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This is an open letter to the member of parliament for southwest St Ann Mr Zavia Mayne. Sir as a member of your constituent I would like your intervention in a problem your constiuency is currently plagued with and that problem comes in the form of your secretary. First and foremost Sir I would like to know if no background check was done on this young lady or is it that you are comfortable with someone with less than reputable character interacting on your behalf with the same people who have elected you as their representative? Secondly upon determining she was the most “suitable” person for the position did she receive any training on how to deal with the public because her lack of mannerism is appalling? My next question is are you not aware of her savagery and what has been done to curb her disdainful approach to the public? Sir your constituency loves you and applauds your effort in uplifting us but we CANNOT continue to be treated like infidels each time we come at the office to have dialogue. I am writing based on my experience and the experience of others who may be too afraid to say anything for fear of her sharp tongue. This young lady for lack of a better term behaves like a cad ignoramus who believes that in being your assistant its her right to decide who sees you when and who gets what which cannot be the way forward. And to the young miss. My dear opportunities come and go. You won’t be at that office forever. We the constituents are like customers and you must know the customer is always right. Your behaviour speaks volumes and yours says you have no regard for anyone but yourself and even in typing this I barely know if you have that much regard for yourself either. I could divulge aspects of your personal life but there’s no need to be personal. I ask that Zavia either gets someone else in the interim or replaces her as this will not be tolerated much longer. She is rude, uncouth, biased and I believe a big bully but please be reminded bigger bullies are around. You need to be taught a lesson in mannerisms. I would like for this post to be shared, shared and shared some more. Thank you.
Sender where is her picture?
He probably hired her as a favor for someone. nuh so it go inna politics?
Fair play. Can bet she is office wife and guard dog in one…it never fails.
Sender, you and other constituents should call her out at a meeting. She is being paid out of St. Ann’s revenues and ahould be respectful of the office she works in on behalf of the people.
You know if Zavia a ram har or him ill-mannered too she nah go better and bigga heads will have to intervene.
Good luck with unu office bitch :maho
Well written sender, all his constituents have to do if this MP does not act it to vote him out in the next election, simple. Because if she stays he is enabling her to act like that. Send a letter to him as well and let him know how the community feels.
Your vote is important. Good luck and keep us updated.