1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this?
1. Me 14. She 32.
2. Dem was sexing schoolaz, mi neva ave no time fi dat.
3. Nuff big man used to roll een and pick up di young girls. Dat a gwaan long time.
4. When mi Madda fine out seh it r big woman to mi tings, she nailey mad to claat. Call one of the woman and threaten fi chap har up….cho.
No man Willie yuh did well sharp like razor yuh did a guh hard man :ngakak but on a serious note though a nuh d big man dem alone guilty a this practice eh nuh some a d big woman dem terrible to eh nuh. Dem nuh stop rob d cradle. Willie ur thing have mi inna stitches :ngakak a u seh small axe fall big tree
I posted d above comment, a forgot to sign in
1. 15…he was 34
2. Don’t recall
3 Not that I am aware of
4. My dad was in another country…he avoided the topic 100%. My mother?….hmmm..complicated…VERY
1 Me 15, he 17. High school sweethearts.
2. In school it was mixed,some of my friends had boys their age some had big men. One girl used to date a Frisco Kidd. Another dated a drugs man she was 15 he was like 40 supm. She was so pretty, he was insecure him beat her fi anything. She missed a lot of school because of it. She tried kill him by putting rat poison in him food, but it only run him belly.
3. in my neighborhood there was a big DJ (him name offa a car) who dated most of the high school girls. Some were my friends, other young girls took up with the bad corner man dem.
4.Parents didn’t know, if they did I would be dead. I used to hate my parents for being stick and thought the friends beho could date any man with their parents knowledge wad so lucky. Now I see I was the lucky one. Thanks mom and dad.
1. I was 16 and he was 29.
2. My immediate friends’ sex partners were around their late teens and early 20s.
3. I was a victim of an older man (who was in authority) having sex with younger girls. He was inappropriately touching me from I was 12.
4. My parents, up to this day don’t know anything about my life or sex partners. My parents, especially my mother was very strict and we never had a good/open relationship so I never felt comfortable talking to her about anything I was going through as a child and teen.
1. Me 16.5 Him 19
2. same age as them if not the max 2 yrs older (18-19)
3. Nothing in my area that I was aware of.
4. Did always fraid ah big man so that wasn’t an ave/rd I went down
1. I was 16 he was 17
2. Most of my friends weren’t sexually active, then again our group didn’t discuss it so don’t know for sure
3. No my neighbourhood was very quiet the one dem weh did active.. did deh wid dem own age group nuh big man ting
4. My parents still don’t know how many partners I’ve had.. if they did I wouldn’t be here sharing it.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner? 21 years old he was 22 years old. I began dating him at 17 years old.
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners? 30 years old are older, but they also started to have sex way earlier than I.
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved? yes but drugs money a run as well so everyone turned a blind eye i was involved with my own relationship with a top man even though he was young but the life was handed down to him from his father and brothers he was a drug dealer as well as my sisters dated drug dealers so everything was OK.I felt like the younger woman older man relationship thing was wrong but due to the nature this was the environment i grew up in I “rolled with the punches” the only reason I became sexually active so late is i came from one top man family and dated a top man son so he had to groom me i guess im not sure what was the mind set then.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? – later on after i broke things off with my first i dated a older married man in his 50’s i was in my early 20’s once again drugs money a run my mom never said anything and his wife was her co worker.
1. I was 13, he was 19.. We eneded up starting a family.
2. It was mixed, I went to an all girls school and the majority of the girls were sexually active. Many of them were with much older guys mostly bus conductors and bus drivers.
3. Well growing up some gray back man used to make advances at me telling me how mature I looked. I knew they were lying bcuz now that I’m over 30 I still look like a teenager. But I do believe people were aware of this, they just chose to be blind.
4. My parents would kill me, my father never put his hands on me growing up but when he found out I had man, I get some rass box.
Looking back I wish I had listened as I believe I started adult things too early.
1. I was 16. Him 28
2. 19, 20
3.there was a girl at end of my block that did go queens and everybody knew cause cars always going down there , and she was in 2nd or 3rd form
4. had to hide it from my mother so , but i know she wouldve killed me or possibly lock up the men
now looking back i feel preyd upon
why would a man in his late 20s early 30s want to have sex with a 16, 17 year old – its just wrong
1. Let’s see male family feel mi up and finga mi from like 3years old and up I masterbate constantly from then.. Now let’s see my first real sex with my consent) was at 16 with 45year old man him GI mi money and mi help mi fam.
2. Neva really had good friends to know that much
3. Nobody really know what’s up even if they did like most ppl they would just talk behind my back (natural human nature).
4. OK mi know father but him lef from mi a like 3 nuh hold it gence him still. Still love him an know say if him did have it mi and mi siblings couldn’t suffer. When mi a sex big man all my mother say is tek him money she nuh mentioned di sex once money a run it nuh matter I guess
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
****I was 15,he was 19***
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
I HAVE NO IDEA .. never cared about my friends personal lives and still dont lmao
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
Not where i’m from.. there was a lot of young girls being RAPED tho.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this?
My father is non existent to my teenage and adult life … my Mom cannot believe i decided to live a life with a drug dealer 20 years older than i am … guess she disappointed but who cares mi ah big woman.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner? I started at 15, he was 18/19 (can’t remember exactly)
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners? My BFF was 16 & her man was around 17/18.
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved? Yes, definitely, “big man let off pon yuh!”
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? My Mother didn’t respond to it at ALL because she had no KNOWLEDGE of it!!! YUH MADDDD!!!!! I probably wouldn’t be here today if she did EVER find out! DWL!
But I must add that I am a ‘JAmerican’!!! Born here to Jamaican parents, so I believe that played a part in me not losing my virginity to a much older man. I believe that most young girls who do tek much older men do it outta wants/needs. Thankfully, (all praises due to my Mother) I was able to lose my virginity to someone who I truly (thought) I loved (at the time with my 15 y/o mind). I didn’t sleep with him in order to get money, food, school fee, a place to stay, etc. No disrespect to those who may have had to because one must do what they have to do to survive.
1) I was 13 the man was 19
2) my immediate friend was doing the same with even older guys.
3) the there was always rumors of this one particular young gurl. She was Bout 16, older dan we..always a put some big man pon har..rumors of ooomuch marriage har likkle pumpum mash up.. I wonder weh became of suzie-Denise something cant remember her sirname.
4)lawd mi maddah found out I’m not a virgin and ship mi to country caw she get har visa. fi live with my Christian Christian. Go church 8 days a week. Beat you wid bible aunty. Lawd but ah deh so the fun start woooooooie lawd country sweeeeeeeeeet…Micheal may your soul rest in perfect peace… dat boy was of some indian decent. But the whole family was coollie pretty people but them dark skin…him sumting did too big and that boy use suck mi likkle choecho.. open mi to another world of sex..mI read the bible from cover to cover. If your going to be bad den is so..mI maddah hurry up and send fi mi come ah new york.
(1) I was 18 he was 22yrs old
(2) My immediate friends had high school boyfriends very few had an older guy
(3) Not in my neighbourhood if it happened I never saw it or heard of it
(4) My parents were very strict even at 18 and in college I still hid my boyfriend from them until I was 20 he insisted that I introduced him to them. My parents were real about diseases, indignant about early prenancy, preached brimstone and fire and my dad ruled with an iron rod. There were moments I hated them and it but today I am happy I grew up like that, I am one of the lucky ones. That upbringing made me who I am.
1. I was 19 and he was 19. I was vey sheltered and my parents was very strict.
2. My immediate friends sex partners were around the same age as they were.
3. My father whom I love dearly left the USA and retired back to the Caribbean in his 50’s and only dated young girls. They were way younger that I was. He even had a child with one of my primary school classmate. Everyone knew but no one said anything to him because he was very a successful business man. The young girls wanted a man with money and all of their parents knew. I was totally against his behavior and actions and at one point I stop speaking to him. He had a heartache 5 years ago and in the house with him was one of the young girls he was dating. Now she is dating another older gentleman (friend of my dad) who is very wealthy.
4. I have never dated an older man before and if I was I knew my parents would be against it.
1 . How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner? I was 15.5 and he was 19
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners? They were 20s and older
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved? Everybody knew…nuff war use to gwan pon Saturday mornings between the woman a yawd and the young girls
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? My parents have no knowledge about my sex/dating life
1. I was 19 and he was 22. We started dating when I was 16, but I just didn’t feel like I was ready for sex…. tink mi did fraid ah breeding yung (saw what that did to family members)
2. My immediate friends all had their boyfriends, most of them a few years older than they were. In HS though, nuff ah di girl dem did ah sleep wid older men
3. In my neighborhood there were a few known cases, one did even try wid mi, but mi did know it wrong…. tink mi was 15/16
4. Older man was never my ting. Look like mi affi go gi dem a try now though….. tiad ah di lies n bun. An mi neva tell mi parents bout di predator… If I did, mi pretty sure mi fawda wudda still ah serve him life sentence yah now
What I got from these response were:
1. Jamaican young girls love older men
2. Older Jamaican men like to prey on young girls
3. Ain’t some of these bloggers the same one who are always chanting “him need fe go prison fi a fu..ck off the little pickney dem?
:ngakak don;t come for me y’all, am just saying……
Compare to how young these folks were, I feel damn old at the age I lost mines. I was still playing with dolls at some of you ages so amma just…… :travel
Honey how u do? This post is really to highlight underage sex as one of the causes of jamaica’s problems. I have not seen in any of the comments here where anyone said they were proud of having sex young …nuh do dat man…lets stay on topic and dont comment like this , it makes people not want to say anything and this post is for people to open up..
I’m doing just peachy. Met, I’m not judging anyone at all. I just said, I feel old compare to others. I didn’t meant to come off as the way you you read into my comment. As you see in my first post, from what I gathered, many of our fellow Jamaicans are sexual active at a young age by older partners. Again, by no means am I judging anyone…..I just fell old thats all i was saying.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
i WAS 16 AND HE WAS 19
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this?
1. 15, partner 25
2-3 Friends partners were all in their twenties and thirties. ( my niece father was sexing one of my friend, everyone in the nieihbohood knew about it. Another girl she was sleeping with three brothers all grown men live with their baby mothers)
4. My parents found out about my situation and beat the day light out a me, so I stopped seeing the guy.
Met, because of how popular your site, is mi fraid fi mention some things weh mi see gwaan. But I’ll say this, I know quite a few girls that start sex from them a 9-12 years old, and everybody in a the neighborhood knew about it. Them family shame and just hide in a them house, only come a road when them have to are them send them go country, some lucky go foreign. Decades later them run pass me mind an have little free time me, search them on Fb see some a them have girl Pinckney me wonder what type a mother are they to their daughter. Big man den wit little girls a JA is nothing new. Most men in Ja are predators they sit and watch the little girls when they are toddlers and say how them shape good, give the mother a thing when them a grow. Wait till them turn teens and still give them a thing like them a family and then use that trick them and f them.
Plus majority poor parents they don’t strive to provide thei girls with necessities so the girls reach out to men. Others they are materialistic and want more than what their parents can give, while others seeking for a father figure to replace the one that she never knew.
I was 16 he was 15 (to this day I always end up with younger men)
My best friend guy use to pick her up on a bike so I assume he was older
Yes, but they hide it was not like nowadays
My neighbor told on me, she said go get the hammer so I could beat you in your back in case you are pregnant. (go figure)
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
Ans. I was 17, she was 16. I have had a few aborted attempts before 16. Couldn’t get it in. At the age of 7 – 8 we had non-penetrative sex when we asks the girls to let us use our penis to “touch” their vagina.
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
Ans. Most of my male friends claimed they were having sex since they were 13-14.
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
Ans. Most of underage sex occurred as far as we knew took place between male teachers and younger students. In our days, the girls appear much older than their age.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this?
A. Not applicable
Wow. I commend everyone here on their honesty. I never realize that their was such a great age difference going on in Ja. Wow! Some of these older ppl are predators. I can’t magi e knowing my daughter having sex with someone so older. I wud lock him up. But I too had a lover 6 yrs older. But I wud not stand for that now being a parent. I wud lock them up. N I warn my sons all the time be careful.
No underage sex here, plus I was a late bloomer. I had my own place and college degree by the time I experienced the art.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner? I was 14 he was 19…got pregnant at 15.
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners? same age as me late 20s. My bestfriend dated a guy our age.
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved? yes, when I was pregnant, I knew of a girl in my community that was 9 and pregnant as well..there were others but she was the youngest.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? – See more at:
My parents only found out when I got pregnant…my mother was disappointed, cried night and day…my dad stopped speaking to me for years…now we’re doing a bit better (22years later).
1. I was 12, he was 18.
2. Not sure, but everybody wanted to play mama n papa lol
3. Yes, it kinda became the norm.
4. Parents didn’t know. All mi fadda fren try look mi and I jus boops out him rass n stop talk to him. Damn brite, worst I know his wife and kids.
1. I was 14 he was 19.
2. My friends were with teenage guys in there 15 to 17 range so all of them were chatting me.
3. In my community people were hush hush… Them know them pickney bad but pretend like them nuh know.
4. My parents didnt find out i was with this guy until i was 18…. My mom was furious but she was absent most of my teen years since she worked abroad. My brother found out when i was 15, he tried to get the guy arrested, it didn’t work out, my sister knew from i was 14, she was 24 at that time and gave me contraceptives and the whole sex education thing. My dad was absent. Any way fast forward i am now 22 and the guy is 28 wwwe are married… Dont have kids yet because im finishing up my bachelors degree.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
9 she was 14 (she was my cousin).
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
Don’t really discuss my sexual history with my male friends, they see\saw sex as a competition thing.
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
Grew up in the Ghetto, tenament yard( commom assault thing that, it’s like the norm), admittedly I myself have gotten involve with underage girls , but neva force myself or manipulate or any of them; not that I’am justifying my actions but sometime when them a run it pan yuh , the heart willing but the flesh is weak and I have no mental fortitude when it come to women and PusC.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? – See more at:
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
I was 14, he was 21
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
My best friend hers was like 22, she was 15
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
I grew up in the heart of the ghetto, it was a normal thing….My best friend baby father is like 20 years older than her
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? – My madda never know a thing…mi fadda ded, any how he was alive him would chop mi up
Reading all these female comments I’m surprised no one said they were raped or molested or coerced into having sex. It is also interesting that 14 seems to be about the average age that females start having sex in Jamaica. The average for boys is 13-years-old. The survey should have the question about condom use at the time of first contact.
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner? 19 and he was 19 as well.
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners? My friends are liars they all acted like they weren’t sexually active until I lost my virginity then all of a sudden they had sex before so I would say 15-17 is…
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
I had no knowledge of dem things I grew up a lil sheltered my parents were strict.
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? My parents would murder him an I. My father didn’t play games he was and still is very protective of me his 1 daughter.
1. Me – 16 Him -17
2. A mixture some were dating guys in our age group or upper school guys while we were in lower school, while some had their sugar daddy, their much older partners giving dem $500 fi lunch money(that time nanny did just come in) but we just settle & wid my $100 & $150 cauz mi never licky licky, mi did grow fi satisfy with what my parents could afford cause yuh see ppl wid them things yuh dont know which manner a evil dem affi duh fi get it.
3. That did prevalent in school & community but ppl see & turn a blind eye, sometime all d lil gal pickney dem mumma know & nuh do nothing, because of the returns their daughters were getting dem could an wear hot clothes in style while we weh a get things from our parents inna some outdated things.
4. If I did ever think mi bad chu mi see 2 likkle hair a spiring up pan my pokey & feel seh mi name weh mi name & guh do that my mother would an kill my baxide & run off some years inna some jail house & I would be rotting or turn to bones by now, I would not be here commenting. :ngakak
1. How old were you when you first had sex and how old was your sex partner?
Ans. I was 18 (waited until I was ready), he was 22. He even taught me how to put a condom on.
2. Your immediate friends, how old were their sex partners?
Ans. My cousins and friends were all having sex at 14/15 with guys in their early 20s
3.In your neighborhood did you or the neighbors have knowledge of older men and young women being sexually involved?
Ans. They did, some talk but no one reported it. They were older men who would make advances to us and even have the audacity to say they were our parents classmate, as if that would help their case. disgusting! One even told my cousin he use to change her nappy; she look at him and told him… so now yuh want come tek it off? we were renk, so they left us alone
4. If you were involved with an older guy at a young age, how did your parents respond to this? – See more at:
I was a tomboy and was afraid of big men so I stay clear of them and made no eye contact.