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“ Moreover David said , The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go and the Lord be with thee. (1 Samuel 17:37)”
As you set out for your daily activities, wear the whole amour of God, invite God to go with you like David did. Who is I am that I am? God Almighty. The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. The First and the Last, he shall surely deliver you from the hands of the enemies, Amen.
Who is that strong man or strong woman who has kept you in that bondage for years? Who are the midnight farmers who have vowed you will not make it this year? What are the transactions of the fathers that have become a family pattern and are still speaking against you? What are the blood line diseases which have caged your family for years? What is the witchcraft powers militating against you? For the fact that you have not died before now means there is hope. The God of Dr. Chris Okafor will di-misfy every mystery surrounding you and gives you victory in Jesus name.
David knew that God who rescued him from the lion and bear will rescue him from goliath. It is important to count your blessings and name them one by one for you to know that God is Able. Don’t be forgetful of the goodness of God. God who miraculously healed you of that deadly disease will restore everything that cancer worms and caterpillars have eaten up in your life in Jesus name.
Even when Gideon and Prophetess Debora were chosen as the leaders of the Israelites; whenever the Israelites sin against God and were being handed over to the enemies, God encouraged them to fight back and deliver Israel. God never forsake them rather he did proved his presence by giving them victory.
Also, during the time of Joshua as leader of the Israelites,, the Lord always emphasized his promised presence by saying, “ I will never leave you nor forsake you” God unfailing presence provided courage for these leaders. I am assuring you today that whatever you do in life and invite God, his presence will surely be with you.
1 By the anointing of the Holy Ghost, I locate every witch in my life, marriage, in my family, I arrest all of them by fire in Jesus name.
2 Every Strong man or strong woman tormenting me and is connected to my bloodline, you wicked spirit what are you waiting for? You powers of barrenness holding me through my bloodline, I command you die by fire in Jesus name.
3 Every Goliath, evil gate man keeping my glory, my destiny, my children, my promotion, in an evil warehouse, I command you to die in Jesus name.
Liberation Thought: I am working in power and miracle.
Further Reading: Daniel 3:1—30, 1 Samuel 17: 37-54