Good afternoon pinky. Please hide my identification. So I have a major issue and I’m seeking opinions on it. Some might say I’m an idiot bcuz their not the one in the situation so they won’t understand how stressful it is. And please for those with the toxic comments just ignore if u have nothing constructive to say.
So I’m a working grad student. Been friends with a wonderful young lady for just under three years. In that time she has influenced my life positively in major ways as a friend. We started being intimate about 11 months now since her a*shole bf insisted on beating her like his child. Since the lock November I started staying by her place a lot more often as she myself and her sister used to go a lot of places and hang out a lot. In February we decided to just chill together n wine up to soca n vibe. Long story is that we ended up f***g like rabbits for most of that weekend. It happened again a couple times but I decided I really want to be with my friend.
After we discussed it she let me know she wants to be with me but enjoy the bond we sharing now but after corona if I hurt her she going to kill me bcuz we tied to practically everything in each other’s life and she won’t be able to recover. I think I have been in love with her for awhile.
Here is where shit gets messy
We both have a little ki*kiness to us and we have had s*x with her while we watched a particular video of an older lady that is the best vagina Iv ever had and one of the creamiest. No identifying features for the lady was in the video as I’m strongly against that kinda thing. Me n this older lady was doing our thing about seven years ago and it stopped bcuz she migrated as she is a professional. The woman I’m in love with said her mom was to return to the island until stuff settles in the United States. I visited a few weeks ago after work kept me busy. When I walked in the house she told me she mom was sleeping. After I showered I went to sleep in the sisters room only for someone to come wake me for dinner. It was her mom. Pinky is the damn older lady that I used to sleep with.
I was so stressed I barely ate n sleep out the whole evening. I don’t want to lose my girl. Wtf do I do
Keep cool,
Don’t say anything if the mother doesn’t say anything to you. If she means her daughter any good she will pray for this crisis to pass do she can return home. Trust me she feels weird as well if not more. Not everything is worth spilling everything. Your girl may find it very hard to get over the fact that you have slept with her mother and you don’t want that stuck in her head. Trust me. The truth will ruin your relationship. Just stay calm and avoid being around them both as much as you can for now. You did not intentionally create this situation. Please remember that. Time is the master of all things. Give your self some.
Well it’s out now. How much anonymity you think you have here? Somebody know somebody who know somebody.
Stories like these why it better to just remain a Virgin until marriage. What a deep pot of Curry goat you inna. And unno all used to get off on the mommy’s video, Laaks. Kindly delete the video first of all, that will cut the energetic connection. See how you kept that energetic connection and pulled to her daughter of all people, energy and magnetic energy is real!
Listen mi, smaddy nuh must know you and the mother used to deal? Life has a way of coming at you when you try to hide something. Best you do is all three of unno sit down and talk about this. Yup, it will be the most uncomfortable conversation you will likely ever have in this lifetime, but it is better these things are done openly instead of hiding it and ten years down the road when babies and marriage come into play somebody pinch your girl and tell her. You know the first thing she going to say, why you didn’t tell me from then? Also don’t underestimate the power of illicit contracts. What if temptation override you and you end up boinking the mommy under your girl nose? You would go deeper down into depravity because secrecy leads to a return to past actions. The best solution in my opinion is to let it out into the open so everyone can go their own way in peace. If your girl decides to stay she is doing so with 100% full disclosure and nobody can humiliate her in the future. If she chooses to walk then you cannot be held accountable as you didn’t directly do anything to her, the breakup will be painful but understandable.
Please give us a follow up on the outcome and what action you chose to take.
run outs dat rass. Cause u goin to fuck the woman again..u see when dis covid done a pure fckry a gwan a airport ..ppl want to leave Jamaica.. an ppl can’t wait to come home
Mi confused. U said while watch a older lady…who was on the video? Was it her mother,?
If both parties are virgins then a situation like this could never be. Virginity cannot protect you from every relationship problem, but it can definitely prevent some.