Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world.He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12
What you see in life is created by the quality of faith by which you live. Some people say life is beautiful and secure while others say life is tough and unpredictable. The bible teaches us how to see life by making choices that will light up our lives and enable us to see the wondrous works of God in our lives. The word of God is the light with which we must look at life and everything else that life has to offer; Jesus is the true light that lights up or enlightens every man that comes into the world. Thus the biggest mistake you can make in life is to see through any other light. Jesus is the exact opposite of the devil and everything the devil has to offer. That is why each time the devil tries to manifest in our lives, we must as a matter of responsibility expect God to manifest differently in our lives.
For instance, when the devil creates situations and circumstances that will put fear in your heart, expect God to do things, create situations and circumstances, that will inspire faith in your heart and the way to inspire faith is to speak words that cancel the fear that is trying to take over your mind. It doesn’t matter if the devil put a deadly disease in your body; you can speak words that will bring healing and life to your body and expect health and life to replace that sickness. When sadness tries to attach itself to your heart declare that “the joy of the Lord is my strength” the world did not give you the joy that you have and the world certainly cannot take it away. When lack attacks your supply declare that Jesus became poor so that you can be rich and abundantly supplied in all things; you have sufficiency in all things because the Lord is your shepherd. Don’t just passively sit back and let the devil quench your light with works of darkness; you have a responsibility to keep your light shining by consistently speaking the word of God in every situation.
Liberation thought: The light and the darkness cannot put it off.
Further reading: John 1:1 – 14
• Prayer: Today I counter and destroy every attempt of the devil to make me unfruitful and unproductive
• Every darkness covering my dominion, be remove now by fire in Jesus mighty name
• Let the light of your presence shine in my path oh God