Three houses were fire bombed early Monday morning in Marverley, St. Andrew.

Residents say the incidents took place sometime after 1 o’clock.

A three bedroom house was damaged on Reapers Road.

Two other houses on Fendbrook Road were also damaged.

No injury was reported.

In August, two houses were firebombed and a woman fatally shot in a reprisal attack in the community.

A 15 year old girl and another woman were shot during the incident.

Meanwhile, Duane Smith, Councillor for the Chancery Hall Division, is appealing to the police to maintain their presence in the community.

Mr. Smith said the crime problem has existed for some time now, but worsened after the security forces left the community.

“We’re just asking the police to take control of the situation because the residents of Marverley and its environs are scared, they are very, very scared, because every night there are shootings, firebombings or somebody is murdered,” he pleaded.


  1. What a sad situation. Nuh warzone living dem yah, dis a nuh life. You needa can walk di street as you want at night and needa you safe in your home. Then where the hell you going to be safe? Is like decent ppl need to shift out to another dimension and leff dis one to the terrors to kill demself inna.

    I swear di ongle prayer worth praying deze days is fi God transport wi to a better and peaceful planet, fi those who desire a peaceful life.

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