Gn pink wall hmid plz n hope you post it please even though it’s gonna probably be long. So I met this girl in March 2018 at Island grill in cross roads her beauty n smile caught my eyes she has scare on her chin but it didn’t spoil her beauty one bit I had gone there to get food as I had just finish trimming as I opened the our eyes connected with each other she was working at island grill at the time n couldn’t stop looking at her n she would constantly glance at me also anyways I muscled up some courage n went over to her we spoke briefly n I asked her for her number which she gave me my day was made I couldn’t stop thinking about her so the next day I decided to give her a call which was on the 16th of March it was her day off so I said would u like to go chill on the beach with me she said ok I was so happy she accepted my offer I asked her wat time n where I could come n get her she said she lives in arnet garden even though had never dated a girl from that side before n worst
The type of work that I do I always try to avoid those places but I was willing to take my chances so I picked her up at her home wen she came in the car she asked me if I wanted to meet her mom I was kinda shocked but I said sure she went I got her mom while there I was thinking I never met a girls mom on a first date before so I thought wow this is new her mom came n we talked nice lady n she gave me the talk mek sure yuh tek care a mi daughter enuh I said yes moms n we left the way how me n her connected I felt like I knew long time we had a great time at fort Clarence n I invited her over to my place after which she said ok but just to chill I said ok long story short we had sex n it was great I dropped her home n came back home I called her the next day she was like I thought u wasn’t going to call back I said y she said because u got wat u wanted I said no I want u even though she was just 19 n was 34 at the it was my first time being with someone so young but she was different
Well for the first few months my birthday was two months after she planned the evening invited some of my friends we had a great time wen we got home she continued with icing on the cake the way how the sex tun up I didn’t bother to pull out as we started having unprotected sex that night she got upset after I apologised so many times I went n got the morning after pill in the morning n gave her she took it n thing about some time after she said she missed her period n she took a test n it was showing that she was pregnant I was so happy as I really wanted a family with her anyways I was now doing two jobs I made sure she had all she needed n plus I setting up a online business for her as the island grill hot n cold was messing with her health as she has asthma so she told she was gonna leave it n I agreed I tried in every way to make her comfortable as she loves going out to party I tried to let her see life on a different scale worst she was carrying my child I went to look for as
Usual but this time I noticed some red marks on her neck n I asked her about she said it was how her skin is sometimes even her mom n bro get them most times n showed me elsewhere on her body which had the same marks so I said ok but it wasn’t sitting well with me n I left n text her wen I got home n told her I can’t stay n I was leaving her n I turned off my phone n went to bed wen I woke up turned of my phone I saw tons of missed calls n messages from her n voice notes of her crying n videos I felt bad as I loved her deeply anyways we spoke about everything again n moved pass that as I didn’t want her be stressing n she’s pregnant in July was at work I had my team doing a duty for my boss in downtown she called me n said she was feeling a lot of pain n she had to go to the doctor I jump in my car n met her at the doctor they had her on drip n she was crying cause she has lose the baby I was devastated but I had to show her strength n support even though I was crying inside sigh well
I started noticing changes in her I gave her money to start up the business no turn over I asked her wat she profession she like she said nursing we went n got her sign up n I went in my savings n payed her school fee n got everything for her to start September she use to come around n stay by the my house I noticed that cut down sex cut down as well with all the changes I still didn’t change how n wat I was doing for her she told that she won’t forgive me for getting her pregnant n stuff she started drifting more but I still did wat I’m to do as it was from my heart her birthday came up in December I ensured I gave her my Christmas she maliced me n told me if it wasn’t for her cousin her birthday would be spoiled I didn’t even c her I was hearing stuff about she n a guy I asked her she denied it until her phone that I bought her she broke the screen n gave it to get fixed n got her a phone to use until her phone finished fixing so her phone fix n thing good look like she didn’t
But the phone I gave her to use she didn’t remember to clear her google pics from it n I saw everything the shock of my life girl weh mi a duh so much things for inna man bed n a more than one man to but before that happened a girl that lives near to where one of the guys lives told a friend of mind that if I’m sure she my girl as she lives with a guy next door her she was at his house most times n he told me n I asked her n she took god off the cross n all guh fi beat the girl seh shi bad mind n wah mash up wi relationship I said ok n left it alone n then the phone gave her away on both occasions as I’m shocked to c the amount of guys this girl had while I was killing up myself to make her comfortable n even so with all the men she had I did everything for her send her through school fix har up with hair clothes everything so all they did was fuck har out n she’s apart of your estate big one to buy I just wanna let her know she didn’t use me as all I did was from my heart n even
With all I did for her I got no regrets as my blessings will multiply yes I tried to get back at her by cheating after I found out about the first set of guys n we decided try again but it wasn’t worth the try because you r just messed up in your head my girl n your body count gonna keep going up u need help I tried to offer u help but u got to fix yourself no one can fix u n ur just 21 n your body count is already through the roof n your doctors appointments gonna be higher as well I still wish u all the best though no point hating u
Firstly bredda give thanks for quarantine because that’s the most I’ve read in a while lol
Theres alot of things going on here but most importantly is your health for STDs especially the monster because this girl was stringing you along for a while and you not knowingly went for the ride. 1)From she introduced you to her mom on the first date just never seemed right
2)the red hickey Mark’s YES you knew what they were
I know how you feel because am like that too meaning I do stuff from my heart so when someone try to pluck me over I dont consider it a loss.Keep being you tho and dont do nothing crazy because woman dash weh a road
Hush. Youth mek she gwan a wutliss gal dat. Me no understand how some gal have 5,6 man a fuck dem out and nah collect? Only thing dem can tell u is u pussy good nothing more. Brush yourself off leave her alone,a god works mek she lose the baby she goodly never know who’s was it.