I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, Ephesians 3:16
The Spirit of God dwelling in a man does wonders. He makes sinners become saints, beggars become princes, the weak become mighty and the fearful become as bold as the lion; Unlike the devil that takes charge of any available man and begins to manifest his works of darkness with or without his consent, the Holy Spirit is gentle and will not do anything without man’s consent.
It is very important to first of all recognize and be in awe of the fact that the Holy Spirit lives in you and desires to do His works (establish the Kingdom of God) in you, with you and through you. People who live with this consciousness manifest diverse workings of the Spirit and this makes the difference between a Christian doing exploit for the kingdom and a passive, unfruitful Christian.
The Israelites had sinned against God and for seven years he gave them into the hands of the Midianites who oppressed them and made life difficult for them. Gideon was just a young man living in his father’s house at that time and there was nothing about him that suggested he could be the one whom God would use to deliver the Israelites from the oppression of the Midianites. God could use Gideon because he was sensitive to the Spirit of God; he obeyed everything God told him to do and was courageous enough to get others involved. Gideon’s strength was not in his muscles or his ability to fight with a sword; his strength was in his inner man.
Do not look down on yourself, if you will let the Holy Spirit strengthen you, you will be a Mighty warrior for the kingdom. We are even better placed than Gideon; in their days the Holy Spirit briefly came when he wanted to use them and left them when the task was finished; But today, because of Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells in us; we are His temple. Spend time with the Holy Spirit and let Him strengthen you to face the challenges of the day. These are indeed difficult times and it will take the power of God to survive the fiery darts of the enemy.
Liberation thought: my strength comes from the Lord.
Further reading: Judges 16
Every cause of spiritual coldness in my life is nullified in the Mighty name of Jesus.
I revoke every wicked curse pronounced over my life by satanic prophets, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I know you don’t like me but take my foolish advice . You need a genuine goose feather pillow for your bed . Feathers are angels feathers draw your angel off mercy . Healing and guidance unto you in Jesus name .God help those who help themselves. Watch how you are going to feel better with your feather pillow in your dwelling peace unto you.