Trecia you a sneak devil. Like to pretend you innocent but be telling Stacy shit to talk on her live. Talk say Shatta run left you when you and stay bad Claudette try obeah him. The bwoy hate you like poison. A my friend him want. She nuh shape bad like you and full a cement. Shatta say Unno try tie him and him find out and run. The boy bex when him hear you name call. Him say the whole a de cement a leak out inna you big stay bad belly and saggy body. You shape bad nuh bl***h. You buy house and still thiefing everyday you and bad blood Brent. As you leave the shop dem done you and you mother selling thiefing things dem. Shatta run left you and say all when you beg him fi f**k him run you. You tell him bout house and him run you. Man mascot Trecia that mine Shatta and him still run. Brent memba Trecia mek you get 2 years a prison inna Gucci and now you back thiefing scamming fi designer clothes and shoes. How Unno so nuff? How Unno get inna da war yah? Brent Trecia using you f**g big stay bad ediot. Go thief some new blood. You poison. Nobody nah drink or eat from you. Stop calling Stacey and tell her things because everybody know say a Unno a talk things all bout Bobette Granny. Trecia you mother mother a suffer a South. Not even Food Unno send. Stop act like you somebody man fool. You father live inna a Casino toilet a California. Talk bout that. Unno love come inna war and nobody Neva send fi you. Brent Trecia soon send you a prison again. Go help you father a LA saggy body Trecia.

At the end of the Day EVERYBODY hate each other in dancehall.
Stacy been have up Bobbette and Lance girl was a good way for her to use to say how she feels. The thing is .. Nobody is really being loyal or real in this mix up cause the same people that’s telling Stacy tings are following Stacy and telling Bobbette tings. So everyone is being fake and everyone going to see each other and do NOTHING!!! So everyone should shut the hell up
@ the end of the day this war has nothing to do with Trisha or Brent so what if they watch the live…….sender yuh sad because all now brent Trisha or har Madda don’t see Bobette when people did ah dun Brent why y’all didn’t say Ah bobette give info to d amount of people HATE STINKING MOUTH UGLY ROBBAS …..Why run eeeeeen pan trisha that girl don’t bother nobody so What if shatta lef har she buy house and car and seems to be doing way better with out d nasty sinking boy So sender go suck a dirty dick and join robbas and her stinking nasty ugly family and Kill y’all selves ….Fucking bright bout Trisha ….Leave d girl out this one bcuz Stacy ah cuss Ugly robbas and her ugly family On her own accord