Glory glory to God Almighty. This is the last month of the first half of the year 2017, I command an end to your bitterness. Where you have been shamed I command honour.
This month my God will cause you to smile. And your testimony will be an advertisement of His glory in Jesus mighty name
I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness, because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. Psalm 138:2
The German Philosopher and theologian, Meister Eckhart, believes that if the only prayer you ever get to say in your entire life is “thank you” it will be just enough. It is also believed that a thankful heart is not only the greatest of all other virtues but the foundation of all other virtues? But in today’s world that is ruled by the principles of demand and supply, most people choose to be at the receiving end, always placing a demand on everything else, including themselves. It is even widely claimed that necessity is the mother of invention so people have a demanding mindset about everything in life and fail to appreciate what already is in existence. The ability to be appreciative is the well spring of gratitude.
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Are you grateful for being alive; the air you breathe, the sight and understanding with which you are able to read through this devotional every day? If you will always stop to think about the fact that life itself is a great gift you will naturally thank God more, for the simple but miracle of life. The devil does not necessarily have to steal your blessings from you because he could commit more atrocity in your life by making you ignore the fact that you are blessed; ignoring the fact that you are blessed takes away from you the ability to be thankful. Be grateful for what you have and stop regretting what you may have lost .If you cannot enjoy what you have right now, what is the guarantee that you will enjoy the more you are demanding and harassing God for? There is no service to God or act of worship that is more important than a heart of thanksgiving to Him for what He has done. People who do not possess the language of gratitude will never find themselves speaking the language of thanksgiving.
Liberation thought: Come before the Lord with songs of thanksgiving
Further reading: Psalm 136
• Lord I thank you for sending your servant, my father in the Lord to deliver me from every misery of my life
• Give me the grace not to take this privilege for granted
• Oh Lord, send help to me from the sanctuary
• Today, help me by the multitude of your mercy