1. Long distant relationships are the hardest, but if your committed and in LOVE with your boyfriend in JA it can work.

    Trust me Ive been in a long distant relation for over 4yrs. Nothing beats The excitement of meeting up with your partner now n then.

    Both parties have to want it to work.

  2. We need more information in order to offer advice.

    …..my bf and I were planing no starting other family the next time we see each…..

    I’m interpreting this to mean you are planing on having a child for the BF? Why? What’s the rush? First you get married before starting a family. I think you should continue to date both men until it’s clear who you think makes a better husband/father.

  3. I’m sorry…but how can I put this…hmmmmm…yuh conscience a bother you cuz a ongle it a stop yuh from bruck out like a sore!!The Yardie DON’T do yuh anything ,him great and yuh love him but u willing to risk it all on potential close proximity koki!! :hoax2 :nerd

  4. Girl have fun with the other guy and let your conscious set you free because 9 times out of 10 your man in JA has a woman in JA that he is dealing with. Jamaican men don’t know what it means to be faithful.

  5. sender follow your heart! I’m in a long distance relationship, this year makes 13 years and we’re now happily married. It’s very very hard but once both parties love each other they’ll try to make it work! pray & ask God for guidance & he’ll direct your path!

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