Come get into formation Jay.
_______________________________________________________________ bwaay mi nose ina problem too early
:ngakak She looks nice doh!! :2thumbup
Mi seh de dear Lisa a beat har bad she dra fi formation..yuh know Lisa bad fi real doah dwrcl
:ngakak all mi can do a pap some big market ooman laugh :ngakak Lisa a di besssssssss
Gm Simplicity….why u don’t call her 3/4 rebel counsellors to mek di formation??Jay ongle deal wid national crisis of epic proportions like Bruce n dudus…Lisa ting toocomon n local yo!
luk ere’ nuh kill mi off mi caan laff nuh more
why di hate fi lisa?
di gal just good like dat why u madddd?
appreciate black beauty stop hate
Is not hate enoh…trust mi. But to how tings need fi fix, tings need fi work pan, it nuh look good yuh ah poss pan social media and yuh people dem ah bawl out fi help…dat ah di issue.
When you are a beautiful, attractive and educated woman, other females will attack you for the very simple fact that they are unattractive and uneducated. The latter two factors pretty much fit the profile of 99% of the people that post on this site. The obsession continues….for someone to take the time out from their “busy” schedule to go on the woman’s page to extract her information and but up on their site, speaks volume.
Lisa Hanna is way ahead of these clowns who continue to envy her for all her assets. Bunch of losers……………….big up yourself Lisa Hanna….mad them!!!!!
Yuh si how God good..U did fi use ”put” and him mek yuh put BUT..Yuh think mi have time fi go pan Lisa page dus fi come put up yah? Di person whey send it in and miself a get a good damn laugh cause mi nuh know who Lisa shading this morning..You are a clown di same clown she is..Looks does not make anyone a person so wedda we ugly and uneducated…di same place she headed a di same place di rest of us headed and dat grave/coffin not partial to looks cause we all going there..
@anon 10:50am one of the reallest post on here, respect!!!
But nuh joke di sender a give, how hate drop in? If unu nuh understand the ting a better unu avoid the site becaz hate should not even mention in this post. Me thought it was a good laugh the sender giving the bloggers. Lisa a hot gal, she smart and have har tings dem. Who nuh know that nuh born yet so weh this hate talk come from, dear. From me read the post, me bust out a big dirty laugh and say di sender a bad people. Unu can’t tek like joke. Go deh Lisa, get into formation gal :ngakak
Gwaan chuuuu lisa….
She looks good no doubt.When will she learn to separate personal from politics.Come on now it’s a distraction .She seem more concerned about what social media thinks of her or what she wearing.
I swear,some of these politians use these positions to highlight them self personally not for the purpose of highlighting the job you supposed to be doing which is working for the people .
Not everything you must post.Sometime less is more.We get it, you love clothes but we looking for better results this term..Gwan thru now
Big up yuhself Lissaaaaa!!! Looking good mums. Ah you seh HOT all day!
me hear somebody say met obsess wid lisa but dis more dan obsession to rass, a some a lisa craches u want don’t or a grudge u grudge ar. One outa di 2
You do both a dem and give me option 3 otay? Sick like
Of course Met is Obsessed with Lisa. Met is an undercover sodomite/dyke.
Why mi wudda be undercover if mi a sadamite and gay people have so much status ina di world? Go skin pupalick and come from under lisa panty shield mek har body get fi breath u clown u
Give the lady a break
What a pretty girl..such a pity..
oh well mek mi guh get inna fimi formation..caz dis lady nuh joke..
Leave Lisa alone, Lisa never start this, unuh need to go and read the thread ,that will educate uno, about the destructive force behind Jamaica demise, and why we are in this hole, so give her a break now man. This is not going anywhere, learn the history of our country, try to see if we can mend some fence and build new bridges.
Den Bam u mean fi tell mi seh a somebody else a tief Lisa picha and put up?oh moiii, we haffi fix it right now Bam,fix it in the name of …awww!! Tell har fi sue out dem clatt Bammy tell har fi sue out dem clatt, caz a dat person/or a dem people fault why we ova yah a talk bout as Igeegaspades while she is in fact deh work1 work! work! like sista P.. People unu stop is not Lisa fault..
So sorry!!!
spreadddddddddddd————ed out :hammer
Lisa betta off dan d whole a we…Her husband to be is Rich..Real Rich…she nave fe scrape fe pay she gots her own…she nuh need nuh damn seat or no political status..she damn arite
U rite dats why she can deh pose instead ah deh work fi di good ah di people. Suh u now fi ask uself, why is she there? Nuh must fi di status if she not doing anything…Since she not wuking fi di people, why? een? Just becaz u hab money nuh mean seh u have status, or that u betta than anyone: suh if u want/crave it, u going to seek it, das how it is wid most people wid money wah usually inna di limelight and need to stay there. Imagine u deh scrape fi pay bill while she a pose pan di money wah couldah been use to help u out with paying your bills? suh how u feel now ovah yah knowing seh instead of wukking for di people she wukking di Kat walk..She alrite and u and so many oddas a scrape fi pay bills? Talk fi uself chile she nuh betta dan di I, she might have a likkle bit more money dan mi, but she nuh betta.
If the oman want deh pan Instag 24 hrs 365 or 6 she free..if Juliet poop..Andrew tweet it…dem free fe do wa dem want..afta dem a nuh robot wa need programming…
All I know is lisa looks damn good !! Mi nuh care weh no body wah say bout her.
No one says she looks bad or dispute that fact…Look good cannot cook or fix road
@met thank god u can cook and fix road dont! u need to chill at times with ur personal vendettas.. i really applaud u on putting together this site because it is somewhat of use for a lot of individuals who tend to be easily bored with the hassles of day to day life and need that bit of entertainment but wen entertainment becomes hate and propaganda then u need to take a look into urself and try to get ur shit together, i see u try to tear down alot of people and it wasnt warranted lisa is one of those people, this is not an attack jus stating what u are blocking people from staiting, maybe this post wont even see the light on ur site but oh well… u have responsibility to ur bloggers and that is to be fair and unbiased regardless of ur personal feelings cause at the end of the day ur personal feelings shouldnt even be personal cause u nuh know di people dem “personally” so stop being reckless with ur post because as u already know u do ave a little influence on some of these drones that blog on ur site!!!
Go and sit your stupid self down bout personal vendetta. What personal vendetta could I have against lisa? It you who need fi get your shit together uno so stupid and superficial . We a tear down lisa because we a laugh at her formation? Idiot
Every post you make on here yuh chat how JMG this and that yet you are here more than I am.
see some a unuh deh yah a blast met and at the end of the day a unuh same one a “dwrcl” when other people story post , highlighting their lifestyles and what have you. is lisa an exemption? i am not on jmg every single day, so i cant say there is a history why yall are making a big deal out of this but we have a choice unuh! read or do not read…. and the sender is right.. she better mek sure her formation propa fi serve the people in her constituency.
people send in stories about people all the while degrading them to the lowest at times and unuh same one find it amusing. unuh have a seat!
Ina fi dem mind di post a degrade Lisa, they need to go sit down because mi waa know if people seh she fi do har work how can that be degrading
No one disputes Lisa looks.Nobody disputed her being ambitious.Noby disputed her love of fashion.Nobody have a vendetta against her.She could wear a damn sack to Parliament just focus on the job they put you to do the 3rd time.Make this term better than then previous 2.I am sure there is unfinished business from the last two plus new things on the agenda.That should be the focus.
The legacy as a public servant should be that of the job you were sworn in to do not of your fashions.
Then again maybe fashion is her real passion not this politics thing.
I’m gonna take up the offer.i hereby solemnly swear to leave Lisa alone for a period not exceeding 6months. Let us see how many jobs she help create n facilitate for di YUTES in st ann.How many constituency projects get completed in the real sense.
Most of all let’s see if me not lol after her acting the fool for the gram n fb will improve her performance as MP Inna di real sense. I do reserve the right to chobble her pon mi birthday cuz it is my frigging bday n me sure she a go reserve the bag of goodies filled with her sample antics to keep me dwrcl Inna June!!!
Laughter has been my greatest stress reliever. JMG really is entertainment.
Boy mi so late but mi haffi shake mi head when Jcan ppl go fi fool fool eno man nothing can stop dem, mention of Lisa’s need to parade har looks turned into hate n personal vendetta really??? Lisa I see u girl I know u here too Lisa if u were to spend 50% of your focus on improving the lives of the ppl you swear to take of wat a glorious wonderful day it would be ahhh boy