**Allegedly Konshens has a child with the sender’s friend and she sent the below** Is how much woman Konshens did have because this is the second woman mi hear bout whey a claim she never know Konshens married ………this one seh she neva know him engaged………………..
Dear met,
I would like to share some research I’ve done on Latoya aka latts.
A friend of mine was messing around with konshens while Latoya was pregnant. My friend did not know at the time that they were engaged and had a child on the way.
My friend had a baby and now konshens is denying the child.
Latoya blocked my friend on social media when she tried to reach out to her because konshens wasn’t answering her calls and messages.
She even sent her threats to stay away from her perfect family.
Now funny how life is take a look at this..
Upon researching I discover that:
*Latoya was married to Paul Simms
*Based on court records they filed a divorce
On August 24 , 2016.
*Mr. Paul Simms requested a paternity test for the child on November 22, 2016
*And then Latoya requested a paternity test to see if konshens is really the father on 01/24/2017.
So you mean she did not know who the child father is?
She was taken child support from Paul the entire time till they found out the truth.
*Latoya then changed her name on May 5, 2017 and got married to konshens that same year in November.
All my friend is requesting is for Garfield Spence recognize his child.

Oh wow
Lawd gad :hammer :cd. I know there’s more to come
Sender not being rude bit what has latoya got to do with this and putting her business out there.
You were fucking the man.
Do what every other women does that fucks a so called celebrity. Get a lawyer and demand your rights.
Leave the woman alone…..
Basically sender’s friend is requesting a DNA from konshens and Latoya is denying it.
Although Latoya had to do 2 different DNAs to see who is the father of her child.
I’m only going base on what I know.
Sender a so Latty love inbox people eno cause di next girl tell me di same ting she inbox the girl den block har. Suh mi really waa know is wha kinda marriage dis o
Garfield is a single man hunty. He was never married to Latoya so contacting Latoya is unnecessary. There are no certificates anywhere. Not Broward/ Dade nor at the Jamaica registrar. Stop contact Latoya cause is not she you lay down wid. Request paternity through the courts for Garfield and leave tyad body alone. She have enough issues trying to figure out how to pay her rent, you adding this is unfair to her. When unoo ago learn?? baby don’t secure no bag.
What a prekke.. so Latoya is a cheater too.. now mi understand her back and forth.. konshens if it’s ur child do the right thing cuz Mr Simms almost ended up taking care of ur child..
Oh ok sender, this that good tea that come with receipts yes! Please keep us posted on the outcome with your friend and Mr. Spence! Maybe all of this is why my boy feel suicidal idk js
Yes, this tea hot. Good receipts sender.
Cheers to the attention you guys were seeking
Koshens & Latoya ,,,I am so sorry … Just goes to show that no one is perfect…
Elephant Man now Konshens..which other dancehall ppl have children out there them nuh want to accept ? list them story
That would probably need it’s own category lol
Konshens go do the DNA and go mind your child!!! What u and Latoya afraid of?
I am wondering if its her exhusband or his brother that was wanted on child pornography in Fla and they found him in Ochi some time ago and extradited him back to Fla. He got like 8 yrs jail time and 40 yrs supervision just yesterday.
Sender, based on his behavior your friend should think Long and hard if she wants him to recognize her daughter after this betrayal. Some of these fathers are useless and the baby mama drama from the wife is a direct result of her own personal history. Plus his money is not “up” the way he’d have you think so your friend will have to join the paternity and child support line because his koky is very busy. She should also get some regular STI screenings.
According to him, he was trying to clean up his public Image by getting married as he wants to be a bigger star on the international scene but the DMs always tell another story.
PS- Good job with the receipts! They seem very credible.
It on the courts seh dem destitute… every month smaddy a sue fi rent. internet resources deh bout, check background before unoo lay dung. Don’t let airbnb and leased range and Jaguar fool unoo. and you don’t have to have good credit to achieve any of these things.
These stories are getting messier everyday 1 I feel it’s you and not your friend 2 the whole world knew about them how come you didn’t 3 which of these Jamaican artist you know use them broom sweep 1 floor and isn’t necessary to be picked putting the girl business out there like that do yourself a favor and go to the court to sort out your life
Don’t be fooled by her story, its her not her friend, her friend and Lotaya were friends,but because she and this girl is closer, she knew the whole story about K&L b4 she started sleeping with K,now her friend who was L’s friend telling her all of L’s business, I suggest L encourages K to do the test and if the child is his take care of him/her the best way,and hope that Bi** gets a job to do her part, what happen to using condoms, thats the reason Aids/Hiv is so much, dont TN B surprise if when Z result comes bk it says L’s not TBA Z xv father, she’s been around with a few so called celeb. J’can saying pickney nawh hold man
All u want is recognition for the child but u spilling all Latpya tea while u at it.
Why contact Latoya when dem relationship sour- was she there wid unnu? Old dog sh¡t some a unnu
You bitches always love to drag up dirt on the mans woman when they don’t want to have nothing to do with you. Expose the man not his wife. And at the end of the day if your friend was really about her business she would take him to court instead of pinkwall.
All these dancehall marriages are just for show. None of them are living happily married. Its pathetic. A probably Sasco alone really genuine.
First off, are you sending in to talk about your friend, or you trying to disrespect Latoya? Your story is all over the place and just seem vindictive. If you took the time to do all this, might as well you sent the proof too. No on one side but I just think this is a dig at Latoya.
Btw, what difference it made if he was engaged? Konshens never hid Latoya, so your friend fuck a man knowing he has his girlfriend. how you so involved? You do research, plus you send in story. I don’t care you story sound lean. You just after Latoya. You vex say the girl stay with her husband
Not a friend nothing, is you have the pickney. It seems you angry with Latts more than how you mad with Konshens ,when a him did a buddy yuh and not her. Doing this won’t help one thing. Girl bye
Leave Latoya alone scirmage. Is the fame you want, that’s why ou bring this to social media. What did Latoya have to do with you? Yes she been married before, and now man married her again, man nuh stop own her up. You cannot get any knowings and haffi a stoop low to get a little attention. I can bet all now the man don’t look. Go court go get a DNA and stop disturb the girl.
It on the courts seh dem destitute… every month smaddy a sue fi rent. internet resources deh bout, check background before unoo lay dung. Don’t let airbnb and leased range and Jaguar fool unoo. and you don’t have to have good credit to achieve any of these things.
why is your friend reaching out to latoya, i dont like that bitch bit if you cant get in touch with konsjens there is something call court. you black and mix women obviously are lowgrade vagina species who spread eagle for any nigga no matter if you are destine to be single mother or not. konshens is an entertainer and every bitch on earth who knows dancehall knew this man had a woman even if they were nit engage or if they were , but yall love to follow the ” tek a gyal man” anthem and end up being bitter ass single mother bitches hunting all over the world for a check and misery while stuck with a kid a man have no interest in being a father to. he is to be blame but its your pussy that carries a kid not man so the common sense approach is to leave fucking entertainers unless you planning to be a single mother bitch in peace
This sounds like a whitey wrote this n you must be told that u frigging brite n outta order fi a generalize bout black n mix women in such degrading manner!!Yuh can’t diss the yardies cuz our Ancestors evolved from royalty as the cradle of civilization…unno neanderthal fi gweh wid unno cave shriveled up bologna pieholes!!!
Yuh point couldve been a bit vaild if u said a few or some but no u had to style our Empresses as lowgrade species…SYM straight!!
Some of unno need to read!!!
Konshens and Latoya got engaged in 2014 and had a son in 2015.
Then Latoya got divorced to Mr Simms in 2017
Latts not the only one doing her dirts, hence why sender sent in the info about Latoya doing 2 DNA… one for konshens and the other for her ex husband.
This is so messy. I hope the whole truth will come out and they can both move on with their lives in peace and privacy. Nothing stays in the dark for long. But it’s sad when people’s personal business can be out their and being thrown about like how dog a fight fi nyam raw meat…smh
Oh wow this is all lies and I would know …wink wink