
Since my conversion to the Christian faith earlier this week, a lot of people have suggested that I’m not genuine. But I didn’t make the decision. God did.

Some people are making negative arguments that I did it to steal the limelight of dancehall artiste J Capri, whose funeral was held on Monday.

I have realised that there’s a place in Heaven for me, even though I have a past that was not clean, even though I was vulgar, even though I did bad things onstage.

It took me having to go to J Capri’s funeral to become a Christian. I started conversing with God in the church. The Holy Ghost ‘dash’ it all over me. God did a transformation in my closet.

Heaven is rejoicing for me now that I’ve given my heart to God. J Capri and the angels are rejoicing. I care zero about my critics.

At one point, I thought Christ was finished with me. Some people are saying I was baptised before, so it’s nothing new. But I was baptised as a child; it was my dad’s choice. He baptised all his children. He was a Seventh-day Adventist. By the next week, we were backsliders.

A few years ago, God was doing things for me. I got in the Spirit in Florida. I was doing so well trying to change my lifestyle. Satan rose up on me, but I wasn’t strong yet.

I went on Sting that year and called out another female deejay, and I behaved so badly. When I did it, I felt dirty within myself. The devil was smiling, but God wasn’t so pleased with me.

But even in that state, I begged God, “Don’t let go of me. Hold on to my skirt tail. Don’t give up on me.”

The night before I was baptised, I was drunk having spent time at Ribbiz. But I heard a voice say, “Marion, God is not pleased with you.” Before I got saved, every morning I would call a guy I’m dating. I would smoke cigarettes all day.

At J Capri’s funeral, the songs performed by Cherine Anderson and Alaine were songs that had taken me through the darkest of times in my life.

After the funeral, God said to me, “Go and get baptised.” But I said, “Church lock. It’s Monday. But I heard the voice saying, “Go now.” I called my sister, and she ran and called a church sister. I told her I wanted a fiery church. The lady called the bishop. He said normally he would have been in Red Hills, but that day, he had stopped for something. God lined up everything for me.”

No Joke

God is in me. He is working on me. My salvation is not a joke thing. I thought my Lord had abandoned me because I had turned my back on him. Satan is vexed right now.

God said he would take care of me. God has found use for this broken vessel. I urge others to seek God and find him. Open up your voice to be vulnerable to him.

I have been through some things. I was raped in the ghetto. If I can use my story to stand firm, I will. I am already beaten, I am already battered, so others can’t defeat me. I no longer need a man to comfort me. A cigarette cannot comfort me.

This is no publicity stunt. God used J Capri to win my soul. I want to win other souls for Him. I had nothing to do with my salvation. The spirit of God came and snatched me from the devil. Why would I want to walk away from all this money from stage shows? Why would I want to walk away from all the other shows that were pending, all the advance money?

God has told me that this project will be bigger than me. God shall make me win souls for Him. I am honoured to be part of God’s flock. I used to be ashamed to say His name in the crowd. But now I am proud to call His name.

Two of my female rivals were at the funeral. God said I should forgive my rivals. I forgive them and ask for their forgiveness. I love you, Spice. I love you Macka Diamond. I love you, Tifa. Forgive me if I hurt you. I let go of any animosity. We artistes were fighting for Satan. We wanted his crown. But our real crown is in Heaven for us.

What I was doing was not of God. Forget the devil and work for Jesus. Please, don’t take my joy, the joy that God has put inside me.


  1. Ppl shouldn’t cuss ppl who are skeptical of Lady Saw’s devotion cuz remember Brother Desmond.On the other hand to b fair remember Lt.Stitchie,Papa San n Chevelle Franklin who’ve done well to stuck it out over the years.Im willing to slightly give Lady saw the benefit of the doubt cuz she seem genuinely sincere THIS time. The one I will never ever buy his bullcrap is di fake one Prodigal Son who always a defend more Money n not di gospel.God have a special place in heLL fi some ppl#facts! Go thru Mumma Saw n if u backslide get up n try again cuz u wouldn’t be the first nor the worst!!

  2. Lady, I am so glad for you.May your joy cup flow over. Don’t listen to the naysayers since they will always be around, there is zero you can do about that. Don’t even answer them for Isaiah 2:22 says,”Stop regarding man in whose nostril is breath,for of what account is a he?

  3. I’m sure that since you were prosperous in dancehall, so you shall be in gospel…more money in the arenas-ask joyce myers, olsteen and dem

    It would be nice if you folks can separate GOD from the titles of “lord” and “jesus”, GOD is none of the two.

    P.S. Children shouldn’t be baptised because they are still pure in heart and mind, so it’s impossible to even think they can backslide. Granted some born evil from jump and no wata can change that.

  4. A
    This testimony is nothing short of amazing. I respect her for her honesty. The Lord sometimes chooses who we least expect to do His work.

  5. may god guide and protect you the road ahead is rough but keep ure faith and keep believing in the man up above.sister Marion

  6. I applaud her for taking the step…baptism is a step in the journey with God. There will be times to come where the public will see if a stunt or not. The whole dramatization is unnecessary because it is setting a bar in a place where it may not stay etc. Saw must give herself time to walk her road, she must make leverage available for her mistakes and above all she should take the time and discern what is of God and what is not of Him. For me, she could have left the baptism until this weekend…not videoed it and just walk with God because He is always there for us…I agree, we may not know the hour so one might feel overwhelmed to get it right before the hour comes but baptism did not make Jesus the Christ, his journey, life and works already made the way clear for him so I would have appreciated if she allowed herself her journey..Thats all I will say

    1. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

      1. Faith and Deeds
        14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

        18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”

        Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

        20 You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless[d]? 21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,”[e] and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

        25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.

  7. lawd ma!:d.

    Selfcentered/selfserving cause. Private baptism, intervention at a funeral and finished in a closet. Announcing forgiveness to rivals in a news rather than face-to-face…yeah. Me hear devine intervention a call me to dinner… :shutup: 😉

    1. She did nothing to them (for all we know and what we have seen, they all were jealous of her in some way or the other.She reacted to that..from what we saw)..they plotted against her so on the part of that all she needed to do was take it up with God,in her closet. She is born again so we will see and we dont have to see either…God is judge for us all. She needs to surrender her trust in him and let him lead her where she should go…Jamaica’s gospel industry has a thousand times more talent than dancehall and reggae …trust me..people just nah put out the effort fi the gospel singers and dem nah get paid as dem should…Saw’s step can change the game and win souls at the same time but turning off people is not a start…Just trust God das all.

      1. All she can do is shut me and the rest of critics down for days, weeks, months and years to come…

        Met, you’re right about the changes that can come, especially if her fans follow suit. Afterall, she did create a shift in dancehall music…only right that she ‘rock’ it back *wink* :maafaganwati

        1. PP at first I was ok with it den it slowly start creep up pan mi when mi see di articles and the quotes…den the funeral invasion gave me a nasty taste in my mouth. She has to be careful

  8. Congratulations Marion, my sweet! I commend you on your decision to finally answer the call of your Lord and Saviour! You’ve only just begun! They best is YET TO COME!!!!! Your journey WON’T BE EASY, however, you have the BEST COACH AND TOUR GUIDE FAITH CAN BUY! Hold your head up high and continue to trust in your God, as you two are in this thing together! I LOVE YOU NOW AND FOREVER. I patiently await your VERY PROSPEROUS, FRUITFUL AND PROLIFIC Gospel career, as I KNOW YOU ARE GONNA DOMINATE THE GENRE EVEN MORE THAN YOU DID DANCEHALL, and if for ANY REASON, you wish or choose not to, I STAND BEHIND/BESIDE YOU JUST THE SAME!!!!! I LOVE YOU TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY!

  9. Congratulations on this great move sis Marion. A word of advice, speak less, listen more. Like a new born babe, pls tek time drink the milk of God, which is his word and pray for everything and nothing.

  10. She should start out by changing her name on social media so people might take her a bit more serious…I watched the Jcapri funeral and saw Marion expression throughout and she seemed to be taking it hard… god bless you hun you will need the strength to fight the haters and non believers

  11. Yuh call dis emotional and fearful decision she dey at di funeral and see capri dead get fraid and turn to jesus, but if she did study history she would bun church and mek her relationship with God a personal one.

  12. it is nothing more that fear reach her thats why she made that move…bout god talk to you. ive been searching for a reason to believe in God but i cant find any. people are so gullible them love to repeat things without researching and study for themselve.

  13. When I got baptized a fear moved me from a dream I had, to get baptized , I would still crave partying and worldly music for years until it slowly lost it’s significance in my life, being with God is one step at a time , and just as you don’t know how the breeze blow, where it started from and where it will end up,

    it is the same thing with a relationship with God for some it seems easy for others it’s a constant struggle until you understand the who, the why;s and the what’s . Remember you don’t change overnight . here’s a video for you.

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