A downtown Kingston vendor who last week pleaded guilty to selling tainted meat is to be sentenced today.

Milton Bundy, 49, pleaded guilty to selling unfit food for human consumption, selling uninspected meat, selling unstamped meat, selling or offering to sell meat at a place not assigned by a public health inspector, butchering without a valid butcher’s licence and not having a food handler’s permit when he appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court.

Police reported that on August 18, approximately 2:00 pm, Bundy was seen sitting beside an igloo on Heywood Street shouting “ready pork”.

When the police approached him he reportedly said, “Boss, mi a beg yu a chance”.

The court heard that the police and public health officials visited Bundy’s home on Maxfield Avenue in Kingston where they found beef, chicken and more pork.

When he appeared in court last week, Bundy was asked by Parish Judge Simone Wolfe-Reece if he was a butcher.

“No, my father died so mi did apply,” Bundy replied.

“Are you a butcher?” Judge Wolfe-Reece repeated.

“I raised that pig,” Bundy uttered.

“You are putting people life at risk,” the judge said.

Bundy then told the court that he did not intend to endanger the public but he fell on hard times.

“You did it already,” Judge Wolfe-Reece responded.

“Mi just did a try mek a food,” was Bundy’s response.

The judge, who was obviously not moved by Bundy’s explanation, asked him if “making a food” was justification for breaking the law.

She then asked him to return to court today for sentencing.

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