- by Met
Victoria jubilee Hospital patient
Thank you everyone for the prayers, some asking “what I need help for” I have been here 3 weeks under extreme pain the doctor prescribed countless pain medication for me to try and none of them works. Every morning the doctor come to do his checks all he does is ask ” how is the pain?” I told him its keeps getting worst and all he says is ok, nothing more. Whenever I ask to speak with him he keep telling me he is coming but never does, I saw another doctor and was telling him about my pain and he told me the medications I’m getting is for joint pains not spinal pain that’s why its not working and they can’t give me the spine meds because I’m pregnant. I keep asking for them to induce me because I’m 37 weeks and the pain keep getting worst now, I can’t stand on my feet. I’m scared that all these pain meds that they are giving me may harm the baby because I read up on the pethidine (one of the meds I’m getting) and it not just make me drowsy and dizzy but it also does the same to the baby. I just need to talk to the head consultant here to find out why can’t I request to get induced because the medications not working and I really can’t manage this pain anymore It is getting to me mentally