Mackerel’s stepmom says teenager’s mother is bitter

Jealousy is said to be one of the major reasons there is a brewing feud between the parents of Ladasha ‘Mackerel’ Francis.

This, according to Mackerel’ s stepmother, Lorna Pinnock, who said that she has been part of the teenager’s life for more than a decade.

In an interview with THE ST AR yesterday, Pinnock said that Mackerel’s mother, Sherlette Black, is envious of the relationship that she shares with Mackerel’s dad, Patrick Francis

“Let me tell you this, it’s jealousy and badmind why Sherlette doing what she doing. She an issue with us because ‘Frankie’ and me deh, and mi feel like is me why she spite the likkle girl. Things that she say on the phone lead me to believe this, and is not everything Frankie know because sometimes you just don’t get man in every little thing … If she and the man leave, she just need to leave him alone and stop keep up the foolishness,” she said.

Pinnock said that she has maintained a good relationship with Mackerel over the years and tried her best to keep her out of harm’s way. However, she accused Black of being an uncaring mother.

“I had given Ladasha a phone because me nuh really wah call the mother phone to get to her because I can’t manage the man issue ting with Sherlette. She take away the phone from the child, and call me and tell mi say mi shouldn’t give her the phone. I told her she need to have a phone because anything can happen and we need to contact her. The little girl wah come live with us, and she tell her to come out, and when she leave, she mustn’t come back,” she said.

She also accused Black of being verbally abusive and described her as the type of mother who would quickly hurl insults at her daughter instead of showing her love.

“She (Black) treat the little girl bad at times. I told her that all she doing is hurting the child by saying those things, and she say all Ladasha a do is give problem. Mi tell her say counselling nah go help Ladasha, only love can help her,” she said.

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  1. Smaddy a tell lie mi nuh which one out a the 3. Mackerel hurt over how strict her mother was and her mom ain’t no saint she said things to mackerel. The dad now seems to be very carefree hence why mackerel favored staying with him. I don’t know where the stepmother fits in.
    There’s so many questions and all of them need to be in the same room to answer and end this once and for all so that mackerel can get on with her healing.
    Each time she ran away was it from the mothers house? And why didn’t she go to her father since they’re so loving.

  2. I know something
    Was kinda off the attitude of the mother yesterday when I watch shows a sign of competitions

  3. I knew from when the mother in her own foolish pop dung phone gonna refer to her own daughter as “that girl”
    NO SAH ! Sumn wrong right desso…and start talk bout how her son behaves better etc . “That girl??” REALLY LADY ????

  4. All these so called ” big people, ” need to GROW UP !
    Poor examples as adults. Especially the stepmother who has no argument except ” man argument???” Really ? With your silver haired cat in these times ?
    I believe Ladesha’s mother who seemed more ambitious and wanted a better life for her daughter. Maybe she was not perfect, which mother is ?
    I LOVE MACKEREL, but who gets put out for so long and yet you are reported missing in the papers for so long and you did not come home ? Your mother didn’t abort you.
    You were hurt and I feel your pain.
    I wish for your sake you and your mom clea up your differences.
    You are a mother now.
    Work it out slowly so that you can heal.
    P.S. Bless your father and your stepmother, but she seem like seems like she does not have any ambition.
    Your father gave love, yes, but he himself needed to see life in the bigger picture.

      1. Like seriously? All you people can say is Mackerel stepmother ugly bad or the father is supporting her loose lifestyle. If you watch the interview and put 2 and 2 together you would realise that the liar is the mother. This is just another case like Dalton’s, mothers feeling like they are entitled to whatever success their kids have obtained. If I was to tell my story about my mom…and my dad who is a well established business man and my father’s wife, you’ll be surprise to know how cold a mother is and how stupid a father is to let his wife who was my stepmother took control of him and destroyed his kids that she met him with. Leaving us emotionally and physically abused. Mackerel stepmother showed her more live than even her mother. And when since looks define a person’s heart or how they treat people? Looks is what land some gyal in a problem and some men in a battyhole. Met sometimes we need to analyze as situations and make proper judgements.

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