Why lukie supreme stay giving Lady charmaine bun. Is either she ah ediot or him nuh hav nuh respect. From him f**k off alicia cinnamon ah bare drama him deh ya. Only reason why him get a likkle forward and bookings is cus him use ar name. Wha happen to him with di likkle gyal dem. Ah now one basic coolie gyal. Sum ah unno sound bwoy fi fix up. Yuh hav yuh good up ooman at home and yuh ah run streets like one whore. Come like him use him likkle DJ status fi get pumpum dutty bwoy. New selectas soon come thru fi tek ova. We tiyad ah di same pussy clot song every dance. Dancehall is a f** shame in Toronto. Best selectas come from di west ah memba me seh dat
Waste man
Who cares!!!
Can somebody please tell Lisa aka Diiverse to stop doing music and guh look wuk and tek care of her children. Yuh fava black bud pon banana leave during rainy time, your music are pure garbage talking bout yah songwriter guh write ah life goal because your almost forty years old and still can’t find ah hit song! Big up yuhself Kim Kelly yuh deh ah lead
Sounds like this is the idiot herself
Rohan boasie went M.I.A i see his crew out but never Mr.Boasie himself.
Leave off of the man name. Clearly can tell this is a hater. Even if the man did a cheat at least him respect him woman that much so she won’t find out, only cocky watch gyal like you come a watch the man cocky,why tho? You did a look a fuck too? So sad. Stop jealous over people relationship and go look a life, because lukie treat him wife like queen so get the fuck off social media and stop like attention waste gyal.
A the wrong man name you call bitch!! Look like Lukie never give you the opportunity to lick out him ass. And talking about west man play better music lmao most of these sound man play the same damn music it’s how they know how to juggle it, so go and suck a ball and stop watch the people them relationship for a hype, the man and him wife well ok. And the man not cheating. Beside who would want whoring cinnamon with her loose pussy lmfao she wish she could get at him
Blah blah garbage
Big up yourself Charmaine you a beat them bad. Poor soul them. Too bad fi them man treat them like shit so them have to look forward from from social media hahaha. It hurt you guys dont it? To see people living happy and your life sad like funeral. Y’ALL man a cheat and breed next gyal and beat the shit out of y’all lmfao so you come look comfort here, you are not well come.
This is most likely one ah him wife friends weh tired of him pussyclot. That gyal ah no dancehall artist how she reach dancehall mix up tpc mi checkout ar page she looks like she dont even know wha pinkwall is unno guh easy pan ar
Hilly look so good Saturday night And nikki hype look amazing as well. Really like how the ladies came out looking lovely Saturday night. Yesterday day party was the boom
So I read a similar reply on another comment but seriously Toronto stay on topic! Wowzers!!!
First n formost ain’t the topic about some man named
Lukie? How in Gods name do y’all go from a Toronto artist to
Rohan like…who does that? Anyway back to the topic…can we import some new men into the city? Cuz clearly there’s a shortage….gladly I’ve never heard of Lukie so maybe Toronto dancehall has gotten more male members or they diggin men out of their coffins…but we all kno that most of Toronto has slept with each other and there’s no shade just reality….place is just too small! Finally if my senses are on point I’m willing to bet Ms. Cinnamon has decided to send in this write up. Let me explain why….it’s no secret she’s a whore and most ppl comin on pink wall that live in Toronto kno this…shoot so to be posted on pink wall is like the a Grammy nomination for her. Free publicity and possibly more men to fuck…it’s a win win for her! Pinkwall makes Toronto hoes famous…nuff of u need to pay this site so might I suggest Ms. Cinnamon u contact the email provide submit music and send a few dollars for promo cuz ur voice actually sounds good!
cinnamon is a whore ?, Lot of females are closet whore# None are virgins# Lot of females a run down man who doesn’t want them and a worries about next females pussy #who want you?# who give you the right to be dissing females ?# This post is about Lukie Supreme now they move to Rohan boasie and now Nikki come post bout her and hilly # yes Nikki we know it’s you only you alone does crop like this# let’s stick to the topic of lukie supreme# Leave miss Cinnamon out of the conversation please
Hi “Look here dear”,
Reading is fundamental! First I actually will never say Ms. Cinnamon is ugly nor she doesn’t have talent for God hates a liar, but her name has overwhelmingly been attached to a whole heap of man…and yes she is a whore…not taking that back but I’m sure u read where mention was made that Toronto is a small place n most ppl in the city have swapped bodily fluids….I’m not askin u, this is truth. But I understand u thought writing about this man Lukie n dropping ur name would provoke readers to further investigate! Very cleaver but it’s been done before! And has backfired so go back to the studio make a hit with that beautiful voice or fuck n collect money to help promote ur talent…singing! Cause fucking other artist isn’t helping! I also use to think Nikki stayed on here commenting too, but I’m definitely not Ms. Hype! Sad but true! U realize the story u sent in Ms Cinnamon does include u so that is very much on topic!
Ms. Cinnamon let me give u a little backstory u see when u sent the man I was fucking ur pic to his DM along with ur number that’s when I knew u undeniable we’re a whore….but shit man looks good and wasn’t really mine! It was at that moment I decided to go for ur man…what’s his name that nerdy radio guy that lives with his woman and doesn’t want anyone to kno….u kno the guy u went away with…anyway no pussy watching matter of fact I gotta thank u his face by far was the most comfortable chair I have ever had! But could u imagine my surprise to see on the lovely pinkwall ur name once again and others commenting about ur famous whoring self?! So being the petty Betty I am I decided to drop my two cents…please don’t draw this out! I kno it’s u…
The more I read your bizarre comments is the more im convinced you submitted this story just so you can call up my name lol sis I’ve never dated no nerdy radio guy so if you gave away your vagina to spite me you played yourself. Also wouldn’t that make YOU the whore especially if you cant remember his name? If you’re guna make up a story make it make sense
Hey Cinnamon,
Finally decided to appear as urself huh? Once AGAIN…Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!!! Yes like u I’m a whore that was already mentioned… and it might jar ur memory if ur reminded that the radio guy actually has a online program and lives with his girl the one that funded the vacation u went on with that gentleman, the man in a full relationship that u went away with! No need to call his name as his actual woman would probably be upset learning of the situation in this way! Don’t u think? Besides, u kno who it is I’m talkin about but ok..no worries…let’s stick to the topic…finally the writer of this story and commenter reply to this story and ur reply are two different people….u kno that also because u sent the story in….
Reading back and forth, YOU are a bigger Hoe than cinnamon. You one a those “choir whires” that play saint but whoring past limit. Cinnamon, this Hoe out rank you. Stop argue wid her…lolol
We can people get along and stop bashing each other.
MR Lukie would never go for alicia cinnamon, stop mix up the man name.This is not nice. And I feel sorry for that Alicia girl, poor girl meet a rough time with everyone.
These housing whores need a life..thank god for peel housing bumpa shonna and the rest pf the gang all the fendi lolol dem ah wear which we know is fak cause you see all the young gal dem in it..anyways wearing fendi but have Tommy housings money..they so wackk.meka why yuh know get your friends dem a job at the hospital dem dont need to go ah school to be a porter or work in.the kitchen..whos there comp with.each other..all the so call brands thry wear.they still look like shit bet dem.cant even.read and write good
First of all Too much Badmind in Dancehall and too many haters and too much manipulator %If Alicia cinnamon decided she wants to sleep with dancehall men it’s nobody business# Did she borrow your pussy?* Do you have a man?* Does any body wants you ?* Do you have a man ? Dance hall needs some real people it sad when people realize they can hide behind the pink wall and write And it’s Nikki hype hobby to come on pink wall and Big up her self and she either call up nelly Diamond name or Hilly to make it look like it’s random people doing it @ people isn’t idiots @ Nikki you assume you need to be relevant and nuff up in everything # worry less and stick to hosting it fits you but stay out of the Drama cause you Done sleep with 3 quarter of Dancehall and their sons and Grandson so you don’t need to put in your 2 cents# people be worrying about the wrong things #Alicia cinnamon is not fazed by these pink wall cowards continue hide cause we know it’s you #Your man a get take next# Bye to other people man and hello to the the tall Brown man at Rum Diaries ha
Not to be rude but can Nikki formulate a sentence?! I get it she’s a easy scapegoat but I assure u…”Pretty, petty and truthful” isn’t Nikki…nice try though…”Stop this now” aka “hashtags”….if ur friend Alicia actually put thought into the bodies she’s added over the last few years she’d maybe be able to put the puzzle pieces together but that within it self speaks volumes for how many interactions she’s had with the multitudes of insignificant dancehall dj’s, promoters, artists, radio personalities…the man that come on early and string up the sound, security…fuck Alicia all that fucking and the only relevance u’ve been able to muster up is on the pinkwall?! Amongst the “bottom feeders”…. ouch!
Lmfaoooooo first of all EVERYBODY in dancehall is fucking EVERYBODY and yall worried about ME? I’m a whore? Because you see me with all the men you WISH would pay you some kind of mind but they ALLLLLLL stay trailing behind me. Look here first of all I’m an URBAN Canadian RNB singer. My culture is NOTHING like dancehall nor am I trying to be dancehall is what you fail to realize. There is NO MONEY in Toronto dancehall my ALBUM was dropped in the us. I came back to Canada for ONE YEAR last year and you ppl have not came tf off my name from since. WHY because I carry myself with confidence and i actually have a talent that cannot be denied so therefore i ain’t begging NOBODY for shit. Publicity off of a jamaican matey website if I wanted publicity I’d have submitted my music. I was sent this post multiple times and the more I think about it it was most likely from the person who submitted it themselves because everyone knows I’m CANADIAN it took me 15 minutes just to read wtf was written. I come from the hip hop world were we come DIRECT if ima name drop I’m guna attached my name to it we dont do anonymous we take it out on the music not on websites dedicated to mix up or indirect shots at a dancehall party. Imagine if we applied this same energy into promoting black business and positivity. Now theres alot of ppl here commenting bout who would want me. EVERYBODY included some of you women♀️ALL OF YOUR HUSBANDS LIE AND PRETEND TO BE SINGLE TO ALL THE NEW GIRLS IN DANCEHALL THEN GET CAUGHT AND USE THE COMMUNITY FOR A COVER UP. If I wanted to be a bitch I could expose ALOT of ppl but I do not want any of your burdens sorry I mean husbands. These men will message me CONSTANTLY then when I finally reply screen shot and send to their stupid WhatsApp groups to make it look like somebody is running them down. WASTEMEN big ild 40 something year old WASTE. but the thing is most of you women know these men are waste but because black women hate each other so much it’s easier to place the blame on the female. As for that clown with her fake ass long ass story correct yourself miss you’ve been stalking ME for the past 3 years now with your big teeth self so I told your baby father to talk to you because I’ve known you for too long to be arguing with you because you want hype in dancehall NOBODY WANTS YOUR UGLY WHITE BABYFATHER I like chocolate. All the ppl commenting are so bait and so stupid because when I see you in real life you cower into a dark corner because you know no matter what lies shit or fuckery you come up with I will ALWAYS walk in a room full of ppl who dont like me with my head up looking fly as fuck because last time I checked opinions dont pay bills. It takes ten seconds to Google me to see the reason I’m always in the housing sector is because I work WITH the city on a DEPPER level I’m not some basic ass singer who just takes pretty pictures and wants to be famous I have a HOUSE and a whole life in Atlanta I DONT NEED TO BE HERE but I came BACK so that I can make a DIFFERENCE. How many female artist you know have been on the 6 o’clock news discussing culture appropriation not once but TWICE, how many do you know meet up with city officials to discuss gun violence plan programs for youths,how many do you know have sung songs about police brutality infront of a room full of policers officers with their backs turned, how many have been targets for throwing rallies, how many work with the moors (if you even know what that is) and black Panthers in Atlanta, how many do you know fund bbq for neighborhoods with her OWN money, how many were covered by CBC news as one of six black canadians making a difference in her commnity, how many do you know dedicate their entire brand to the empowerment of the black woman even those its those same women tryna tear her down????? But yet yall worried about who I may or may not be fucking. The problem is the idiots calling me a (whore which i cant wait to see you in person pls keep that same energy) are the same girls who sell their crotch for a living therefore think that what we all have to do to get ahead. No sweet heart these men crave my AURA my INTELLIGENCE my AMBITION my ability to help them advance in life on the quiet. Am I a virgin? Obviously not who doesnt like dick? Until recently I was SINGLE and when you’re SINGLE you can do whatEVER TF you want til you find that person who DESERVES ALL of you. Alot of women are in relationships well miserable just to say they have a man NOT ME. I dont do side bitch culture you wana have multiple girlfriends either we all know about each other like the muslims do or I’m gona continue to keep my options open.SIMPLE. who dont like it can stress themselves over what I’m doing. Ya the hate might hurt for a little bit because yall GENUINELY have no reason to dislike me other than personal insecurities, but then I remind myself it’s your demon to battle not mine. Theres an ENTIRE WORLD OUTSIDE OF DANCEHALL some of you need to explore it, when I walk down the street in various demographics ppl know my name, some of you ppl only matter inside of a dance. I come to dancehall to enjoy reggae and dancehall music FATHER started off most of these sound men is the reason you see me around djs whom he told me to connect with. But because Toronto ESPECIALLY Scarborough has no knowledge of any Toronto music history you know nothing. I’m aware of everything that is being said about me by the same set of ppl who have been coming for me from since last year to protect their DUTTY friends. Jealous bad mind females, perverted men. Ppl with no ambition so you need hype off someone else’s name. If I never step foot in another dancehall party I’d STILL be relevant with a successful career alot of you cannot say the same. My music is international Toronto is a DOT in comparison to the world. I love my city but it cant make nor break me it’s not relevant enough and we all know this. I do not care about being “liked” buy my music or keep it moving either way I’ll be fine lol I wasnt even going to comment because I didnt think I was even relevant enough for ppl to still be caring about this post but seems like everyone wants to come up with their own fake stories so here’s the TRUTH what you choose to do with it is your choice. Only the bottom feeders are worried about shit like this the ppl that are booking me ARE NOT ON jamaicanmateyangroupie.com I actually emailed them to remove this post because I dont want this kind of attention but since I’ve been getting stalked by fake accounts for the past year and keep getting tagged in mix up who knows who runs this page and if their friends with those same ppl. As for this lukie situation am I the first girl who’s name has been called up with his? Dont try to drag my name down to protect his. My association with these djs is either play my music or keep it moving. Very very very simple I’m not looking to take nobody’s man for him to turn around and give me the same karma? I’m a Canadian American afro Latina everything about my culture is different. The reason you see me with so many males is because of post like THIS look at these women in the comments wtf would I chill with any of you and my actual friends HATE dancehall parties I love going places alone but when it comes to dancehall I prefer to have some form of protection because yall got some real WEIRDOS out there. Stop worrying about my vagina shes as tight and little as I am shes good! Since yall so worried about my music QUEEN OF THE NORTH is the album spotify Google play iTunes tidal. Maybe some of you should take time and have an actual conversation with me instead of about me. I’m a very humble and low key person. The only ppl who are guna feel some type of way about this post or any comments in it are the ppl who already dont like me and I do not care about. So at the end of the day none of this matters. I’m sure next week yall will find a new way to stalk me I shall be waiting this is my first last and only reply
Ummm that is one hell of a paragraph….but u don’t care about the Canadian Dancehall scene…that’s bizarre yet ur willing to mingle! U really believe ur own bullshit don’t u?! How u found ur way to the pinkwall is truly remarkable! Oh wait but u didn’t submit the story for publicity? Right?! Alicia I’m glad u decided to break ur cover to speak up! Appearances are jus that appearances…n since I commented I will once again state get ur money together pay for promo and stop purchasing views and followers! Like I’ve already typed “READING IS FUNDAMENTAL”! U most definitely was in “our mans” IG DM’s And stay involved with a bag load of others as mention of ur name in this story garnished not only my comments but others. It’s just the way it is Alicia I think it must have come as a surprise to u that various others have knowledge of ur whoring ways but hun it’s PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE! So stop the foolishness less time sucking n fucking to be put on to shows to gain interest and put ur money into ur craft….maybe just maybe u could actually make it to the Grammy’s with a proper nomination instead of taking time out of ur oh so busy schedule to reply to “bottom feeder’s”!
Lol..All mi waan know is how my name reach inna dis? It’s good to get things off your chest. I love you too boo boo, same energy. I shall write a song just for you 🙂 Maybe it hit. I’Don’t Care!
Was wondering why my streams been going up for “I Don’t Care”
All this shit is unnecessary. We all know the man would never go for cinnamon and everybody knows cinnamon gets around. What was the point of this shit? Everybody that’s in the dancehall knows Lukie can play so clearly this is just some badmind and run against person who made this unnecessary shit up. People go and get a life and stop worry about people that don’t concern you. And for some of the previous comments that started they dont know who he is, I can see your just coming out of the nut shell lol! The shit people make up to stay relevant. Bye fools
Look cinnamon it looks like yet another person is referring to ur legendary whoring reputation! Are u seeing this? I’m actually starting to believe ur the only one that doesn’t kno…this is city wide public knowledge….sorry it took u submitting this story for u to find out!
Obviously this is ah lukie trying to cover his skin EVERYBODY in dancehall knows lukie sends his runners fi talk to cinnimon. We all heard the song she put out with the voice note of him saying I love yuh last year. More than likely ah yuh submitted this post to make yourself look good and realized nobody knows who you actually are fucka yuh. So now yuh ah try tune it pon ar imagine nikkie hype a vex cus she thinks sample sexy body king and alisha deh but you mr lukie one eye supreme is too nice for Cinnamon? That’s why Perry slap up yuh rass last year and why nobody cyan stand yuh. Yuh fake. Everybody inna dancehall know seh ah you bring alisha to all di dutty pawtys dem. From when we hear about ar and never see ar til she come around yuh. Nuff ah we try fi warn ar bout yuh dutty ways. Kim Kelly. Trilion promo. Empress rene. Alisha cinnimon. WE ALL KNOW LUKIE. Is either you ar nikki weh start disya rumor. Sounds like a set up. Why is the caption who’s lukie supreme and not alisha cinnamon if ah she sent it? Ms cinnimon all press is good press keep giving the old dancehall heads a run for their money. Dem vex cause ah new whore in town (mi nuh mean fi call you ah whore but run with di title my gyal it ah bun dem)
Alicia ur not stopping? U call the people bottom feeders yet u seek relevance in their arena?! Ur from the hip hop world…then why even comment? If this demographic serves u no purpose why even come off of ur perch to reply bird? Literally the more these comments come rolling in is the more it shows this was never about Lukie is was a shameless plug for urself…just like inserting of voicenote on track (something I just read) would be done…because if Lukie is in the Dancehall world and ur flourishing in the Canadian RnB/hip hop scene what would be the reason to utilize muchless ever mention that…THIS HERE IS THE CASE OF A PERSON NOT KNOWING THEMSELVES!!! U clearly thought u had the Dancehall scene fooled when the only fool is u…this shit backfired on u so badly!
As for the smokescreens Nikki, Sample King the endless others ur trying to pull into this fuckery just stick to the topic. Lukie n the mention of u the city wide whore who doesn’t care for Dancehall but wants to have music endorsed by DANCEHALL! Do u see how nothing u’ve done is strengthen ur bullshit?! Embrace ur celebrity or lack there of with ur rightful title as the “undisputed piss up stain up Toronto Music scene Mattress”!
P.s. sad thing bout the little music scene if all of the members would stop with these false persona’s u probably would be embraced that much more!
Lisa aka Diverse I thought you’d never reach! Glad that you have arrived. Your song is so garbage that you had to go back and do a remix for it and the remix is still toilet lol streams where yuh fava cockroach pon toilet seat you only got four hundred YouTube subscribers, you is a real clown to be doing music for over 11 years now and still can’t find a hit song. Maybe you should take notes from Tiffanie Malvo , Kim Kelly, Alicia Cinnamon these ladies actually have talent and all you wanna do is traumatize our hears with your terrible music.
Alicia cinnamon dating sample king ?
Stop call up sample king name
Hey Bunny aka Marlon aka Man ah …..wtv!
Is was a question dumb is she dating sample king
Sample King Girl is 1000x more sexier than Alicia Cinnamon by far. What would Sample want wid that deh waste gal
Stephanie dont waste energy on these people.These good for nothing bottom feeders have no life outside of dancehall and will always try to drag you down. Fuck and suck who you want it’s your pussy and can do with it who ever you please. Me and my boys I’ve fucked some of females on here commenting and I know lots of other niggas that fuck them too.Lol I guess that makes me a whore too lmao ah well such is life.
Alicia….stop hun…stop
Ms Pretty it’s not Stephanie responding. since I fucked you several times and a few of my niggas also please just go sit your ass down and relax I’m not going to say you’re a whore because you can fuck who you want,however why you trying to drag the girl down with you. If you mad that she fuck some of the men you wanted then too bad but if it’s any condolence to you I DIDNT FUCK HER.I can tell everyone on here who I am and who my friends are that fucked you but I won’t do it without your permission
Alicia cinnamon mi sorry fi you girl. Just walk with God and stop mess with people man
So what if the man have a problem with his eye? Don’t ever use someone problem trying to disrespect them. Most of you that’s talking bad about Lukie wish if you were living his life. Badmind is a very dangerous disease get well soon. P.s I pray you never get sick, because may God have mercy on your soul cause karma is a bitch!!
Nikki hype never made no post dont mix her. I am NOT dating sample king hes a dope artist dont call up his name.I do NOT have any dealings with lukie other than music he is a wicked DJ and you all should get familiar with him. Kim Kelly, tiffany Malvo’s big up yourself. DIIVERSE MUSIC I hope you get the attention you want I know it’s you….. I’m not going to feed into your unnecessary beef and LIES. Never once have I called up your name remember who helped you get your one hit if you stopped looking at me as competition maybe I could help you get another one! Best of luck on all you do! Eve8go follow diiverse music and show some love #NORTHERNQUEENZ
Now u’ve decided to be urself again huh?! Ur delusional and predictable but still don’t get the further the monkey goes is the more she exposes herself! Do u realize that the way ur typing and the use of certain words have a very noticeable pattern within the replies? Ur really fuckin up…this is why u need to stop! I’m telling u I see u didn’t kno that Toronto not Scarborough, nor East, not uptown nor downtown but the WHOLE CITY…already knows of ur antics shits legendary. Why entertain a market u care nothing about, a market u don’t need!? Isn’t there a forum for Canadian Latin RnB Singers…like the book u dictated here on the pinkwall and if we jus focus on ur comments the ones that u have composed as u are filled with conflicting statements hun! Just stop…ur gonna call out too many people’s name and then find urself not able to go no where…not what u want…focus….cause what the “bottom feeders” have to say isn’t puttin money in ur pockets?! SO WHY U HERE, WHY U KEEP ADDING MORE…IM GONNA TELL U ITS FOR PUBLICITY…what u don’t see though is u r messing with ppl’s real life…me I was jus someone who based off of a real life incident could conclude this Cinnamon bird is a whore, so yes I added my knowledge but it’s seems unanimous ur r the undisputed WHOREOFTHENORTH. Congratulations case dismissed…watch urself out here!
Ok so now ur pretending to be a male?! Ya ur masculine energy would not be something I’d go for Im very much into Alpha types and everything about ur typing muchless the time of the day ur making these replies smells of Omega! But thats probably bcuz ur a female…now Stephanie, Alice bird whatever u wanna b addressed as…nobody is mad just stating facts! And once more I apologize that almost every other reply is referring to u as a whore, I also apologize that the only person that is surprised is YOU! All I can do is keep pointing at ur delusional state of affairs and keep asking if u don’t care about the industry nor the opinions of “bottom feeders”…why even reply? Hush it’s ok the jig is up!
U think it’s Nikki, u think it’s Lukie…u even mentioned some chick with big teeth n a white Baby Father and now I think it’s some individual that upset…no! Why can’t u see that people see u…the real u and not who ur pretending to b!
Fuck up thing is it’s that many bodies huh? U have no clue who it really is do u?
P.s Dickie, Stephanie, sautéed garlic, man with a vagina please tell me who u are and who ur girls are….and who I am..but please give me bout a four minutes to pop some popcorn cause this is getting interesting!
All you guys are crazy lol stop this madness.
Alice don’t mind thou badmind people focus your music. Live your life
Ah lie Ugly ass lisa from Chester le is diverse lol The same dry head gyal we use to beat up and humiliate lmao Dutty black grasshopper looking bitch. When did you become an artist lol bitch you were a nerd you moved to brampton and became a bod gyal? Duppy know ah who fi frighten don’t make me send this link to everyone in the le so we can drag your ass you waste bitch. What happen you want a fuck off a lukie? Who has time for all of this? You’re wack!
Dagga talks# Nikki voted to turn Queen ?? of Dancehall because ruin her reputation in Dancehall years ago sleep around married men n people man
D’right type is hated by all #low self esteem is reason
Alot of these so call married men in dancehall are cheaters. I can call name but not going to say lol
How did I kno u’d return Bird Brain WHOREOFTHENORTH?
I was hoping to see who Dickie and her girls were and truly I was anticipating some sort of name calling directed to me…but instead…Scarborough hood inserts (Victoria Park n Finch), fan love using the exact and purposeful misspelt version of ur name (Alice) to try throw readers off and then yet another dig at Nikki! If people never saw who you are before they will have no other choice but to see u now! When this started and I called u out it took minutes if not seconds for u to appear and start typing as urself! When I warned u that further continuing of name dropping would only expose u more…u decided to hop on again as 3 different people to yet again create a smokescreen! WHOREOFTHENORTH why is ur anger directed to Nikki and DIIVERSE? U don’t realize that even within ur replies that ur brain is so much in a state of confusion, instead of directing all anger towards the person who wrote this post…ur attacking people u feel threatened by. Alicia WHOREOFTHENORTH Cinnamon given ur replies and even within the replies u sent as ur actual self…ur focus is clearly at the fact ur being called out for ur whoring antics and not at all on the writer of the post! The reason for this is u did indeed write the post the only thing that bothers u is u NEVER THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD SEE THAT UR A WHORE! That’s really fucking with u…it’s becoming more n more clear that u’ve made urself a target, it’s sinking in I hope. The blind can see u don’t have haters u have people that see u and kno ur a iron balloon! The ego is a messed up thing if not careful it will expose u, u thought watch how I’m gonna get some attention only for u to read over and over again how much of a non factor u are. No wonder ur so on this post days after u sent it in!?
Oh n before u ask I’m on this purely because I’m petty! Comments stem from facts and I’m amazed as much as u that it hasn’t taken any time for Toronto Dancehall or as u so affectionately regard them as “bottom feeders” to see u! How many married men have u fucked? Damn u certainly have a type!?
This sounds like a white girl
Jeff sleep with girl in Dancehall# hilly goes crazy# Bun hot hilly ?# Hilly talk bout the bun every opportunity somebody need to help hilly carry the bun cause it too heavy fi she# Hilly Squeeze Jeff Buddy and see the Pre cum come out and talk it on the mic# Disgraced long time old woman Hilly struggling for Jeff luv
People look out for magnificent this Sunday.
People look out for
#Just because# day rave on Sunday September /22 /2019 be there/ get there/ come there
This post is annoying
Who are these people? Nikki and hilly name a call up as always time to stop dances girls I means big woman.
What’s going on with these dancehall people? This to show you not to tell people your business.
Hahahahahahahaha these dancehall low lifes at it again lol no wonder no one wants to rent out their space for dancehall parties just because of shit like this lmao listen you little stupid hoodrats debating over who fuck who the fact is everyone fucks everyone in dancehall nothing new there
Look pan disya ediot. only one person is commenting and replying to themselves as both the person “exposing” and the person pretending to show support and is the same person weh mek this story up. Which is why everybody confuse and it nuh mek sense. Cinnamon When mi first see yuh with dat mod gyal mi tell yuh fi stay away from ar she is MIX UP. And yuh said she just need a goodfriend so mi low yuh but now yuh see This is what happens when yuh try fi save people some people cannot be saved. The same nonsense she ah post is the same fuckery she ah run round tell people shes chatting yuh with which is how mi and a few others know ah she plus mi have mi owna issues with her before suh mi know how she stay. NOBODY believes any of this fuckery. Weh lukie do to yuh fi mix up di mans name wutless gyal. Mi cyan tell first hand who she is she ah look ah hype ar name call up so many time she cannot come out to no parties or dance so she wan fi drag yuh dung with her. She already tried fi get ah fuck off my man and cannot come back around certain places EVER. So now she ah try push ar dutty character pan someone else. MI TELL YUH stay AWAY from SHE. She knows exactly who I am and I will page ar bloodclot if she ever steps foot near my business again. Dancehall is doing just fine bitch YUH just cant join us! She is sick in ar head. how much man have ran through ar blood clot to be calling anybody a whore without facts. Yuh haffi be careful who yuh associate yourself with because nuff people nuh have nuttin fi lose and become obsessed! It’s people like that who make dancehall look bad. Wutless low life gyals with no ambition. Go look a work and stop suck off people’s man for money at parties! if mi see yuh at ANY parties mi will personally grab the mic and let all of dancehall know who yuh are. Membah ah mi tell yuh dat. Mixing so many hard working people’s name inna yuh fuckery because you have no life. it’s a dangerous game yuh ah play. trying to fuck up people’s lives. Yuh head nuh normal yuh sick inna yuh head to still ah comment time yuh get exposed. Big up yuhself lukie supreme and lady charmaine bod mind cyan stop yuh! Mek mi see ar in any east side parties. Yuh know who I am my gyal think real hard… Yuh ah try run people from dancehall which fucks with ah fi mi business yuh mussi mod!
Hilary you star t change baby diapers yet? Jeff breed a gal that is natural. Hilly you can buy batty breast and suck out stomach it still naw hold Jeff. Him tired of your wrinklier than mi granny bushy. Have some pride how much time him frig pon you? How low are you stop the act it’s not real. I know you will cuss bout people a style you pon pinkwall because of him. GUESS WHAT ITS YOUR FAILT NOT HIS.!Truth is you can hold the title for longest running dummy but it takes one night to capture his heart. Stop bother mi friend she breed you CANTTTT. Why you not broadcasting this? If your so proud own it. Be the man business associate do not confuse it with Love. That ship already sail. Years mean shit. You knew he was married you didn’t care your a selfish woman and only care about your front get dig out. Woman nuh Mek mi finish you pon this!!! Take the shilling you make and go invest. Leave mi friend number alone. She wanted to frig Jeff did too. Baby come Abayyyy bun you eh!!!
This is foolishness @tailgate besides the point you trying to come across with, why your friend having unprotected sex? Is it just to carry a child or to make a ass out of herself.
@SunnyvIt’s because she wants his baby, he wants it too. Truth is Hilly cannot give Jeff a child and without a child she will never have his entire heart ❤️ she’s a grown woman flexing like a gal her ratings went away I warned her months ago she didn’t listen. Act your age..big tuff back woman. That ship too has sail.
@tailgating you’re real proud of your friend getting her front dig out and getting pregnant for a man who will in turn go and dig out another girl front and suck the pussy too i hope you’re that happy when he drops her like the worthless piece of ambitionless shit that she is. I hope you’re going to be dancing and singing praises when he leaves her to take care of that child by herself and let’s just say she’s not in the best position to do that hint hint let’s leave that right there
People will run and get pregnant for anybody just because they’re known in the dancehall community. For what? Oh let me guess it’s to have a baby by a man that will never stand by her. This is why all these black kids growing up and becoming gun men, because they dont have a father figure to help raise them. Because these loose girls going around have kids by men because they’re known in the streets.
@ anonymous I echo your sentiments it’s a cycle that’s never going to be broken because these girls grow up seeing their mother do the same thing and these men never had a father figure to show them what’s right so the cycle continues.
Come beat mi sound hurt and Left out poor ting go breed N left lowe de gal Dem who a breed
@come beat mi HILLARY
YOU BUSHY FISH STALE womb can’t breed you can come and talk bout Jeff a suck pussy memba you suck the cocky too.. you vex bad all a preach. Why you never stop when him married? SPIRITUAL SIN A BEAT YOU NEVER FUC&@*** MARRIED MAN. Now you want talk bout morals. Mi friend cute and Jeff cute both sexy. Nuh worry bout the finance if you was a good woman you would sell waist trainers and send on to mi friend. Morals and whine up your self and pat PUNNANI suh? MORALS and have the same stink wigs fi years. MORALS? NUH STOP BOTHER MI FRIEND!! Old tuff back gal love act like you innocent you is a trouble maker.
@come beat mi!!!
See how you start wash your dirty mouth pon the baby already!! Yea man encourage him to be a role model stop discouraging him Hilariously Hilary.
You must be dagga rad you never like hilly from get go … look at you never look good yet .. you love talk shit .. you love Rass gorilla
Good luck to your friend and her bastard child.
JEFF SAID A LONG TIME Him COCKY NUH STAND UP STIFF… mi friend Mek it tough like stone. The pussy sweet him so him buss in there didn’t want to miss a moment. The bastard child will be ok. It takes a Village to raise a child. Calling all VILLAGERS.
Hilary your friendless manless truth is your lonely. I am not laughing at you I just think it’s funny because he was NEVER YOURS.
Calm the fuck down.. your too loudddddd
Ah dat ah gwan pon wat ah gwan wi need di Receipt please. I’m about to get myself a baby from ….. from bottles pon bottle.
Seductive is the place to be October 19
Listen to these whoring dancehall bitches lmao fighting over wutless no ambition dancehall men lol I dont wrong the men fuck dem breed dem and left dem stupid bitches
I dont get why these women feel it’s a great thing to breed for a man that you know won’t be there for their child and them the women turn and cuss out each other while the man get to leave and go breed another one and y’all fight and talk bout who’s his best baby mother while the children suffer
Jeff from nitro sound newborn baby born Mother and Baby doing fine Hilly is acting crazy she sounds like she would hurt de innocent@ Hilly Jeff exact words your his business partner he doesn’t own you
Baby is so cute you would be proud of Jeff. He made a sweet baby. I know it hurts but the baby is a gift for both parents and a wake up call for you. Your in your 50s what’s gonna happen in your 60s. Find someone who loves you. He doesn’t!!! Fucking is one thing but clearly there is a baby involve. That woman felt his touches nakedness he didn’t wrap it up. Nothing is sentimental anymore. I am not bashing you or Jeff but you guys is business partner. Branch away from Nitro see if you will success independent woman hear me roar. Nuh Mek nuh man shame you. Dem a laugh a road heard this at the salon. Jeff has a history of cheating this time the evidence came with it. Hilary do not waste your life anymore find some new friends simple ones none dancehall people. Jeff be a father to the child own your pleasure. You had fun making the baby have fun taking care as well. Baby has you DNA. Big up pink wall
Everybody out here having baby. I want one of these bottles pon bottle man for my baby father it would be nice since I don’t got any kids yet…. gotta start from somewhere it could be you’re husband our man my baby daddy! Hey “Alexa play tek ah gyal man
This must be one of them hoes that bottles pon bottles man dem fucking. Calling up the man dem name pon pinkwall just to get info pon odda gal. Yall bitches are lame as fuck! Yall want the rest of the other hoes to run up and start talking shit bout di man dem. Get a life loser’s. Bet if dem neva keep few party unno wouldn’t a call up dem name ole set a DRANKRO!!!!
Anonymous @ 9:46pm
Ah_nuh _wi_look_unu_Man
I guess your one of bottles pon bottle main women that cry at night time and stress out yourself because yuh engine blow and yuh pussy bruk dung. Hey “Alexa play Mr Lexxus Good Hole
Dancehall people too mix up.
Let the man decide the faith for the pussy. Am not a lesbian so I would not know if pussy broke down. Bragging about taking people man what a prize!! Guess your Fish cannot get your own man.
Anonymous @11:07am
yuh spoiled fish is not able to keep your man off the road much less fi tek ah gyal man so you might as well be a lesbian cause you over here defending pussy! Lowe wi mek wi speak and guh hold several seats wid yuh long pussy tongue weh long like shoelaces. “Alexa play Spice Genie
You sound like you are reveling in someones heartache and pain. Your friend needs ambition and better friends. Taking up a man who is in a public relationship with someone and breeding wont bring anything positive. Hilly is thriving as Jeff’s business partner. Why would she leave that situation? To please your friend so she can run in ? Sounds like your friend was a romp in the sheet and a secret . She wasnt anything to brag about . Come to think of it … Your friend needs to cut you off and get more ambitious , goal oriented friends who promote and support moves that are productive and positive.
If Jeff is chatting Hilly and denying her (as you believe) that means hes chatting your friend !! Can you imagine how he denies your friend worse than when Peter did Jesus. My gosh she should be shame . Your friend needs to keep certain things to herself. Of course Hilly is upset… Wouldnt you be mad if your stupid man was careless with his buddy and brought forth a child ? Who are we to tell her to leave him and her career ? Your man is probably putting is timberlands in your neck if you breathe too hard and youre on pink wall giving advice !!! GWEY GYALLLLL BOUT BUY BABY GIFT !! KEEP YOUR FRIEND A BABY SHOWER SINCE SHES IN NEED OF GIFTS !!!
@ What A World 11:45am
It looks like you just waking up and rolling over beside your box of Dilldo and vibrators that you use because you have issues with a regular penis, it’s not my fault why yuh man seh yuh hole look like a construction site. I don’t know who else needs to hear this but it’s not our fault y’all husband/man coming to road looking pussy! Please don’t be a Khloe Kardashian and blame other women for your pussy problem. “Alexa play Spice ah nuh my fault
A construction site?!?
THANKS FOR LETTING THE WORLD KNOW JEFF CAN FUCK ANYTIME. He did it lots of time. Wasn’t a one night stand. Hilary is Business partner she just confuse. My friend needs ambition?
WASNT HILARY FUCKING A MARRIED MAN? DOESNT HILARY LIVE IN HOUSING? DOESNT HILARY WEAR THE SAME STALE WIG? DOESNT HILARY DO ROAD EVERYNIGHT? Does Hilary have anything to show? So public yet don’t have dry shit!!! Ambition? No one saying to leave she can sit there with the longest running DUMMY TITLE. Him still ago FUCK CANT STOP. Hilary hole RETIRED .
@they miserable at home …Girl byeeee if my man came to you because my hole was a construction site why didn’t he stay at your home with the good good pussy ? Please make sense . Also , don’t confuse your life with mine . I woke up beside my nigga . You’re the one that woke up beside dead batteries and sore pussy .
@tailgating… if he’s such an uncontrollable fucka man why would your friend sex that unprotected ? To say she did it ? That’s lacking ambition. My granny use to say don’t pick up ppl problem and put it pon yuh head . That’s what she meant !! How do you know hilly finances ? How do you know where she lives and how wet or dry her shit is ? How do you know that it’s not a different wig she just likes the style ? Don’t be goofy . Clearly she’s making money her parties are rammed and she does hosting and promotions . She has to be making some type of money . As for her housing …if she doesn’t have enough to buy a house you can fault someone for staying in a rent controlled apartment until they can make a land purchase ? You must not live in Toronto. The rent is ridiculous in the six girl!!! How do you know she and Jeff are not planning on retiring in Jamaica in a big ass house together like what Orlando (mr days of our lives ) did ?
Don’t worry about hilly . She don’t have a chick or child with Jeff . Your friend on the other hand has an uphill battle of shame and humiliation because I don’t believe Jeff is going to leave Hilly for her …. Niggas say whatever they have to for pussy . Your friend got got !
Come like Nitro man dem luv breed off gal cuz still ah wiat fi see blacks newborn same way nuh kno if baby can cross di border yet mi see myself dat baby ah come but Mi nuh hear nuh noise blacks whey di baby deh u and jeff like 2 pea in a pod
This is foolishness, all made up stories. I dont know why people lock in to this mix up when clearly it’s not true.
@ what a world
Hilary don’t know Jamaica. She born there that’s it. She DOESNT KNOW PLANE. Hilary don’t call ORLANDO NAME NOW YOU A LOOK CHEERLEADER. You already said am DAGGA. Keep guessing she lives in housing bout rent dare..like you said she’s a promoter a Mek a bag a money no excuse. What happened to the live in the Christmas colours decor. Like the style the of the wig JEFF DOESNT. She can’t have chick or child her womb is retired. She can keep sharing Jeff story of her life.
Fake news. Next!!!! People if you going to talk about someone at least come truthful, I’m tired of reading all these fake shit on this page. My gosh come with something that make more sense. But before I cut, to the person that’s always discussing Hilly front. Is it that you want to suck or lick it? I dont get why all the time y’all fake news people always talking about the lady front smh. Go get a life and stop watch the lady front it’s very sicken to know another female keep watching another woman like that 24hr. Go make your life useful and go suck a dick or two and lick a few ball while you at it. I even see that you watching your friend front as well lol but that’s a whole nothing story.
Tell dem again
Jeff I can’t believe you denying your child !!!!
Seems like Jeff nah leave and you mad eh Tailgate dont worry just remember that your friend have Gud hole she’ll be ok just have to spread that good front for another man
Why so vulgar? Let’s see you can fuck a pussy, finger a pussy, rub a pussy and massage a pussy you can clean it wash it dry it shave it wax it and dress it. Why you have to come with your nastiness? Ma’am AKA HILARY DO IT YOURSELF. Now back to the point JRFF HAVE A
Tailgate yuh hurt him nah leff yuh friend get a 6 for a 9 just tell your friend skin out fi a next man memba di hole gud
Mikey Mention a dunn sweets rainbow sweets weh trouble miss King fish fah
Big Ole Dagga Ras guh mek Nelli Dime tek several seats pon yuh face because nuhting nah gwan fi yuh and har all you do is worry about other people business with your badmind self go get a life goal and focus on your Children’s that you have for four different man cause clearly yuh can’t find ah man fi fit yuh big ole!. Winnie The Pooh you are so jealous because you never got selected to be apart of Dancehall Divas, stop worrying about what don’t concerns you. Yuh face drop dung like bulldog nasty ole gal
Dagga Rass is so fucking obsessed with Nelly and disrespectful bout so called Barbie. Can’t she she Barbie is doing better than Nelly. She should just make a sex show for her and Nelly and Orlando to star in she sick stomach. Nobody even noticed msn looking Nelly.
I heard that on the live… don’t think that was a blunder. She was heated n in her feelings when she seh so called Barbie. A muss dat she did dung n chat wid Nelly. She get ketch.
What i don’t understand about this whole dancehall divas ting is WHY Nelly and Dagga DOG so obsessed with the ting. Jesus have mercy man! So dancehall divas post one clip of dem show pon instagram and dis start di whole a dis foolishness? no man. Nelly get a life. Look how much time the same clip show over and over again and you suddenly have issue with it? Gal yuh nuh si sey you nah buss? a wah so? and dagga a real idiot fi deh fight you bakkles dem fi you. she caan tell by now sey a use yuh a use har because you a coward b? all yuh know fi do a wuk obeah with you man. the whole a dancehall know you a obeah worker and dem know sey yuh family deep inna it. But obeah caan fix you and obeah caan bring dung success. Dagga have the nerve fi a talk bout Barbie and barbie a open shop and a do har ting. Dagga and nelly wah unuh a do? Dagga every day you get up pon facebook a cuss out housing and you 400 babyfadda dem, one day yuh sey you a mentor and motivator and dem yuh turn roun a dis people you don’t even know. wha de dancehall divas woman do you dagga? is one ting to be a critic or a blogger, but how yuh a insert yuh self inna dis ting like sey dem do yuh something personally? nelly tell you the truth bout what she did why she nuh inna di show again? nuh she tek harself out? mi read over the post again this morning and it was a good post where dem a wish the past divas dem well and a talk bout di future, so what inna dat fi turbite sadomite transvestite, stinking pu*%y nelly vex over? yuh nuh see sey a company she a look? dagga wise up. yuh nuh see sey everytime nelly tek on issue with dancehall divas she call yuh and orlando why she can’t do a live herself? whappen she nuh sey she a big star? whe she fraid fah? unuh favor a ediat to baxide ole. dagga stop looking and acting so obsessed. see mr day of our loves ease up off a it deh, him wi say him two piece but him nah get up everyday a obsess over wha him nuh have nutten fi do wid. him move on, so move on too. Nuh embarrass you self so. nuh mek wi call yuh work at a de center where yuh work and show dem yuh bullying videos. These videos dat yuh doing are harrassment, stop it mumma. get a life now. The people dem nah fawt pon unuh. Nelly a time yuh seek help, yuh need therapy because nothing going to save you from yuhself. You a destruction. you own destruction. Nikki name inna di video and she nah carry or bring this ting, take a page outta har book man. Unuh mind sick, bout everytime you a do something dem start post. Gal please! de people dem nuh see you. Go chuck up under yuh obeah puppa and mumma and end yuhself. Obeah cant save you again, wi onto you. The bible say the wicked shall perish, so even if you get away wid it for a while and mi know you yuh waan do obeah fi kill anybody whe a do better dan yuh, because yuh badmind and insecure dem way deh and yuh is a physchopath buy fi yuh time affi come. yuh wickedness and the obeah whe yuh and steve dem practice nah go save unuh from what god have in store fi unuh. No bad deeds go unpunished. Go tek several seats bitch and come to terms sey yuh a failure at what yuh a try fi do Give up trying to be a star. No amount a surgery cant make you succeed. You heart dutty and yuh mind dutty. You done. You flop and old. Bout yuh a gi award speech fi one likkle pictue fi a racist tired ole newspaper whe only white perverted men read. you know the history of the sun paper? yuh photo was ONE of hundreds because everyday dem tek some random bitch and photograph dem. Yuh tink dat was a win? you look foolish as fuk a give big speech. the whole a toronto laugh affa yuh. calm down and learn some sense first and nuh embarrass yuhself. go learn a skill or focus on living everyday to be a better person and stop run down attention. dancehall divas was the best thing you had going for you and is since that show mek the people know bout yuh and now you out so find another way, but stop try fi obeah people and ask god fi cleanse yuh dutty, toxic and evil heart bitch. God a di biggest obeah’ man and yuh time will come. Badmind stop wear. A success a dweet now. its not too late fo rinse off and change. Mi have one more question fi dagga? fi a woman so supposedly know better and a woman who have mother, sisters and girl child, ho yuh feel fi everyday just get up and be a menace on social media just spitting out derogatory stuff bout other women but yet you post quotes and comments bout upliftment and motivation. You don’t want better for your life and your kids? and yuh know what’s funny? mi did actually like yuh and love listening to some tings you post and find dem informative but them yuh mek dis bitch get inna yuh head and a try change you ting while she a look like a saint having y’all fighet dirty for her? yuh nuh see seh a use she a use unuh? Nelly can feed you kids dem? Nelly can get yuh a job and pay you bills? Wise up dagga. You smarter than that. only a coward pass on dem battle b.
Kmt Nelly Orlando and Dagga need to get a life. Nelly act like she never use to get attention as a kid. What’s going on with her fake modelling agency that’s not even registered only on instagram. And what management does Nelly have to sue? Junior Bloodline in Jamaica who have her looking like a big dunce clown and who probably dig out her crotches. Steve not even a look pan har again lol what does Nelly have not one shit. Other than the stupid party rentals that ppl hardly rent go sit down Nelly. The money you waste on surgery you could have invested it and give to college and get a good career. Dagga why you and Nelly don’t have a sexual lesbian relationship and go live life. Steve don’t want her you too are so fucking annoying
Geezam Nelly sad bad eh? She looks terrible to me in real life. saw her at a day party and she has lots of varicose veins on her feet and her calves are very hard like a man’s. She has an ok face somewhat but she had on a lace front that was tacky and her bum is way too high so it looks very very fake. She looks like a drag queen. She speaks like a drag queen too. I think this girl WAS a man before.
Mi use to rate dagga ras but truthfully speaking she need to stop now. Don’t seek attention where it’s not given. I know you like to talk your mind, but trust me girl something are best unsaid. And stop dragging people in your mix up that clearly don’t even have the time to focus on things like that, you will drag everyone down with you. And don’t get me wrong I’m not saying people shouldn’t have freedom of speech, but sit down and think about how you going about stuff. For one if you guys had a problem with (dancehall divas) why didn’t you call or message them on how y’all feel about the clips ok Instagram instead you’re out here raising up your blood pressure over something so simple. For a mother and a motivator stop acting like a ghetto rat. Bring yourself back to reality, you have kids growing up and don’t let them be ashamed of you because other kids making fun of them from what they’re seeing on social media, because how the world running right now everyone has a smart phone. So take this how you want it but wise up and your friends need to wise up too because you’re going to drag then down to hell if you don’t stop. And FYI for all the commenters im not about bashing people im just here to save people that’s out to destroy themselves and others.#bringbacktheolddaggaras
@ Anonymous Nelly your not paying attention now because the post about you hit the nail right on the hammer and everything people are saying about you makes sense so you don’t know how to respond now. Nelly you live off attention!!!!
When since bad shape barbie tun dancehall diva and why she name barbie im confused. Wha part pon she look like barbie. She tries so hard to fit in dis ting call dancehall. Memba when she scam di people money fi goh Disney rotff. Yall wanna be dancehall hurry come ups are wack. Make dancehall good again people!!!!!!!
Leave barbie alone. She’s ok and the girl dont shape bad at all. Barbie big up yourself you have some damn sexy legs
Barbie is nice Nelly go take a sit with you fake body and no ambition self
So now dagga a talk who own dancehall. Girl why you so obsessed with the people dem suh
Dagga ras you said “so call barbie” then you corrected yourself, but really that’s what you think of the girl. You don’t like her but you out here acting like you do… Barbie wise up and smell the coffee that girl dont like you.
dwl who say de canada dancehall people dem not educated? lol. look how you guys love to write. oh my goodness man. lol. Anyways met, i saw the trailer last night on dancehall divas. it is nice. why people have a problem wid it? it looks good and funny as hell lol. mi like it and mi would watch it. i am looking forward to it. dem have it posted on the dancehall divas insta bio.
Batty boy Micky mention a Done sweets bout her pickney DEM sweets pickney pretty batty boy Micky Lowe de gal alone you soon get you bizniz fix leave the pickney dem OUT de war
Bottles on bottles promoter dont live no where dis cant be true tall p got money leave de man a lone him n his wife is good 2 mix up hilly why you talk de tings dem de man confide in you hilly cause Que & tall man p to fall out hilly u mix UP n you dont hold secret tall p stop confide in hilly town man stop drink and drunk an beat up your wife town man sleep with bay loose gal bottles ON bottles December 21
Tall p i warn you to be careful of hilly and you neva listen now you in mix up hilly tell people that you wife put you out Tall p stop deal with jeff and hilly bout of dem mix up
Unno fool nuh bumboclaat homeless????? Really!!! Tall p can homeless?? Unno mixup suh till unno nuh ave nuttin fi chat but pure fukry.unno dancehall people tan bad. Smile up in a people face and and try murder dem wid key board bullets. Unno stay bad real bad. Suck unno maderrrrrrr!!!
What going on over here? Nikki party slap wah… mi like it, party did nice.
Rawse now Ann Sutherland cancel har dance @Hilly you bad so @AnnSutherland I dont wrong you
Love you Hilly.FYI NOT HER FAULT
No one has link to Nelly’s interview? I refuse to subscribe but I’m interested to see what she has to say
It’s $7 who is gonna waste money to listen to Nelly kmt she is not important
Somebody tell mi sey that she a tell bare lie and a lie pon di producer woman bout she lef the show because the woman did like har. how yuh jus a sey dat now? nuh yuh come out a di people dem something? yuh is a evil attention seeking depraved witch. yuh wicked dutty bitch. nobody nah pay yuh no mind and yuh come up with all kind a stories. but unuh mussi tink sey people a ediat bout pay fi listen to the transvestite a talk a bag a shit like she a smaddy. dutty nelly all you do a play victim and tell lie fi people like you. leave people alone now, yuh nuh see sey nobady nah fawt pon you. Good ova evil. God nuh like ugly deeds bitch. Inna yuh so call interview you a talk bout you family and how you nuh close to dem. what does that tell you bitch? if even yuh family nuh waan nutten fi do wid yuh, what you expect. Stop tell lie pon good good people bitch and guh suck yuh mnadda! dancehall show gone a lead yah now and yuh get lef. mi only hope sey nikki never come out sake a yuh, cause yuh dont like her, yuh only pretend and a try sabotage the girl career. go suck out yuh obeah working family you evil bitch. bout interview. all flower pryce come in like poppy show. you mussi want toronto people embarass yuh again bout pay fi hear unuh foolishness. Yuh memba di 3some story bitch? di whole a unuh a ediat. stop spread lies fi clout. nelly yuh is a walking cemetry bitch, go suck yuh madda.
is that she saying now? no man, she good eh? didn’t she say its because she wasn’t getting paid and nothing was happening? that girl is so desparate.
I use to like her but I realize she’s an attention seeker. Nikki left and it was so quiet. No interview just continued living her life. Nelly just wish dancehall diva well and move on. On a serious note $7 to listen to garbage.
Who is marsha Pretty doll ?could I see a picture ?
Thank you
Dagga a mek nelly tek har fi ediat and now flower come do the same. bunch of clowns if you ask me. Nelly give up. gwaan now man, cho! lol! you played out now. nutten nuh lef for us to see. You same one rail up and talk bout you management and how divas show not going anywhere and all a dat and you still a try get dem attention. you nuh shame? lol. so sah. gwaan now b
Nelly is really a attention seeker bout queen of the gym. Bitch so why you go do surgery. She look so awful she needs a good hairdresser that wig is ugly as fuck. I would never pay $7 to watch that bitch. Why is she not close to her family. Probably because she is a selfish Bitch I wonder how Steve can stand her all she does everyday is post up garbage I like Nikki better she is so humble
Nelly Dim go sit on Dagga Ras face and stop trying to promote yourself on pinkwall , go look a dam life and a career cause no one wants to see your old front all over social media. Nelly guh mek seven gyal siddung pan yuh face bout pay 7 dollar fi watch interview, Big up Dancehall Divas can I get ah Blowow
Both Nikki and Nelly a pretend hard none a them dont like each other, Nelly is Gemini they forever play victims
Lol I know right Nelly is a fake queen of the south I don’t think she even likes herself
Seductive dance a get lock off people don’t even waste your time and money just like last year hilly not this time around not now not neva you old witch
My friend a eyes one of the dj from heavy metal, are they taken?
Ah dat ah gwan pon wat ah gwan dem bottles pon bottle man deh look nice and clean mi wan borrow one ah dem. Ah wi seh people man. Come on folks say it with me! People man nice and comfortable.
Go through the pictures and realize all of these dancehall gal wear cheap website clothes them look tacky and cheap dancehall not like before Marsha pretty doll and har Sadamite friends them yes I said it uno all look cheap and under $20 or $10 and you call you self female shella you need fi start wear some a de good thing dem
Every chance unno get unno bring up bottles mon dem. Taken people mon cant suh comfortable are else yuh wouldn’t de pon ya a chat. Sad yuh sad why yuh depond ya. Gway unno haffi pay di mon dem fi fuck unno nastiness. Unno same one cant even chat up to di mon dem inna public muchless inna dance. Feva idiot.
Anonymous at 2:34pm
Sounds like yuh have experience with taken people man but because yuh engine blow and yuh pussy bruk dung yah fi pay fi all yuh fuck dem , yuh vex because bottles pon bottle man dem fuck yuh and yuh not even get ah red cent or a bottle! Ahnuh my fault di people dem man nuh wan chat tuh yuh inna public because yuh fava Shrik
Welfare idoit gal leave the man dem a lone and f#ck right off de man dem dont want you are none of yu friends with your roach infested government housing bottles pon bottles man dont need unno call up the man dem with unno shit up p#ssy shit house crow bait janco dog shit dutty gal no class no pride – WHEN unno dutty gal realise that unno cant get the man dem unno tell lie bout man suck unno rotten craches cu pon yu to – All unno do a come a dancehall fi sell pussy – bruk and hungry long belly gal Tall P n town man dont want none of u
@ bottles pon bottles December 14 7:20pm It looks like yuh install camera inna bottles pon bottle man dem pant.
Stop worrying about the people them who live in housing cause a good percentage of them work whether it’s Walmart, McDonalds or factory cash paying jobs, or they be having married man that lives at home with wife and family paying their rent! Big up di one dem weh buy house and still keep the housing and rent it out to pay mortgage BIG up di one dem weh save money from living in housing and buy land and build house back home. yuh vex because di gyal dem ah hustle worry about your own life and yuh pussy weh cockroach ah crawl outta yuh fava di big rat dem weh live dung ah Chinatown. Stop coming over here to knock other females hustle and guh buy some cockroach killing Bait or Raid and Spray out yuh hole.
Toronto dancehall has become boring. For example it’s always the same ppl u discuss here. Seriously, look around the dance …What happen to the real men dem crews and all the ladies crew? Each crew have dem own flavor and style. Some dance, some dress up, some wear less than $20 as a sender brought up but still look good. I like what Marsha and her ppl is bringing. Now there’s not even a hot Man U wanna fantasize about in there or flirt with. I mean it’s good men bring their wifey to parties now but I just don’t see the excitement anymore. One time you see all 20 ppl come in the door together and buy bottles lawd
They’re so much good looking girls in the dancehall but people always focusing on one set of people. This is why people think dancehall girls dont dress nice, you cant take a set of people and judge the rest. Lot of girls and man have them good up job, but its cause they dont love to brag like some people…
Marsha pretty and her friends dont trouble nobody leave people alone let them wear cheap if they want to you people trouble what dont trouble you I bet its a man write this yu a carry punish feeling fi de gal dem de dance hall man dem worst than de gal dem
All mi wah know a which gyal asleep with bottle pon bottle man dem
Marsha is a nobody!! She bleach out and buy titi and batty. She have 4 pickney 3 babyfada. She love trouble people and cuss. Marsha simmer down before mi expose you. Her friend a sadamite and the two of them suck them one another. Hilary dance a get shut down to true? Dance nuh nice again. Same bleachers fake body tight pants nothing new. Man a pose blah blah blah. Hilary how’s the new baby Jeff buy diapers yet?
Marsha Pretty is not a nice person at all I remember I gave her a compliment and she kissed her teeth and walked away lol I was like oh okay no…You see the set of Dancehall people they’re all a set of fake ass people they do dem ass they do dem breast and then they turn 3 hype parties aren’t even enjoyable anymore like before the energy is so off and there’s no enjoyment. I used to enjoy going out but I enjoy the comfort of my bed more now lol.
Dancehall set up for hating
A true say Hilly dance a lock off ?
Last year I wasted my hard earn money why hilly like to fight against people she kept suduction 2019 already didnt she so how come she doing it twice hilly let others live you too greedy you say god a god you think god approve of what your doing
Marsha a one idiot gal she married man and give him papers. The man fuck pon her from the beginning to the end. She lived at forest wood she have 2 daughters 2 sons twins 3 babyfada. She loves trouble people. She wants desperately to be recognize. Hilary Jeff baby needs diapers
Marsha live ? Forest hill Condo ? Forest hill Hamilton ? Which forest hill i am confuse ?
@One Don Forest wood housing Dundas and erindale Station rd Mississauga Hilary your dance large dem can’t stop you
Marsha P doll live Government housing in forest wood housing N keep dancehall N do do body go buy a house N condo you PRIORITY wrong Marsha only your friends know your business be careful of who U claim is a friend
Nah lie hilly party slap wah last night.
Wah marsha look like
Does Nelly hair grow lol OMG saw her do a live yesterday she looks so fucking ugly with a whole heap a wrinkles in her face and make up. Dry head GYAL Nelly
Question @Tanya @kelly am marsha is a
Register nurse ? Personal Support Worker nurse ?
@Ladies marsha RN nurse how come Marsha live housing at forest wood @Dundas @bragging rights don’t apply when PSW
Congratulations to Bob and Tammy on the married who vex