1. 128 years after the birth of Marcus Garvey and what have we achieved? Jamaica is still basically run by the 21 families. Black people are there as tokens. Even the politicians which we perceive as having some level of autonomy are just puppets. Look at what the hotel owners and big box-store owners are doing to our people.

    There are certain hotels in this country that unions can’t go near, these hoteliers hire and fire and treat the little black people anyway they want. As for the wholesalers, I hear that one boss openly tells his employees no ends of cloth and make their life a living hell.

    These people are into every area of our society, they control the media, the politicians and the decision makers. Why do you think a certain big nose politician will never get any support from the big boys? He doesn’t know his place, he need to start sucking up to his masters.

    Black people, wake up! Look around you, you are living in the Matrix. You think you have control, but it’s all an illusion. Marcus Garvey must be turning in his grave.

  2. The honorable Marcus Garvey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The small minority of us will forever represent you until our demise. You were truly a scholar, and thank you for leaving us a great legacy. Freedom fighters don’t BOW no matter the circumstances of life or death.

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