“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.” Luke 4:18 – 19
Jesus was a perfect example of meekness and humility. He did not throw His spiritual weight around or go about acting like He was Royalty and everybody else was beneath Him. The lepers who were like outcasts of the society could go to Him for help and return with their health and dignity restored. Even the woman with the issue of blood had no fear about touching the Lord even though her medical condition made her unclean. The doctors could not help her, society scorned her and her last hope was the man from Galilee who was going about healing the sick, raising the dead and setting the captives free; she knew all she had to do was reach Him and her problems would be solved. This woman would certainly not have reached that conclusion if Jesus was arrogant and unapproachable.
Today there are a lot of people in need of the ministry, gift or talent that God has given you but can they reach you? Do they have access to you? Will they feel welcome if they get close to you? No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people tells all. Please note that some of the problems you are facing today might just be a divine transfer of the problems you are supposed to solve in the lives of people that God has sent you to. There are people who were very rich and suddenly became poor because they refused to share their riches with the poor that God put in their lives; they were ignorant of the fact that the money God put in their hands was not for them but for the people around them that will need it. There are people who are terminally ill today because they are blessed with the Grace to heal others but they are carried away doing other things.
Liberation thought: We are called to be servants of God.
Further reading: Matthew 25:31 – 46
• Every scheme of the devil that does not want my healing to be permanent be frustrated
• I recover every stolen jewel of my destiny today in Jesus name
• Oh lord let the sweet fragrance of your presence be on me
Thank you ✨✨✨.
Amen! How u know who you spose to help tho? Unless they come…