This is not a poem, Im speaking as my ancestors have asked me……..

When you have traveled outside of Jamaica and have mingled with other beings you realize how flimsy is your vote…
Being around other people frees your mind of the horrors on Jamaica, our blood filled mote……..
How foolish you are my fellow man
Voting for politicians who see your life as something that can disappear with the flick of a wand…..
The men you vote for aint even human…….man
They dont see your tears, they dont hear your stomach growls and they will ask for your life because you have put it in the palm of one’s hand….man
How foolish you are my fellow man…….
To call yourself don, yet your hideout is a sardine can……….man
With all the money from spoils and you cant simply sleep……..because your enemy’s wrath boils…………man
You are a don, but your spirit is restless, you are scared shitless…..That you will die like the next don………man
And, yet………….You vote, sell votes for the same parties who have organized your deaths and given you temporary assets….That are not to your comfort man……..
How foolish you are my fellow man, to have died at twenty while the man who started it all………..appears to be living infinitely..
The ghost of Claude Massop will continue to haunt the land…… fellow don…man
Claude was killed………because he forgot the first oath of loyalty ………….Loyal to self……
So, while you are here , possessed by his ghost………wanting to be don—man……..His spirit is waiting to collect your blood and the blood of the others to come………….on his altar…… fellow man.
Hey Mr Hitman………… the don(man) hit you up……….pricing heads and your head will cost him zero..Mr-Hit-man
How foolish you are my fellow man…
Not to know, today for me, tomorrow for you………is a song all the altars have sang…
Is killing your fellow man such a high, you forget that youre next………Mr Hit-man?
The don preyed on your hunger but will make sure your body is not recovered……..Mr Hit-man
The land of peace and love youve turned into bullets and blood..youre marked for death incase you didnt know Mr Hit-man..
How foolish you are to live on such beautiful land and can barely come out of your hideout……….my fellow man..
Jim Brown was burnt in a cell, in a prison filled with men..who casted their vote…PNP—JLP
Who has never helped Mommy…………..but damn right, they helped Mr. Lee
How foolish you are my fellow man..
Not to know youre just a number……….like in the days of Ja-pan/drop-hand..
Ten for gunman………nine for duppy
Nineteen-eighty was over thirty years ago……and you are still sleeping man.
Kill today, die tomorrow..Madden a eat a whole heap a food……….offa you…man
How foolish are you my fellow man…..
As a woman……….to say ”ah only bad man mi want man”..His days a numbered pon dis land………wo-man
And while you breed……..for this badman…wo-man…………the altar that called for his blood………will call for your children’s lives..foolish ..wo-man
For those who are traveled..enlighten your fellow Jamaicans that this is not life……
Same so met, this what i was thinking when talk about our ancestors, why are we stil living in those old times when only high coloured people could read and make a fool of us, we know better now and we still not doing better.
A which top ranking British Crew member and Fowl/Oney dem fall out ?
You clearly missed the whole point of this poem. Back to the foolishness.
I really wish our people would wake up and realize these so call politicians don’t like them. I was recently in Portland visiting a friend and the condition of some parts the roads were horrible especially going towards San San. I was in shock when I got into the town of Port Antonio to see there was local election going on and people were driving up and down these same deplorable street advocating for the two politicians. I was saying to my husband if these politicians don’t realize the roads they were driving on was bad. Then it occurred to me they don’t care because they only come around these parts when it election time. It’s not like they (politicians) use the roads every day but the foolish voters running behind them. Wake up voters and know your worth, don’t go out to vote until what you command is done! They are put in a position of power to work for you ant you working for them.
Met u are absolutely correct..The dead dons reach back and pull the others with them..It’s just like people that die in car accidents or dead hot as Jamaicans say if u notice how much accidents most times deadly happen at that same spot u would shiver..They claim as much lives as possible..Serious world we r living in
Well done and so true.
Literally, lamb to be slaughtered. People need to wake up and realize who the REAL puppeteers are. The puppeteers really don’t care about your well-being, “man/wo-man”, only for “sacrificial” purposes. The ancestor’s voices are still being echoed from the grave. Sadly, but not all will be awaken from the madness that engulfed and trapped their minds into thinking the puppeteers… really cared. Dons were never Dons in the eyes of the puppeteers…ONLY…a “body” to blame and “sacrifice” when “fire de ah mus-mus tail.
For those who would benefit from this…they never read, much less comprehend and absorb.
I swear you need to pin this and let it stay on the front page… It will still go over many heads, but maybe, just maybe it will steer someone contemplating that lifestyle somewhere in the future. Good read, deep message, those who have an ear let them hear.
This well written and our ancestors are giving us warnings to take note of. I hope people who read this start to wake up and try to teach others to understand our history and the lessons to learn.