Good morning everyone…You are seeing an influx of posts because you are sending them! Please continue to send via email and you have seen, we dont mind reading 🙂

13 thoughts on “INFLUX OF POSTS

  1. Met why haven’t you covered the story about the kidnap and torture of the white boy in Chicago by the racist thugs who are now in jail on hate crime charges?

    It’s related to Trump and you hate him too right? Why no story?

    1. However tragic the story is….she needs to showcase one white persons attack by ignorant, criminals to satisfy self- HATING Trump supporters?

      Furthermore….it’s not your site….you don’t get to dictate the content sir or ma’am. I suggest you go purchase a domain and start your own blog.

    2. I sent her a story about Chinese Gutter Oil and it dont post and we know she dont love Chinese business practices so why that dont post according to your logic?

      1. Lol u send in chinese gutter oil and it didnt post because it was ALREADY posted here a few weeks before you sent it in.

          1. Something is wrong with them man….like I said, domains aren’t expensive….go start your own site, do the work and post what you want to post….not everything you send in will get post….how stupid could you be to think everything sent in gets posted….I’ve even sent things in weh Neva get post and do you see me here carrying on? No, because I have sense enough to know Met has her own stories she wants to post as well as hundreds if not more sent in by people that she has to sort through….everything won’t make the cut honey….go cry elsewhere. Annoying like!

        1. Not fighting you down Met, just pondering the logic of the previous poster. Happy New Year and you have a good day also!

          1. Happy New Year also but u supposed to know seh dat person is a trumpett o u cyah reason wid dem

  2. Send een hunnu dutty life file Mek mi view and comment…My advice is always the best on here thanks.

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