Its the world today man dem a play both teams n want more man even tho dem have baby madda n woman have no man to run to so dem situation ya happen nuff
It has nuttin to do with Kartel, it has to do with the lifestyle she wants to live.From she leff the guy who she use to sell the clothes with, she get hype. She tek up the rich Guyanese man, that man did her like every other foolish girl he picks up in Jamaica, him trick her with the money. So now she get hype, she make him make her leff the work a wet sundayz.. gyal start live big.. she a run him business and open store in dead ass new kingston shoppin centre. She no easy and gwan sell from home or her car him give her. So anyway, him give her a trip here and there but not America tho (kartel effect) she a show off on insta.. body do up bwoy, Sherika do some freaky shit to stay with the man I tell you, smh. Baps!!! the man leff her.. replace her actually. Lock her out the store and all just cut her off one day, so what she do, go missin and mourn little then start over but this time with a scamma butch. Mi sorry fi her poor confused daughter, but I’m not sorry for her cuz she got too hype and I know it was coming. Ladies its ok to live within your means. Now she looking stupid with this new store that she’s paying this and that for but nobody not buying. All cuz of hype. Tsk! Tsk! (Sorry fi the typos I’m at work,,, not supposed to be in my phone)
As beyond freaky as Shortie IS..she is a lock for Mother of the year! !Her boys are honor roll students. .They are not even allowed to listen Kartel’s music!
My fingers crossed in optimism that the generational curse will be broken. Education is the only way enuh PP!!!!
Ha! Kartel could cause any woman fi go di odda way LOL…and so the lesbian trend continues. These kids are gonna grow up so confused.
Marie: D
Me ago go out pon a limb a say she can’t sin no greater than when she tek and grow seed fi dat demon
har hole safe from that le le wata s!#t stick.
Its the world today man dem a play both teams n want more man even tho dem have baby madda n woman have no man to run to so dem situation ya happen nuff
It has nuttin to do with Kartel, it has to do with the lifestyle she wants to live.From she leff the guy who she use to sell the clothes with, she get hype. She tek up the rich Guyanese man, that man did her like every other foolish girl he picks up in Jamaica, him trick her with the money. So now she get hype, she make him make her leff the work a wet sundayz.. gyal start live big.. she a run him business and open store in dead ass new kingston shoppin centre. She no easy and gwan sell from home or her car him give her. So anyway, him give her a trip here and there but not America tho (kartel effect) she a show off on insta.. body do up bwoy, Sherika do some freaky shit to stay with the man I tell you, smh. Baps!!! the man leff her.. replace her actually. Lock her out the store and all just cut her off one day, so what she do, go missin and mourn little then start over but this time with a scamma butch. Mi sorry fi her poor confused daughter, but I’m not sorry for her cuz she got too hype and I know it was coming. Ladies its ok to live within your means. Now she looking stupid with this new store that she’s paying this and that for but nobody not buying. All cuz of hype. Tsk! Tsk! (Sorry fi the typos I’m at work,,, not supposed to be in my phone)
That poor child. Father is a murderer and mother is a dyke.
Move unu babmind and stop watch an chat wen unu no know
Can we have picha of di baby modda please an tonks…
As beyond freaky as Shortie IS..she is a lock for Mother of the year! !Her boys are honor roll students. .They are not even allowed to listen Kartel’s music!
My fingers crossed in optimism that the generational curse will be broken. Education is the only way enuh PP!!!!