It is Never Too Late!
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2Timothy 2:15 – 16
People perish for lack of knowledge because human beings could be presumptuous. You know a little about something, pride kicks in and you start acting like you know everything. You come to church, listen to a couple of teachings and you run off thinking you know everything there is to know about God. Some people after a while go to the ridiculous extent of posing as ministers of Gospel. Thus they become a hazard to themselves and others who have the misfortune of listening to them and the half-truths they go about sharing. Half-truth is no truth at all and that provokes the wrath of the devil. That was the case with the seven sons of Sceva who had the privilege of observing Pauls ministry without taking out time to position themselves for service to God. One demon beat all seven of them and threw them out naked. (Acts 19)
Accept the fact that you don’t know everything and decide that you will learn like an obedient servant. Forget about the absolutes and generalizations about the word of God that you have been peddling around and seek the sincere meat of the word that is able to save your soul and rescue those who are exposed to your activities. Paul admonished Timothy to study to show himself approved of God, a workman who will not be ashamed of his calling because he rightly divides the truth! It is never too late to turn around, start all over and get yourself properly equipped for any assignment God has given you in His Kingdom.
Liberation thought: humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due time
Further reading: Joshua 1:6 – 9