Health and Wellness Minister Dr Christopher Tufton indicated that the Ministry is awaiting details of nine cases, but that of the remaining 10, two are males and eight are females, with ages ranging from 20 years to 50 years.
Seven of the new cases are associated with the workplace cluster Alorica call centre, two are contacts of confirmed cases and one is under investigation.
Tufton disclosed that there are now 131 confirmed COVID-19 cases related to the workplace cluster.
Their ages range from 18 to 52 years, including 104 females and 27 males.
They are primarily from St Catherine and Kingston and St Andrew.
Overall, 34 cases are imported, 53 are contacts of a confirmed case, eight are local transmission with no epidemiological link and 148 are under investigation.
Of that 148, 131 have been identified within a workplace cluster.
Tufton indicated that 2,125 samples have been tested with 252 being positive, 1,872 are negative and one is pending
Meanwhile, there are 230 persons in isolation, 71 in quarantine in a government facility and 814 are in home quarantine in St Catherine, related to a workplace cluster.
A further 31 persons are in home quarantine in Portland due to contacts of confirmed cases.
A total of 28 persons have recovered and six persons have died.
In the meantime, Chief Medical Officer Dr Jacquiline Bisasor McKenzie says three front line health care workers and seven employees of the Health Ministry’s head office have now been tested positive for the coronavirus.