If they were doing a better job it would be bad and not so bad. The poor state of Jamaica’s teaching profession is shown in this thoughtless plan to leave the children for a whole three days in one week without their lessons shows exactly where out teachers brains are at.

Nothing wrong with what the teachers are doing. How much more people want them to do? Too many half illiterate wutliss ppl having kids and giving the teachers basket to carry water.
Without going into details, i fully support this move by the JTA.
In almost every single country across the world teachers are underpaid, it’s not right but that’s the way it is. If you’re unsatisfy with the paid choose another career, sorry but these teachers behaviour are unacceptable. And it’s the students that will suffer from this. Three Whole Days of Protests. Do you know how many qualified teachers are without a job in ja? These individuals will gladly take your job in a second.
Damn unprofessional.
If some a u did a guh suh hard against the politicians Jamaican would be a better place.
u forgot seh teachers did get wage freeze for years.
u r not a teacher so you dont understand how hard it is. Teachers get the blame when children underperform but never the praise when they overperform.
Stand for something or fall for anything. I ain’t mad at them. If the work environment and pay were ideal, this wouldn’t be a discussion. People with a slave mentality will never understand. Teach your own dam kids for 3 days. People want to send their dunce, Rude, disrespectful kids to school and want a stranger to accomplish what they can’t even do at home. Some people just want a babysitter at any cost.
Yes! Your comment is direct and to the point…..perfectly said!
i could not have said this any better.
Ohhh boy
Because heaven forbid some parents actually sit down with their kids and teach them something!!! Teachers are human beings too and they have bills as well. But yet some still show up and teach kids how to write and read and they shouldn’t demonstrate that they need to be compensated!! They have tried the decent way by sitting down….failed promises.
If they have a sickout…it might just work.
For the 3 days it will force some parents to actually find school work to occupy their kids time.
I stand with the teachers. This has been going on for far two long now. The teachers can only do so much. Pay the dem!!!
tam shut yo f**k up…
These teach trashes that is what they are, some a dem need to leave the classroom all together. Disgrace!!!
I can see why u are mad!!! Waste your time in school and blame teachers right Can’t even construct a friggin sentence SMFH
lol lol lol. i was about to say the same thing.
Your response is evidence that teachers need to get more money. Dem haffi guh above and beyond fi deal wid individuals like you. Teachers didn’t fail you, you failed yourself.
Anonymous 9:26pm are u a dropout?
I stand with the teachers, all now my mother cant pay for free private lessons that i got in primary school , was so happy when teacher told me to stay behind and then told my mother not to worry bout the payment.
Yes bitch I’m can bet you one of the lazy bitch ass teacher them nuffi get shitttt.
Nuh teacher nuh deh again. The government need to in the classroom go see all di poster dem whey dem a mek fi children learn from how some a dem nuh know singular and plural
Sorry MET but thats rubbish, how many classrooms you been in? How many GSAT exam you see? When my kid did GSAT the exam THAT CAME FROM GOVERNMENT full a mistake. I made sure to go report it at ministry headquaters. Couple years after i watch on news how the paper for said GSAT never done write for some students, the invigilators had to write up that pon the chalkboard. So come again with facts. In every profession there is good and bad, even in blogging