For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert! Isaiah 43:19

There are people who are known as “Mr. or Mrs. fix-it” because they are experts at repairing things that are damaged or broken. The world is tilting towards re-cycling everything; waste water is being recycled for use as pipe-born water in homes, used metals are recycled for use and even used plastics is being recycled as diesel in some parts of the Niger Delta. So, man is now used to refurbished homes, cars, etc. and some people come to God with that same mentality; they want God to refurbish their lives so that they can move on and live in the best way they can. They cannot even imagine that anything really great can come out of them. They simply want to escape the mess they are in and the shame that causes them pain.
But the bible says that if any man be in Christ he is a NEW CREATION; old things have passed away and all things have become new. We serve a God who makes all things new. God is not in the recycling or refurbishing business; God is in the business of making all things new. That is why you can trust and receive the miracle of a new womb even though the doctor says your womb had been completely damaged by series of abortions. You can receive a new business even though the current one is bankrupt. You can experience new love in your marriage in spite of the fact that you and your spouse now live like strangers in your home; fighting like cat and dog, hurling hateful words and curses at each other. That wayward child can become a completely new person with a glorious life and destiny to be fulfilled. Why are you crying? Is God not able to do just what He says? Is God not the one who has the final say in your life? Forget what the story has been; turn a new leaf and begin to write the new story that God by His Spirit is speaking to your heart. It is a new day.
Liberation thought: I am a new creation
Further reading: 2 Corinthians 2:14 – 21
• Oh lord, let your eyes be upon me for protection for the rest of my life
• Every man standing in a corner placing curse on my life let that curse boomerang by fire
• I command that let the enemy fall into the same pit they have dug for me


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