Prime Minister Andrew Holness addressing Parliament on Thursday. (Photo: Michael Gordon)
PRIME Minister Andrew Holness yesterday reminded his fellow parliamentarians that they are servants of the people, and must remain accessible to them.
“We are here to serve them, and not the other way around. We are their servants, not their bosses. We must not let them down,” Holness said, urging each Member of Parliament to recommit to upholding the highest standards of conduct in the House. “We can be forceful without being offensive, we can be incisive, without being insulting,” he said.
Holness was delivering his maiden address to Parliament on Thursday, a week after being sworn in as prime minister following his party’s victory in the February 25 General Election.
He noted that “good representation makes for better communities. Better communities make for better constituencies, and better constituencies make for a better Jamaica”.
The prime minister added that the sitting of Parliament and the presence of the various parliamentarians is “a signal of the confidence they (the people) repose in us and the awesome responsibilities they have entrusted to us”.
Acknowledging that the narrow parliamentary majority comes with tremendous opportunities and challenges, Holness said, “This is a moment that requires cooperation. This moment requires maturity, partnership, consensus building and most importantly, patriotism. We must put Jamaica and the people of Jamaica first. The nation is looking on,” said Holness.
The prime minister, meanwhile, lauded House Speaker Pearnel Charles, expressing confidence that he will be judicious, firm and impartial in presiding over the business of the House, and in so doing uphold the traditions of the venerable office. He also commended the workers of both Houses of Parliament for their professionalism and hard work.
Commenting on the conduct of the election, Holness stated that Jamaica remains a strong and vibrant democracy. He applauded the people of Jamaica, the Electoral Office of Jamaica and all who worked to make the election a success, including the poll clerks, indoor and outdoor agents, the security forces and those who served as auxiliary police personnel.
“We have shown the rest of the world, yet again, that ours is a democracy that is alive and well. We have the enviable fortune of dignified, gracious and seamless transition of power after parliamentary elections from one political administration to the next.”
He also expressed appreciation to the private sector, the press and the various organisations that observed the conduct of the elections.


  1. Wonderful! This is what we need to move forward, what Jamaica needs is a leader that understands that they are really employed by the people, Andrew Holness can be the next great leader, as long as he bears this in mind, love across the board, win the heart of the people. I spot another great leader in this man, I pray I am not wrong, please wicked Jamaican people, uno cooperate with the man, don’t with, sabotage, in the house of Parliament, neither on the streets, I know how wicked some of uno can be, all when the man come to do good, uno shut uno eye tight, and claim seh uno nuh see it. Don’t do what uno did to Manley, please do it to Andrew, mi a beg uno, I see principal, and integrity in this man, beg uno nuh spoil it. Ooooo, just work with him, is better we are looking for our country, but mi nuh know weh some a them a look for.

  2. Andrew, is indeed 100% accurate and I am beyond pleased that he is promoting this narrative. I just hope that those parliamentarians subscribe. Kudos and keep up the good work Mr. Prime Minister.

  3. I agree, i said it, it is God works. He wasnt ready then but he is now! He has a leader aura around him!#GREATNESS but i still dont like JULIET :maho

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