause anything happen on your watch you will always be under scrutiny and guilt will always be with you. A second pair of eyes should have been in the home cause a 14yr old boy is not a proper babysitter for two young children for the weekend. Wid video games, the internet, and social media to distract ppl, I wouldn’t trust any young person to watch one much less two young children for an entire weekend, but I am sure they are already battling with whatifs already. It’s sad sad sad. May God grant them all peace.

    1. I agree with you. My first guess is that their death was cause by poisoning.

      How about an 8-year old child (Jamaican) taking care of a new born child while the mother went to work? This happen here in the USA.

  6. Anonymous 4:22 you know why mi nuh class like johncrow vomit ina the Sunday evening on this thread here, cause all the dead womb weh bring a carcass like you mi would a done today, but out of respect for the 2 little sleeping angels, and the grieving family, mek u get a pass, but you will do this a next time on another thread, and sinners weep and mourn for u stinking scunt when mi done wid u, Met ban mi from round ya. Kuh u too bout Sketelbam, like u know me, stupid is the sperm that get a degenerate like you, and nastiness when you come at me, don’t hide behind no anonymous, cause u have a blogging name, use it, u ole reprobate, reject.

  7. Not a teef. In my extensive watching of the ID channel one ting the criminal profilers always seh a teef hardly kills the inhabitants of the house. If a teef do it then the ppl know dem an the don’t want to be identified. Proper autospy is needed.

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