“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
(Luke 19:10)
I believe this short story I’m about to tell will encourage you today. Emmanuel was someone nobody gave any chance of survival. He had to fight to deliver himself from life-threatening condemnation from his teachers in early life due to poverty, a broken home, a violent neighbourhood and all that. From childhood through youth, Emmanuel had many things working against him. He dropped out of school often, he lived with area-boys and one day, one of his friends was shot to death by the police and that experience became the turning-point of his life. Determined to transform his life, Emmanuel returned to evening school. He worked really hard at it, and was admitted into Jibowu Junior Secondary School at Yaba. The school counselor did not believe in him. He expressly told him that he had no future. But Emmanuel proved him wrong at last. He finished high school and gained admission to study Education Administration at Akoka College of Education (Technical). He said he chose that course as a challenge, “because teachers saw me as a non-entity, a person without a future”, he testified. He did not want to accept and surrender to others’ verdict of him. Today, Emmanuel pastors a large congregation in Lagos.
Each one of us is a significant potential world-changer. Even if the world has judged and condemned you as a failure, Jesus paid the price for your greatness and sees you as a co-labourer and co-heir of the kingdom of God. You have potentials that are unique to you. You are created to make a difference that only you can make
Liberation Thought: So God created man in his own image…God blessed them… and gave them dominion
Further Reading: Luke 4:17-19
Dear Lord and Saviour, resurrect in me Your work of love for all mankind, in Jesus name.
I receive every grace and empowerment necessary for me to fulfill destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.
I rebuke the spirit of condemnation that is assigned to weaken and distract me in my journey to fulfill destiny in the mighty name of Jesus