1. Hey Met :maafaganwati Ladies and Gent worldwide. Nice assignment
    To make Jamaica great the first thing we need to do is eradicate the men and women in politics for 40 plus years.
    We need term limits because they are governing our nation as a monarchy (king, queen ting).
    Gather the best economist globally to work out our economic issues
    Gather the best geologist globally to test for any form of natural resource that is profitable to build our GDP and of global benefits
    Eradicate garrison culture through development and relocation programs. We need to modernize our business district in downtown Kingston and to once and for all tear down those nasty buildings downtown. They aren’t historically positive because they are symbolic of slave auction and brokerage firms, plus the owners are away living the life of O’reilly.
    Stop accepting hearsay as fact and embrace our individual rights to security, health , education peace and prosperity.

  2. 1.give actual prosecuting power to the OCG and other anti corruption agencies
    2. Improve the healthcare infrastructure, simple changes can make a huge impact. Start with thorough cleaning with bleach and dettol, if you can raise money for party shirts you can do this
    3. Increase the pay significantly of teachers and nurses
    4. Tax breaks for farmers
    5. Tax incentives for returning residents who invest in businesses that employ jamaicans
    6. 2 term limits on all government posts
    7. Added laws to protect intellectual property of jcans, eg our music, style, slangs, and innovations
    8. No pension for ANY prime ministers or politicians immediately, all have made enough money already

    1. An overall of Llewellyn position is needed.
      Too much dupicity of ministries.
      Total eradication of Youth and culture ministry. We don’t need party planners cause is only August month this ministry seems relevant.
      Youth and senior welfare should fall under health ministry.
      We need a maximum security prison incorporated as a CARICOM entity, hence located in any of the member nations.
      Modern correctional facilities open to all Jamaicans 😀
      Capitol punushment
      Revision of the entire judicial system including infastructures penalty for jury dodgers, secure adminiatration processes and better interfacing of records in the courts and medical field.
      I like you points Totem but a few don’t seem functional base on cultural norms.

  3. Also
    1. Public database of white collar criminals, rapists, and pedophiles
    2. All prisoners to do farming to pay for their food and supply for disabled jcans

  4. ” But there is another and great distinction for which no truly natural or religious reason can be assigned, and that is the distinction of men into KINGS and SUBJECTS. Male and female are the distinctions of nature, good and bad the distinctions of Heaven; but how a race of men came into the world so exalted above the rest, and distinguished like some new species, is worth inquiring into, and whether they are the means of happiness or of misery to mankind.”
    Excerpts from Common Sense by the great Thomas Paine

  5. Phantom phoenix now I know why my spirit tek yuh!! I am officialy a Painest!!!I’ve followed Paine’s works since 1999,changed my life reading his stuff!! Try reading his book on religion called Age of Reason…he is not an atheist!!! Many ppl don’t know n will never know the fact that his book common sense is what started/inspired the American revolution!!Bless u dear lady for sharing!!

    1. Thank you, Anon.
      I’ve literally teared up for Paine because of how American history has minimalized the ONE man that kick started the blueprint of its independence.
      He belived in a creator, but not in the puritanical manner of his time; hence his ability to propel others in breaking the myth of monarchs.
      I wonder if they dumped his remains at sea…

  6. We need a minister of production that would oversee a production sector geared towards producing more and importing less. Farming needs to increase 100% now

    1. An entire Agricultural sector is a necessity…not the plantation one but the modern entrepreneurial agri sector that includes a few of Totems ideas.

  7. Who will listen to Jamaica speak? The Poll-technicians (Politicians) I think surely not. They laud themselves in the House of Parliament as leaders yet they shout back and forth at each other like a market higler. One beats the chest the other says “look at my shoes daddee”.
    English parliament, English shoes, English Independence, English language hence English views. Poll- technicians listen with the intent to reply and not with ears that understands Us.
    You are Jamaica, I am Jamaica we are Jamaica. You know the truth. You know the History of this blessed land. Let’s do something different.

  8. Education is the way out so more schools n pay teachers more so they take there jobs seriously and implement all that phantomphoenix seh…

  9. Reinstatement of GOD in our schools. More bible study more of something to curb the ute dem from going to “that side”
    Term limits on all public officials.
    Revamping of the educational system
    Incentive based pay for all “performing” teachers
    Changing the qualifications for entering Teachers colleges
    Investing in early child education (our only hope)
    Absentee voting for individuals legal abroad and who travel/visit Jamaica frequently (yearly)
    Farmers market is an excellent idea
    Development of old cane land left dormant undeveloped ( used for farming)
    Investment opportunities open to the small man
    More green areas (parks , soccer fields, play areas)

  10. I agree with PhantomPhoenix’s initial comment and I add the following:
    If you want true change, mandate that MPs live in the constituencies that they represent, take the colors out of politics, disqualify politicians who are dual citizens, disqualify politicians who skirt our tax laws by taking their money offshore–or reform the tax laws so that the Jamaican government can tax such hidden money that was earned in Jamaica, et al, the list goes on but it all start with hyper political reforms

  11. These politicians are always thinking about what’s in “their” best interest rather than the interest of the “Jamaican people” Portia as been it politics since the 1970s literally 20 years before I was born and despite that’s she making the same mistake as her predecessor if not worst choices which haven’t benefited the poor but rather have benefited the upper class. I think the main focus should be promoting economic growth in Jamaica (Jamaica is slowest economic growth in terms developing country in the world) their are many ways to do so: promote apprenticeships with many of the large corporations in Jamaica (have strict criteria so that workers are not being taken of advantage), reduce reliance on import and starting created our goods which in turn would help to create jobs this could be growing crops perhaps having exports taxes on goods that can be grown or manufactured Jamaica a reducing those on goods that cannot be produce in Jamaica. Another thing is creating organic food products for export as well as everyday products that consumers need (I believe that Trinidad is doing this).Jamaica again relied on tourism for too much (in fact we could promote historical sites such as: arawak taino museum, Marcus Garvey life and time with plays at the museum/where he spend his life, port Royal and the history with Columbus discovery (apart of the pirates of Caribbean was shot in port royal), other historical sites (Egypt is famous for their historic sites) and this could double the amount of visitors rather than beaches we can be recognized for our history, capitalizing on innovation and technology the opportunity within this area is endless and last but not least Jamaica location is ideal for logistic infrastructure for trading of goods and service so creating appropriate transportation structure such as: railway and could lead to an increase in foreign investment in different areas other than tourism. I have other ideas those are just few (sorry I’m Economics student).

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