A man who confessed to wounding his baby mother’s sister in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Friday was sentenced to one-year probation.

Clifton Lutchmore, 34, who admitted that he shoved his ex -sister-in-law to the ground for meddling into his argument but said he knew he was wrong.

“Every time we have an argument she always buy out her sister argument,” Lutchmore told the court

The court heard that on April 14 Lutchmore pushed the complainant causing her to fall to the ground.

“Him thump me and I fell while I had the baby in my hand,” the complainant said.

At the same time, she told the court that she paid $5,000 for her medical treatment.

Parish Judge Chester Crooks, after noticing the woman’s scars, instructed Lutchmore to pay $10,000.
The woman was quickly compensated by Lutchmore, who raised concerns about his visa being revoked as a result of the charge.

“I don’t know, I don’t work with immigration,” Crooks replied.

Prior to handing down the sentence, the judge advised him to take care of his children.

The father of three told the court that he has two children with the complainant’s sister.

But the complainant was quick to point out that he was not taking care of his children.

The complainant’s sister was subsequently called inside the courtroom.

“What kind of role he plays? Crooks asked the woman.

“I took him to the family court,” the woman replied.

The judge told him that he should take care of his children even if they can’t get along.

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